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Year 17

About ^_^

  • Birthday 06/13/1993

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Silicon Valley, CA
  • Interests
    Basic Interests:<br />My interests include Bionicle (obviously) although mostly making mechanical MOCs and attempting to draw them in Flash. I also enjoy making flash movies/games with Adobe Flash CS3. <br /><br />Games:<br />I only play DS/Advance and PS2 games (because those are the only two consoles I have). My favorite games are: Metroid Prime: Hunters (although I don't have a Gamecube or Wii, so I can't play any of the Metroid Primes); Pokemon Platinum/DP/Emerald/RS (I dislike the show and cards, but the games are okay); Final Fantasy (I've never played any for the ps/ps2, but I have: FFIII, FFIV, and Chocobo Tales for the DS and FFIV, FFV, and FFVI for the GBA); Metal Gear Solid (I've only played Sons of Liberty (#2) and Snake Eater (#3), and if I save up enough to get a PS3, I'll get MGS4; and last but not least, Fire Emblem. I also have Need for Speed: Pro Street/Undercover for the DS. I own 15 DS games so far, mainly because I actually buy them legally (dang you people with R4's); also, because nothing good for the PS2's come out since the PS3/Wii/360.<br /><br />Cars:<br /><br />If you can't tell by now, I REALLY like them.<br /><br />Muscle cars in general are awesome, with my favs being the Plymouth Road Runner, AMC Javelin, Dodge Charger, Plymouth Barracuda, and the Chevy Chevelle. I stick to mostly Mopars (Dodge/Plymouth/Chrysler/AMC) but like any good American car. I also have an unjustified prejudice against European cars, as I believe that anyone in a BMW or Mercedes is really a wannabe rich obnoxious person, and if they were looking for performance, they could have gotten it a LOT cheaper in a different car. I'm okay with Japanese cars so long as they're not ricers (i.e. Fast and Furious-style cars. Vin Diesel is the best character in those movies.)<br /><br />Inventions:<br />Most of my inventions are projectile launchers of some sort or another, ranging from marshmallow guns to mini-catapults to bike pump mortars to a small PVC shoulder-mounted endcap launchers (i.e. "rocket launchers"). My parents disapprove of Airsoft guns, so I have to resort to building my own marshmallow guns.

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    don't bother asking

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  1. Oh, I didn't know that, since I have only been on here since the beginning of Summer.

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