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Status Updates posted by Ary

  1. OMG Rayg, what happened to you?!

  2. Dumb spammer. I HATE cigarrettes!

  3. Ary

    When you shine a light into the Blue Crystal, an image appears on the wall. What is it?

  4. Ary

    Probably 'cause it had only one track.

  5. So, did I win?

  6. Nah, I think Bonesii means "Bones III", as in "Bones the Third". Now we just have to figure out who the First and the Second was.

  7. Makes you wonder when is considered "evening" for Iruini Nuva.

  8. Um, ok. If you visit my comic :-P

  9. Ary

    I've always thought that music fit with the scene.

  10. Ary

    (Replying to your comment on my profile, of course)

  11. ...when's the next PowerPoint contest?


  12. How'd'ya get onto Bonesiii's friends list?

  13. I like your new av...

  14. I miss alg...

  15. I believe this is the account used by IPB to watch over the forums... IPB has rules to, you know.

  16. Wow! Rayg has hit 10k posts!

  17. Holy Kanohi, you're 9?!

  18. Hey Dark, I have an idea for a comic-crossover between our comics. Please PM me for details.

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