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Matoran Mo

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Everything posted by Matoran Mo

  1. Doesn't look like I can reply to you since your inbox is full :)

  2. It's a font called atland sketches BB, a quick google should get a download link.

  3. Yep, hopefully back for good, but that's what I said back in 2009! Thanks for the comment. I'll respond to your post about my comic soon, just finishing issue 3.

  4. Indeed I probably will make comics now in a MNOLG style, have started work on the first issue, as far as I know it's not been done (on BZPower) before so it should be interesting....

  5. Thanks, nice to have a compliment, I could make you a MNOLG style signoff if you want, just PM me or post on my profile

  6. I've rather moved away from working on that, You've drawn me back to the forums, for now, (ish) I may have a post for off topic soon.

  7. Welcome to bzpower (:

  8. I would be interested in a trade, however it may be difficult, what country are you from, i live in the UK, if you live in the uk, I would be more than happy to trade.

    PS if so could I have a list of your missprints, i'm not fammiliar with them all.

    Also I would have sent a pm but your inbox is full

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