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Status Updates posted by Splinky

  1. 'Kay, it's gone.

  2. )-; i losted a friend

  3. )-;

    Dearie me, where will we find quality banners?

  4. @Haru: Yeah, The Beatles OWN!

    @Levorak: The flash intro? You just make an intro page, either an animation or image, and then make the URL redirect to it.

  5. *Insert random comment here*

  6. ~Icy J~, a 12-year old who claims they're smarter than someone else is actually dumber because they don't know how to behave.


    I believe that is referred to as MATURITY. If oyu ask me, I'd say Vezon is merely an amateur, not a poor banner maker. He gives effort, but lacks control.

  7. 3theHard way RMX.

  8. a customs ftw

  9. A rated you, bones! 5 stars!

  10. Biohazard? As in in Resident Evil/Biohazard?


    No, Biohazard as in the English language/biohazard.

  11. BZP, I guess.


  12. Could I borrow your jar of dirt?

  13. Désolé, je ne suis pas chrétien.

  14. Enjoy your trip, man.

  15. Have a good one, buddy.

  16. He certainly is. U own Omi man!

  17. Hehe... unblocked.

  18. Hey is for horses.

  19. Hey Lix, remember me? Kongu Inika?

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