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Blog Entries posted by Taipu1

  1. Taipu1
    Just been browsing bricklink. All the original Toa Mata Kanohi came in all the Mata colours, except the Kaukau, which seems to be available in Yellow, a strange light blue and orange. All the Mata colours are there except brown. Is there a brown, or are the yellow or orange ones the brown in trans or something?
  2. Taipu1
    In my ongoing tradition of eventually seeing films everyone else saw years ago, I'd just like to say that the Matrix is Brilliant.
  3. Taipu1
    Instead of tending to my MOCing craving, I watched the Opening Ceremony, but to be more productive, I also started working on a new avatar. I'm still working on this Bonesiii powerpoint style thing (Open office now), I'm not sure I've got the lighting effects sussed yet. It's probably my best attempt at this style, but I'm not ready to switch out my current av for it yet.
  4. Taipu1
    I've been toying with the idea of MOCing Akamai and Wairuha, but with a less stunted appearance.
    But with that: What colour schemes do you think would be good? My personal thoughts were Gold and Red for Akamai, and Silver and green for Wairuha, but that perhaps doesn't give much credit to the other 4 Toa involved in the process of forming Kaita.
  5. Taipu1
    BZP Gallery seems surprisingly underused at the moment. The artwork section seems to only have 7 images, and 3 of those are mine.
  6. Taipu1
    I've literally just made an amusing comparison. The Dark Hunters are a criminal organisation, who early on in the main storyline were represented purely by two completely incompetent people.
    Remind anyone else of Team Rocket?
  7. Taipu1
    After what seems like an eternity, its finally changed.
    Also is there anyway to post video here? I'm thinking of making my blog a video blog, so that I don't have to type up my various ramblings.
    It should be noted I probably post an idea of something new I'm going to do for this blog at least once a month, and I've never followed through with any of them.
  8. Taipu1
    Been learning to drive for a couple of monthes now, and the thing I find most difficult is going downhill. I find it disconcerting the way you don't apply any gas, yet the car accelerates. I doubt my instructor thinks this is my biggest problem though...
  9. Taipu1
    Just a quick request to any good MOCers/Photographers out there. Everytime I put pictures up on BZPower, the quality of the pictures isn't the best it could be. Just wandering if anyone might have any advice to help me. This is my majhost folder of MOCs, if examples are needed. some of the pictures there are quite good, but a lot of them aren't.
  10. Taipu1
    Often when I watch a film, I decide I want to write a Short Story or Epic inspired by it. Unfortunately this week I've watched 10 films.
    Anybody got an idea for a crossover on the 3 Bourne films, Pirates of the Carribean 2 and 3, Night at the Museum, the Matrix, The Dictator, MIB and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2?
  11. Taipu1
    Just a follow up question to my look and Leaving speech. Does anyone actually read and click on peoples sig adverts?
  12. Taipu1
    Having waited ages for the MNOLG kit to be reposted, I am now slightly disappointed that it has. I feel it won't last long how it currently is. The topic only seems to have 3 Kanohi in it as of yet, and there seems to be little thought gone into what deserves to be reposted and what doesn't, some of it being pointless stuff, not necessarily "mnolg style" or even coloured correctly.
    I mean no offence to those who helped to have it reposted, in fact, hats off to you, it was alway a fine kit and it is good that people took the time to get permission to have it reposted. But please don't let it degenerate into pointless stuff, without any real updates, that is what killed it in the first place (That and the forum downtime )
  13. Taipu1
    The one Lego related event thing it was possible for me to attend, and I'm going on holiday that day.
    Wish I had my own laptop, then I might be able to do it there. But no...
  14. Taipu1
    Today I bade farewell to the car I learnt to drive in. Its been a firm friend, naturally there were good times, bad times, and of course, the time it took me ten minutes to get the bonnet open.
    So if on peoples worldly travels, you see a little blue Ford Ka registered KG03 OGN, say 'Hi' from Taipu1. Although the likely hood is that it will be scrapped.
    However, I have a bright future ahead of me with a Volkswagen Up!!
  15. Taipu1
    Spent the last two days trying to rebuild Boba Fetts Slave I, the 2006 version. It's a nightmare trying to find any of the pieces though. It must've only taken a couple of hours to build out of the box, but when you don't know where any of the parts are, its already taken 3 times as long and I'm barely over halfway done.
  16. Taipu1
    Measuring speed of sound by the doppler effect. The first part involved a stopwatch, a sound recording, and my folding bike.
    The second less conventional, and less legal on multiple levels part was using my mates Fiat 500 down the road at the front of the school.
    The first run was hilarious, my mate drove down the road at 45mph (30 limit ), while I stick my head out of the window playing the harmonica (Well, one continuous note). We later did it again, this time with the car horn instead of the harmonica.
    The investigation was half successful, the bike got a value for the speed of sound of 386m/s, only 40-50ish out. The car was not as successful, the sound recording didn't work that well, and somehow the pitch of the horn went up once the car had passed, when it should have gone down. It sounded right on the recording, there was just too much interference to find a good value for the frequency.
    Brilliant lesson though.
  17. Taipu1
    Anyone else ever own the epic Nike trainers from back in '03 with the Nuva masks on the toes? I miss those...
  18. Taipu1
    So in assembly, the teacher sayes "Can anyone tell me what day it is?"
    Long silence.
    It's good to know that pretty much everyone I know is unaware of anything happening anywhere.

  19. Taipu1
    So I randomly went on Microsoft Paint, and randomly made this.
    Didn't think it warranted an art topic due to randomness, and generally not much Bionicle. Also not that great artwise.
    Anyway it's an island somewhere, similar to Mata Nui in terms of the island is separated into the areas of the elements, however this includes areas for all canon elements.the grey lines outline underground cave areas, village markers that appear within these caves are all below ground, with the exception of Le-Koro, although the cave beneath is part of the air territory.
    Maybe I'll make an epic, or short story about this place sometime, but I doubt it.
  20. Taipu1
    Mata Nui was condemned to the mantel piece today, his left hand just won't stay on when stored with other bionicles, so he's with Mazeka and his damaged shoulder now . Now looking in to getting those parts replaced...
  21. Taipu1
    does anyone else find that advert for Oxo telly or whatever it is that you sometimes get here just a bit irritating?
    I can't stand it! The adverts don't usually have sounds on BZP.
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