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The Best Display Name

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Status Updates posted by The Best Display Name

  1. Hi SF! If you read this, I'll be happy! :)

  2. Yayz! SPIRIT has looked at my profile! I wonder why...

  3. Thanks Barrakihunter. I hope there will be more comments.

  4. Hey, are you ever going to come back?

  5. Thanks. But my RPG got deleted. Someone closed it. Oh well.

  6. Thanks, glad you liked it!

  7. The new comics are here! Check my sig for the link.

  8. You're not allowed to use the spinnies in your sig, avatar, profile etc. until you've earned them.

  9. Is it ok to vote here? Relient K! Coincidently, I learnt about Relient K here in the first place, and now they're my favourite band!

  10. Hi! Do you want to co-author for my epic?

  11. Worse? I'm in year 7, we get homework everyday! I have 2 assessments to get on with!

  12. Lol, I've been really lazy with it lately. And high school gives me SO MUCH HOMEWORK!

  13. Well...hello...IIPB Admin...if that is your real name...XD!

  14. You're welcome, gah, I sounded so harsh!

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