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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    How could I have been so stupid!?!
    I linked to dead topics in my PBZP topic, and now *insert member name here* has gone and posted in all of 'em! :angry:
    I'd like to say sorry to all of you staff members, especially Kex, because now he'll have to lock all of them. I really didn't want them all locked.
    Man, I even posted in my PBZP topic to NOT post in those topics! *insert member name here* needs to read the rules, and the reminder in my topic. But most of all, I need to stop being so stupid! How could I have done that!?! And been that stupid!?!
    I'm so mad and angry right now, so please excuse me for being rash.
    Hence the "ARGH".
  2. -SZ-
    ...ha ha, pun!
    Okay, for realz, I wants to gets Gadunka t'cuz he has 16 stinkin' dark blue hip-joints!
    Also I was thinkin' about gettin' Maxilos and Spinax.
    Should I?
    I may wait for a sale...
  3. -SZ-
    ...so I shall discuss the hero winter 2008 sets and then later the villain 2008 sets.

    Tanma: First of all, wouldn't it be much easier to pronounce it if it was "Tamna"? Anyways, the mask reminds me of Norik's (forgot its real name). I see that he has a "jetpack" on his back; neat. The new leg and arm pieces remind me of the Olda's limbs, which is a very good thing. I can't quite tell if that's iron or bley...probably bley knowing LEGO. The new torso is awesome too, I'm glad LEGO has put so many new pieces on these Matoran. I just hope those eyes are real and not computer-generated. Weapons are fine, they fit. 8.5/10.

    Solek: Um, that is probably the ugliest mask I've ever seen. Anyway, the new hand-pieces don't bother me at all, just as long as they don't snap. Uh, not much else to comment on, seeing as I did so with Tanma. Weapons are, again, fine, I just wish LEGO would pose these sets differently so that they're holding their weapon more naturally. 7/10.

    Photok: ORANGE, MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE!!!! The mask here is much better than *shudder* Solek's. I like the weapons, seeing as I don't have any silver Chronicler's Staffs yet. Oh, and I'm glad LEGO made his feet orange instead of bley/iron as they did with the rest of these Matoran. 9/10.

    Lewa Nuva: Hmm, no green or dark green, interesting. Okay, now it's time for me to come clean...I like bley. Yeah. So sue me. I think bley looks very good with lime-green too, especially on this set. I would've liked the arms to have been shorter and the torso longer, but who is LEGO for proportions? His mask is awesome; those little jet-like things on each side rock. The sword-weapon is ridiculously awesome; probably the best weapon I've seen in the longest time. The "jetpacks" are an interesting choice for him, seeing as he WAS the one with wing-like things before. Huh. And then there's the launchers...well, they're big, really big...and they shoot Zamors. Huh. Not too thrilled about them. 8/10.

    Kopaka Nuva: Now, I DO like bley, but bley and white have never mixed well. Again this set has those stupidly long arms. His mask is odd, especially that red "thing" coming out if his left eye. And why yellow eyes?! Blue is oh-so much better. The wings are fine, I don't have much of a problem with them. And I also like how LEGO re-colored that sleek Inika chest-plate, making it silver now. One major problem, though, is that he has Piraka lower legs for lower arms; bad choice LEGO, those things look hideous. I can't really tell what his weapon is, it looks interesting...at least. 6.5/10.

    Pohatu Nuva: Again, ORANGE!!!!!! The mask, of course, reminds us all of the Vahi, but that's a good thing, and especially with the awesome blue visor he has. The torso, however, has serious issues: No orange, black, for some reason, skinniness, and that it's much too wide. I see that LEGO reused the idea that they had with Nuparu Inika, with having a shoulder-mounted cannon; nice. And then there's his arms, has anyone noticed that he doesn't have lower arms? That his arms are actually a part of his weapons? How cool is that! And speaking of cool, check out his weapons, they're not quite as good as Lewa's, but they come close. 8/10.

    On a general note, the canisters rock.

    More coming later...

  4. -SZ-
    Insted of signing out with, "SZ" I'm going to signout with, "SZ". It's bold!
    The Jedi do not like Leet. I've changed the use of it to a proper word, but I think you should re-take a look over here.
    Told you it was the decision of the century.
    By the way, here's proof. LINK

    EDIT: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I should know better than that. Sorry.

  5. -SZ-
    Okay, a lot of you have taken the time to responde in my "What is my best MOC entry" and now I've decided to answer you all with two words: Ha, ha.
    Most of you said Polo X, and I say that is a nice choice, but seriously, he's my BEST?! Some of you even dared to say Tohu, and rest assured, I will try to punch you as best I can. But not one of you said Vahki Supreme: The Annihilator, which shocked me very much. That MOC is the one I view as my best, not Polo X. Yes, I know, it lost in the first round for some reason, but to me it is my best. I mean, when I built it ever piece seemed to be made just to go in the place on that MOC, everything seemed perfect...heh, apparently not.
    So there.
    I wonder what would happen if I changed my name to something that didn't resemble -SZ-. Hmm...
  6. -SZ-
    So, today I was riminising remenising reminising reminiscing about the olden days when I first joined BZP. When I first joined, I wanted to do the following:
    1) Be the most popular and bestest MOCist evar!!
    2) Win BotW. (Then it disappeared!! )
    3) Become staff and ban people! (Actually, I just wanted a larger avatar )
    4) Have everyone think I'm totally funny and awesome and love me.
    Obviously, I didn't succeed in any of these.
    What were your goals? Didja achieve them?

  7. -SZ-
    Yes, it's true, I'm following a growing Blog fad by doing a "Thingamabob of the Week", and weekly too. Basically what this is is that I award a "Bionicle-related something" (whether it be a MOC, drawing, epic, topic, etc...) each week. So, who be the first weeks' winner? Read on...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « "Save the Penguins" drawn by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer. This is an explanation from her website: Seriously, how could you resist that face?  

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