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Shadow Kurahk

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Shadow Kurahk

  1. Liek omg your back! :D

    Wait, you left? XD

  2. And, of course, a few others. :P

  3. HELLO....friend...... _ /

    . .

  4. No, he's the Easter Bunny, he told me over IM. :P

  5. Welcome to be BZPower!

  6. i was just saying hi ;.;

  7. Congratulations on your proto boost. :)

  8. well, it's up to you. i only revealed as mcuch asas would make it playable yet very mysterious.

  9. Toa of venom: wrong.

    Toa of chips: Right, but the correct explanation would be true because sheep burps contain a chemical that can destroy the ozone layer. Next one's coming up.

  10. I've already decided what my name's going to be anyway. What do you think of Black Brutaka?

  11. Than...you remember that time I asked you for the layered BotW Banner file? :P Apparently your home right now, so I thought I'd remind you about that. :P

  12. I'm going to make a rocker out of symbols!

    |ֿ|_|ֿ| _ַ


  13. Congratulations on becoming orange.

  14. Dood! U haz a request in my shopz!

  15. Thanks. I always use my gmail, so we're good. Mine is purmou. When should we try?

  16. It really is urgent. :P

  17. Awesome avatar, Omi.

  18. Hey, would you happen to know who the Second Kira is? The investigation's gone down a longshot. :P

  19. By the way, you might want to change the "maj" in the url to of your avatar to "majhost" if you want it to show up. ;)

  20. Nope.

    Trust me, it's tough, but there's a secret.

  21. It's a perfectly fine question. ;) And, yes, I am. Why do you ask?

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