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Heir of the Chronicler

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Heir of the Chronicler

  1. Aesthetically, BIONICLE looked better- we've had nothing but the same recycled shells and handful of attachments for years now. As a building system, CCBS is vastly superior as it's much more modular. If CCBS could be updated with a diversity of shell styles, it would be all around better.


    My remaining gripe is how loose shells sit on the "skeleton". The design could have tightened that up, and I don't know why it doesn't.


    - Heir

  2. Kopeke and Tamaru are part of a buyer commission, yes- although I intend to duplicate them for my own collection some day, too!


    I want to go further with creating LEGO compatible repaints, so you'll definitely see more like them. I'll post much higher quality pictures of them soon, as well.


    Actually, I did use his MNOLG color scheme! They used the same light blue for Tamaru and Kongu's teal, and the same sand blue for Kopeke and Matoro. So, these are MNOLG accurate, rather than "set" accurate, as they changed Tamaru's mask and feet to yellow, and Kopeke's mask and feet to Ga-Koro light blue.


    - Heir

  3. Are you referring to mold making, ie casting duplicates of existing masks, or are you referring to making a custom mask from scratch? Because those are two totally different things, with several ways to go about each.


    - Heir

  4. @Komali

    Just PM'd you back!



    Give me a sec, let me find the sarcasm font... how dare you have enough interest that you tried repeatedly, across multiple media platforms, to contact me!? :P


    Anyway, I dropped you a PM on here just now. Hope we can make it happen, would be my first custom of that type :)


    - Heir

    • Upvote 1
  5. Yay, I got a vouch ^_^


    And, yep, I've got an old tutorial- but, I'm taking the site down soon. The tutorials will be updated and reposted to my blog immediately after, though.


    Sculpting your own Olisi could be a lot of fun, honestly. That said, it's very difficult to capture in three dimensions- neither mine, or the ShapeWays render, or the one in this thread really do it justice. The art was simply never meant to be replicated by a physical object.


    If / when I make another one, it won't be anywhere near as big as my original (which was built on top of an Inika Suletu), but much closer to the size of the one pictured in the OP.


    - Heir

  6. @doodlebot

    Wow, thanks for the kind words, man :)


    There's no way I'm learning 3D modeling myself- instead, I've touched base with former BZPower member Populus, who did a lot of BIONICLE 3D modeling back in the day and has since gotten several of his renders incorporated into TF2 by Valve. I'm really excited to see what we can do (and, if we do make a go of it, I'll drop you a line!)



    I'd really rather not provide estimates, as they can very easily be thrown by how simple- or difficult- a custom is. That said, a single mask-size item rarely seems to go above $20, and is much more often on either side of $10. Return shipping, of course, runs everything up.


    - Heir

    • Upvote 1
  7. It's not my intention to beat my own drum, but... I can arrange a custom Olisi for you :P




    Who's Karzahni MOC is that, anyway? You should post credit ;)


    - Heir

    • Upvote 2
  8. @Toa Komali

    I certainly can. You can't see it, but the Makuta's eyes are painted under the mask.



    No worries, I didn't get to spend nearly as much time as I had wanted on the convention floor, either. At this rate, I aught to just go buy a bunch of McToran from eBay and keep a stockpile of Makutas!


    @Toa Nekar

    Deserted, indeed. Anyway, sounds good ^_^



    I was just working on writing back to you, actually! Unfortunately, you're not the only one I owe a reply- and an apology- to. :(


    - Heir

  9. The Russian narrator in the beginning sounds like Iain Glen (Jorah Mormont, Game of Thrones).


    Man, the American narration would sound so much better with Iain Glen.


    EDIT: I have no idea what Pohatu said at the end, but I feel like it was epic.




    I mean, just look at that camera angle. Whatever he said, it had impact, man.

    - Heir

    • Upvote 8
  10. @-TD-

    Thanks! Yeah, I'm excited to get started. I hope to use it to create precision masters for resin molds.



    That's just an example image- he's not for sale. However, I can create another one for $20 + return shipping, or, if you don't have a Tohunga to spare, $20 + McToran retail + mask retail + return shipping. Let me know!


    - Heir

    • Upvote 1
  11. @Tuuli

    I think that's just an ambiguous choice of phrasing meant to dodge the reproduction question. Going by my Tolkien model, the correct wording would be, "Protector to first born".



    Eh... eh. I considered that 2/12 because Gorast and Gali weren't the same species, but that is true, there were two female characters in the same wave of 6.


    - Heir

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