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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    I made this, like, six months ago and I forgot to post it!
    | Nikira |
    Yeah, so this was the design I used for my Hapori Tohu MOC, but it was originally Nikira!
    I still that torso design so much.
    Eyes = ><
  2. -SZ-
    So I'm thinkin' about about buying a few sets from 2001-2004.
    I'd like to know from you (yes you!) if there are any that stand out from the rest.
    EDIT: Something small would be nice.
  3. -SZ-
    For those of you who don't own Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends, please go buy it now.

  4. -SZ-
    There have been so many topics in the past few weeks and months that have been proclaiming that Bionicle just keeps getting worse and worse, but why? Bionicle is a whole lot better than it was in 2001, and lemme prove that:
    2001: We had 5 Rahi, 6 Toa, and 6 Turaga. The Rahi were great, and I admit that, but for some reason they did not sell well at all. But here's where everything goes down. The Toa were not that good, they were very stiff, they were very hard to pose, and there legs were much too skinny. Sure Tahu was good, and Kopaka, Lewa, and Gali were okay, but they had oddly shaped limbs, but then there's Pohatu who was really fat, and Onua who's head was sticking out of his chest. Yes, the Toa did have gears, but all they did was move their arms up and down. Then there's the Turaga, they were the worst, they were very, very stiff, impossible to have a different pose, and they were flat. Not so good. I rate 2001 7/10, mainly because of the Rahi.
    2002: We had 6 Toa, 6 Bohrok, 6 Bohrok Va, Cahdok and Gahdok, Exo Toa, and the Boxer. The Toa were much improved, but still lacked movability. The Bohrok were neat looking, but they were clones and they couldn't move that well either, and their gears made them smack their head...freaky. Cahdok and Gahdok were okay, but they were much too fat. Don't even get me started on the Bohrok Va, they were just...bleh. The Exo Toa was too stiff too, but the Boxer was cool, and had an awesome punching action. I rate 2002 6.5/10.
    2003: We had 6 Bohrok-Kal, 6 Rahkshi, and 4 Titans. The Bohrok-Kal looked great, but they were the exact same thing as the Bohrok, not a good choice by LEGO. The Rahkshi, however, were very impressive, they had a whole range of movements, and they had one of the coolest collectibles (IMO) the Kratta. The Titans were a great move by LEGO, they were all unique, and not one was better then the other, but they did have problems. Takanuva cost too much, Makuta's legs were not built well at all, Pewku and Guko (sp?) both looked like he was missing something. I rate 2003 8/10, it was much better than 2001 and 2002 combined.
    2004: We had 6 Toa, 6 Vahki, 6 Matoran, and 3 Titans. The Toa finally could move, these were one of the best Toa yet. The Vahki were fine, but all in all they were built too much like the Rahkshi, and they also could've used more movability. The Matoran were much better than the old ones, they could move a little better, and they had the awesomest torso armor. The Titans were pretty good for the most part. Nivawk had a very cool wing-flapping action, and he is still the tallest Titan to date. Nidhiki was pretty good, but I would've liked if his legs could move. But Krekka was just plain bad. He was too fat, hard to balance, too short, and his Kanoka launcher action didn't even work half the time. I rate 2004 8.5/10, it was only better than 2003 because there was more movability.
    2005: We had 6 Toa, 6 Visorak, 6 Rahaga, and 4 Titans. The Hordika weren't all that good, but their only problem was their arms, if they had just been symetrical they would've been much better, but no, they weren't and it ruined the sets. The Visorak were very good, although hard to move, but the were the first sets in awhile that weren't clones. The Rahaga were okay, but they lacked movement like with the 2004 Matoran. But the Titans were almost amazing. Sidorak had a great color scheme, but his torso wasn't buff enough. Roodaka was very good, the only problem with her is her arms, but she's still very good. Keetongu, however, wasn't good at all. He didn't look like a Rahi one bit, he was too fat, and his feet were horrible. Lhikan and Kikanolo as very good though, I have still yet to find a major problem with him. I rate 2005 8/10, not as good as 2004, but still pretty good.
    2006: We had 6 Toa, 6 Piraka, 6 Matoran, and 4 Titans. The Inika are the best Toa sets to ever come out, there was not one bad Inika set, all of them were great. The Piraka were very unique, and very kinda scary, they introduced new and improved armor colors and they had great legs. The Matoran were interesting, to put it lightly, they were all unique, but yet they all had there problems. The Titans, however, were the best Titans to ever come out. Brutaka has absolutely nothing wrong with him. Axonn was great too, but I would've liked him to be a bit taller. Vezon and Fenrakk were amazing too, I have not found anything wrong with him either. Umbra was pretty good, he had an odd color scheme, but a liked his skates and his staff. I rate 2006 9.5/10, the best year ever.
    2007. We had 6 Toa, 6 Barraki, 2 Matoran and 2 Hydruka, and 4 Titans. The Toa look very interesting, and bit like the Inika, but since they are preliminary I won't say much about them. The Barraki are, hands down, the best canister sets ever. Each one of them is highly unique, and they're all very good sets, I want to buy all of them. The Matoran and Hydruka are very good too, they're the best Matoran yet, I really like their torsos, and the Hydruka are pretty good, but not nearly as good as the Matoran. The Titans, especially Nocturn, are very good. Nocturn I still can't believe is only $15, he could be $20 and I'd still buy him. Maxilos is great too, he looks like he has great movement and his dog is cool too. Gadunka is as good as his name, in other words, not that good, he's a walking head. Hydraxon (sp?) is pretty awesome, he has a clever chest, and I like his head too. But the Titan are all subject to change, so my opinion may change too. I rate 2007 9/10, a very good year.
    Now, after reading all that how can you possibly think that Bionicle is getting worse? It went from 7/10 to 6.5/10 to 8/10 to 8.5/10 to 8/10 to 9.5/10 to 9/10. It's not getting worse, no, by all means, it's getting much better. Well done LEGO, well done.
    By the way, I'm impressed that you got this far.
  5. -SZ-
    *Stolen from Turakii*

    Can you name the origin of these quotes? Or can you not? Same may be be easy, while others may not.

    So, like, um, do it already...

    1. "There's a monster outside my room; can I have a glass of water?"

    2. "Ah, how shall I do it? Oh, I know. I'll turn him into a flea, a harmless, little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'll put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives...MWHAHA!...I'll smash it with a hammer!"

    3. "I have busted, like, every bone in my body, stabbed myself in the chest, I've shoved a two-foot steel rod through my neck and I don't have a scratch on me!"

    4. "Yeah, you know, Banister? As in "sliding down the-"?"

    5. "One minute you're defending the whole galaxy, and, suddenly, you find yourself sucking down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette...and her little sister."

    6. "Stop blowing holes in my ship!"

    7. "I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows till you come home."

    8. "Hurry up, goldenrod. Or you're gonna be a permanent resident."

    9. "You're right, I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars *next* year. You know, Mr. Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I'll have to close this place in...60 years."

    10. "Asps...very dangerous. You go first."

    Bonus question (conversation):
    >> "Okay Ted, George Washington. One: the father of our country."
    >> "Two: born on President's Day."
    >> "Three: the dollar bill guy."
    >> "Bill, did you ever made a mushroom out of his head?"
    >> "Ted?"
    >> "What?"
    >> "Alaska."
    >> "Okay. Um..."
    >> "Had wooden teeth, chased Moby Dick."
    >> "That's Captain Ahab, dude."
    Answers: 1. Signs. 2. The Emperor's New Groove. 3. Heroes. 4. What's Up, Doc? 5. Toy Story. 6. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. 7. Duck Soup. 8. Star Wars Episode IV: The Empire Strikes Back. 9. Citizen Cane. 10. The Raiders of the Lost Ark. Bonus: Bill and Ted's Exellent Adventure.
  6. -SZ-
    Today I was lookin' through the entry list of BBC #40, and I found Seran's Knight of Temperence MOC. I looked at it for awhile as the memory of this MOC returned to my mind, but then I noticed something that I hadn't seen before...the feet. WOW! Those things are amazing! They fit absolutely perfectly with the MOC, and they just look so dang good. I'm amazed!
    For further reference, look here. LINK
    So, this entry is deticated to Seran, and I want each and every one of you to look at those feet and...um...look at 'em sa'more, 'cause you're looking at, dare I say...the perfect feet.
    Way to go Seran, even if you didn't win BBC #40, you still made awesome feet.
  7. -SZ-
    My goodness, has it been one year already? I guess so, because that shiny Vahi is telling me so.
    Let's see, when I first became a member I (of course) did some pretty newb-ish things that I wish I could take back. But I posted my first MOC, which was a customazation of Voporak, and I was very proud of that MOC, I thought I could never top that...little did I know.
    After dicovering Brickshelf I was amazed at the MOCs I saw, and they made me want to MOC so very much more that I ripped apart my two favorite sets at the time; Roodaka and Sidorak. In no time I had made a MOC out of those two sets and looking back at it now it was very horrible, but back then I thought it was the greatest.
    Then I did some minor MOCing including an all gray Rahkshi and a couple Dark Hunter, of which I was very fond of at the time and is the reason I started out being DarkHunterSZ.
    But then BBC #37 came around and I entered my Ninjo: The Four-Legged Dark Hunter, sure it didn't really fit the theme one bit, but it was my first step to becoming a real MOCist. It lost in the prelims, but I still got a fair amount of votes, which made me very happy. Hey, even now I look back at my Ninjo and think that it was a solid MOC.
    Around this time is when I met my best friend Turakii #1 Lavasurfer. Boy, she has been awesome. She has been the greatest of friends to me, she always makes me laugh, but yet she can be serious in a flash. No she is not my girlfriend, just a friend who happens to be a girl. I say, if I were to have met her in the way she met me I don't think I would've stayed in thouch with her, but no, she has always been so kind and such an amazing friend. I can't thank you enough, Turakii.
    I didn't enter BBC #38 or #39 because I was not an experienced enough MOCist and could not make a MOC to fit either theme. But in the mean time I was doing my PBZP, and boy, was it gaining popularity (not as much as Mikey's, no, but it was popular to me).
    About this time (I think) I started writing short stories. I entered the Short Story contest, but didn't do anything in it. After that I wrote a couple other stories that were okay, but not that great. The last two that I wrote were extremely depressing and I wondered if anyone would even post in them. Sometime I wonder if the person reading these stories think I'm a girl, since my two main characters in both the my stories have been girls.
    Then, about the time I finished my PBZP, I entered BBC #40 with my HyperMecha MOC. It was my first BBC entry to make it to the semi-finals. It lost, yes, but it, like my Ninjo, made me very happy. I felt like I could make anything.
    I finished my PBZP quietly, or so it seemed because hardly anyone posted in the topic. My PBZP, as I look at it now wasn't all that great and I wish I had the time to re-MOC all of them but a few.
    BBC #41 came around and I made one of my best creations yet, my sandwhich entry Vahki Supreme: The Annihilator. I thought for sure it would do well, since I thought it was so good, but no, it didn't do that well at all. But I think all that did was make me want to make better and better MOCs.
    BBC #42 came along and I made it to the semi-finals, but now it looks as though I may not make it any further. But that's okay, I pretty sure I can live through it.
    And now, finally, I have gotten my one-year-Vahi. And all I can say is this: THANK YOU BZPOWER FOR ONE AWESOME YEAR!
  8. -SZ-
    The dance of Sadie Hawkins
    In my trousers of color
    There khaki; is nothing better
    The girls asks individuals
    It is always a there surprise
    Is nothing better
    The baby does to him
    Has taste of my sweater?
  9. -SZ-
    You know, I wouldn't be surprised if in the next fews months BZP takes away the blogs.


    I mean, they do have the right, but they're making blogging less and less fun the longer we have them.


    I guess we should honor the members with dial-up...

    Don't Panic!
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