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Blog Entries posted by xccj

  1. xccj
    I am angry. A whole day shifting through computery things and still no success.
    Okay, here's the problem. I have an iPod, and a library on iTunes (and a separate one in Windows Media player, but I digress). I've had the iPod for a while now and I've been able to sync new songs to it regularly. But today, when I went to update it, iTunes wouldn't recognize it. I got a message saying "An iPod has been detected, but it could not be identified properly. Please disconnect and reconnect the iPod, then try again."
    After doing this a dozen times, i started going through Apple's troubleshooting guides, which led me to various computer management places where I uninstalled and reinstalled a bunch of things, but nothing's worked. The only thing I have yet to do it completely reinstate (or re-something) the iPod to it's manufactured condition. I'm hesitant to do this 'cause it'll delete all the files on the thing, and I want to put that off as a last resort in case that deleting somehow passes onto the library on my computer.
    And I even know what the trouble is. I went on some help forum for iTunes (hope it's okay to simply mention this). I saw a few other topics of people complaining about the exact same thing, and it has all come after they updated their iTunes software. (Which I did recently) But not one place is there something telling me how to fix it.
    If any of you have encountered such a problem and know of a fix, please tell. If you haven't had a problem, then maybe be wary about downloading the newest update on iTunes. And if that doesn't apply to you either, then you can see why I'm frustrated.
    And in the end, this is proof that Apple software can be just as troublesome and irksome as everything else. Macs aren't flawless.

  2. xccj
    I managed to convinve my parents to drop me off at a Barns & Nobles today, and I went in and bought me a copy of the latest Bionicle Legends book! Yay! I'm considering it a birthday present to myself... and I read it. It was pretty good in many places, but it still left an odd taste in my mouth after having read it. But, as I learned with Power Play and Legacy of Evil, reading it the first time through doesn't make it seem as descriptive and exciting as when you've reread it a couple of times.
    I won't reveal any spoilers, but you'd better go and get that book if you've liked any of the Legends books. Only problem now... I'll have to wait until Janurary for the next book to come out (maybe sooner, maybe later). Because this one doesn't end nicely like Time Trap... it leaves us a nice big cliffhanger.
    And if that spoils it for ya... sorry.
    Happy Birthday to me.

  3. xccj
    That's how I end all formal letters / emails I write. I consider most of my writing to be a major inconvienence to those I write to, so i always try to show graditude that they took time out of their busy day to read my note. Except for that note I sent to the malicious loan shark. That just ended with "Bugger off."
    Also gave in to my bad habit and bought more Series 3 minifigs. (Seriously, not only did they have them, but they had restocked!) I got a fisherman (haha, the rare one indeed) and a baseball player for myself. I also got a hula girl to give to my sister as a present. And I got a few for some other friends (and I won't tell them what I THINK I got them) BUT I left plenty behind... including a few rappers, another hula girl, plenty of space aliens and pirates, and a couple tenis players, chieftans, and mummies. I gave up on the dots... I just felt my way through, and just used the dots to confirm once I got home. (Was still sketchy about the fisherman's) I felt quite a few distinct figs, but strangly I did not discover any disctint Sumo wrestlers (which is fine by me) and, sadly, no snowboarders or samari.

  4. xccj
    Went to the Portland International Raceway today. Got to see the Champ Car races, and those cars were pretty loud! Got to get in for free as a scout... although I had to spend the whole morning filling balloons with helium. At the start of the Nationally Televised Race, I helped launch them all into the air. It looked cool... and the balloons are apparently biodegradable. And the race aired on TV... although I don't know if they saw any of the balloons. They were doing a bunch of other stuff as well.
    Like any of you really care...

  5. xccj
    So I get back from my Accounting final (I don't want to go over how much a disaster that probably was) and immediately log on and post the news of the day (it's Thursday, so typically I'd choose the MN Saga update) Since my laptop was already on, I didn't bother refreshing the front page. I write up a very crafty story (not as good as Smeags, but not half bad) and post it. Then I refresh the front page only to see that my story is a dupe, and Bossman already posted the news earlier today.
    So, as the title implied...
    I blame it on a all-nighter studying / procrastinating. Oh well, now I have something else to check next time in addition to my spelling of the world Bioncle.

    also B6 is amazing bossman all worship him
  6. xccj
    The good news: HAHAHA YEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!! Totally ace my Volcano Class Final. Totally aced the class. Probably not a 4.0, but more like 3.8, because I didn't do so swell on the first midterm. But hey, the prof. hasn't posted the final grades yet, But anyway, YES!
    Why do I need the noose? Because I failed my three other courses. >.< I am so dead when I get home.
    Also listening to Alkaline Trio.

    Oh mercy me, God bless catastrophy
    There's no way in ####
    We'll ever live to see through this
    So drive yourself insane tonight
    It's not that far away
    And I just filled up your tank
    earlier today

  7. xccj
    I posted the #1 Hot Topic on Thursday!!
    Granted, it was a news topic, and it was posted while the forum was down so only staff could post and there wasn't any competition. But I'm not going to get a chance like this again, so I'm takin' what I can get!
    Edit: And by the time the forums came back online, I've posted three or four news stories, whose talk back topics all made it to the #1 hot topic spot. This is totally a thing to brag about.

  8. xccj
    Why can I not write it right now? It's just a simple one page essay. I attended the lecture where they talked about it. The reading is even online, although I haven't read it yet. And it's due tomorrow. But I'm dead tired. I got all the assigned homework in... just not the extra credit assignment...
    On a different topic, why hasn't Lego released a boomerang piece for the mini figs? Even if they can't actually throw it and have it return. The closest they have is the Batman throwy things, and they don't look like a boomerang, they look like one messed up bat.

  9. xccj
    I dunno what's worst; that I make a spelling mistake on the front page *again* or that my computer froze up when I went to correct it. >.<

  10. xccj
    I don't know how common it is elsewhere, but at my High School, we have to complete Senor Projects. It's alot like a Boy Scout Eagle Project, but I can't use my same project for two thing. It's mostly on speeches tlaking about how the project changed me and the world around me. Or something along those lines.
    While installing more benches will be a bit redundant for me, I was thinking about maybe writing a story. It'll teach me how to write fiction (like I don't know how) and it'll help others by entertaining them and distracting them temporarily from the woes of the world. Unfortunatly, I only know a few themes to write on... Bionicle and my own Adventure-Superhero theme (J.A.F.) And while some people may be interesting in the great adventures of Jaller and co that I write about, I doubt people in the community will. So I have to find something, I don't know, realistic to write about.
    Since that may take me a while, I might practice by writing some more on BZP (yeah, I'll use the excuse that it's all for practice). I've hit a major writing block with Slizers and Kanoka Makers, but I got struck by some new inspiration on something else. Problem is that most of my old reviewers may not be around anymore to get excited. So the hint I'll give may not have a meaning to anybody else (besides Kumata, obviously). So, the hint is...
    Time Disruption.
    And now I'll probably not write anything and just continue to wander around BZPower until the next BBC contests induces me to enter...

  11. xccj
    Nobody's commented on my last two entries this week.
    I find you lack of contribution disturbing...
    Boy, when I find something worthwhile to blog about, you'd better reply.

  12. xccj
    At least according to the blog counter thingy. I'm not sure if that counts unpublished entries or not.
    Anyway, this is my 1,000th Blog Entry in my blog... which, as you can see, is blogarific. I wanted to do something special for this... and I will. Some of you remember that story I was advertising in my blog last year (like, December 2009). It will be populated with BZP Member and such, and will hopefully be formatted in a cool new way that you haven't seen on BZP before. (Hey, I try)
    Anyway, I'm finally finished with it, so now it's just a matter of posting it. (Yes, it will be appearing in my blog [and blog staff, just be aware of this if you start to see a bunch of empty entries]) I hope to get it up by tomorrow, so then you can enjoy it.
    And thanks for reading!

  13. xccj
    *About the title... yeah, I'm a little off, but must try to keep the countdown going, whatever the countdown is for*
    *Anyway, I'll change it later to a more fitting title for this topic at hand*
    Bionicle Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I got this March 1… like the days it came out. There’s one good thing about living within walking distance from the largest Barns and Nobles this side of the Mississippi (or something like that); they’ll have the book I’m looking for in on time. Or at least they’re slightly more reliable than the B&N at home. Anyway, I got it, read it, bragged about my ownership online, but I couldn’t write a review or anything because of spoiler. Well, that’s changed. If they can post spoilers across BZP and Biosector01, then I can do it here in my blog… at least within the safety of this comfy spoiler warning. Read on? Okay. 
    The book starts back in time a few days, with the Makuta first taking on the Matoran. Then it fast forwards to the Makuta getting blinded, and the Matoran flying out to battle them. The Matoran, despite being small sets, take the center stage here, especially Tanma. Although I preferred the stories of the Voya-Nui Matoran more, these light dudes aren’t bad (except for their shadowy counterparts).
    The arrival of the Toa really sets things into motion. Of course, it consists mostly of Lewa, Kopaka, and Pohatu. Gali, Tahu, and Onua get a few mentions and lines, but ultimately it’s like they’re not even there… and then they leave and they’re really not there. Of the remaining Toa, Lewa and Kopaka have great contrasting personalities. I really enjoyed Pohatu, though. I liked him in the comics, but now reading extensively about him makes me like his character all the more. He can take a joke, but also knows how to be very serious. Plus, lots of his power usages were really good… when they escaped from the Makuta hive, he puts good use into his stone powers (to free Lewa) and his mask of speed (to fight the Makuta… as speed is one of the powers they don’t have. YEAH!) Kopaka and Lewa have some good lines and moves too… particularly Kopaka vs Mutran. Kopaka thinks in battle, unlike some certain hotheaded Toa leaders of previous years. (Tah-who?)
    Speaking of characteristics, the Makuta aren’t quite so bad. Vamprah is a silent and vicious hunter… okay, great, but not too exciting. All the Makuta are harsh to a point, and that being Vamprah’s main attribute doesn’t make him stand out… despite what his set form may look like. Chirox, my former favorite Makuta personality of the three Phantoka, is characterizes as being a poor warrior… and scientist, when compared to Mutran. He is very impatient and straightforward… and somehow I didn’t think he was quite as cool. Now, Antroz… there’s a cool dude. Good lines, good attitude… a little bit like a watered town Teridax, but keeping many of his good parts. Like boasting and threats, always good. Antroz makes a good leader for a bunch of villains.
    Onto the Titans… Mutran is easily the coolest Makuta here. Not only does he have the whole mad scientist thing going… always thinking about how to make the better shadow leach… but he’s a good fighter too. He really can use mind tricks… keeping Pohatu and Lewa in an illusion while shattering Kopaka’s mind at the same time! Maybe it also helps that he could see too. Even though he did get defeated, he’s cool. And he even made the final call… true leadership, Teridax would applaud him (especially ‘cause he sacrificed his well being so his brothers could continue on with the plan). His assistant, Vican, was a disappointment. Vican’s personality revolved around him being afraid of what Mutran might do to him, afraid of the weird Rahi steed he’s riding, afraid of Icarax… the list goes on. Icarax is great, causally blasting enemies and allies on a whim. However, my favorite part of the whole book was when he got devolved by the Ignika. The Toa-fied Mask of Life made a cool character, especially when he keeps on silently saving the day and all. But still, the best part was when he totally owned Icarax. LOL!
    The big final battle was pretty good, and ended on a nice cliffhanger that’ll lead into the next few books. (How can it be a cliffhanger… they’re al flying) Although this book had plenty of good battles and elemental attacks, it also contained a fair portion of ingenious plots and twists, making the Toa Nuva’s comeback truly golden. I can’t wait for the next Legends book. If you haven’t got this one yet… GET IT NOW! That is a command. From Antroz himself.
    Now, for some cool quotes.
    “That’s a first- someone expecting a being born of shadow to look on the bright side.” ~ Chirox
    “Simple Rule. First priority goes to protecting Matoran who aren’t shooting shadow at me.” ~ Tahu
    “I’ll stay here, since I am the only Ta-hero good at flying. Kopaka, you should jump-dive into the swamp, I think.” ~ Lewa
    “Why?” ~ Kopaka
    “’Cause I ever-always end up on your team, and you’re not exactly a Matoran sack of laughs.” ~ Lewa
    Mutran didn’t answer. His smarter creations had a habit of rebelling, so he had tended to keep his Rahi beasts short on brains.
    “Five other Toa to choose from, and I am stuck with the two that are just this side of being Rahi.” ~ Kopaka
    “Mask of Vision, remember. It’s not just a cute name… unlike, say, ‘sky-blaster.’” ~ Kopaka
    “When’s the last time we met a giant, slimy, jaw-mouth full of teath, peaceful Rahi?” ~ Lewa
    “You have thirty seconds in which to be extremely amusing.” ~ Icarax
    “I guess I forgot not to include my fellow Makuta as a target. I suppose after almost 100,000 year, your memory begins to go.” ~ Icarax
    “And we don’t have an army. We barely have a kolhii team.” ~ Pohatu
    He had never been a believer in unity of duty, those virtues the Matoran clung to like drowing stone rats cling to driftwood. But the third one they cherished, destiny? Ah, yes, he believed in destiny. ~ Makuta Teridax

  14. xccj
    So today I went to the Lego store in Dallas to take advantage of the double VIP points. I also went with two fellow interns to show them the wonderful world of Lego. (See, Elly and Erin, I do blog, and yes, it is mostly about Lego!)
    Anyway, I got two collections completed.
    After a slow start, I did manage to collect all 16 Series 9 figs. The last two were the Waiter and Caesar. I would like to do another front page review of how to find them, ext, but I am so late on these that it isn't worth it. Plus, what, Series 10 is coming out in a month or two, right?
    I also got the Garmatron. If for no other reason than to pick up kimono Zane. Now I have all four lovely 2013 Ninjas. (Technically I should get green Lloyde at some point too.) Not too sure if I want the golden ninja; he doesn't have the same appeal as these four do. (Oh, and I guess there was that Garmatron set thing too...)
    And it turns out those Speedoraz things are pretty fun. No, no, I can't be into Chima yet, I still have to spend my money elsewhere first!! (But on that note, I got an extra 120 VIP points today with only $60, so that's $5 that I can spend later on some of the cooler summer Chima stuff.)
    But besides the lego store visit... well, life, work, travel, stuff.

  15. xccj
    That's how long I've been on BZPower now. I can't think of anything significant about 14 years... although I guess this does mean I've been on BZPower for about half my life. Yay. (That spinny mask of water should appear any time now...)
    In other news, I was gonna mail out some prizes the other day... then the region I live in got hit with the worst snow storm in 30 years. Sooooo... yeah, maybe later.

  16. xccj
    Yesterday blew past before I even realized that I had reached another BZPower Anniversary. 15 years this time (2003 - 2018). This will be the last year where I have NOT been on BZPower for more than half my life. (I mean, I suppose I could quit cold turkey next year, but that seems a bit extreme just to nullify a meaningless stat.)
    Anyway, I now have Makuta's (Gen II) Mask of Control spinning underneath my name. Yayz?
    Also, its fun to host a mafia game for once and see everybody's poor decisions being made. Hope people are enjoying it so far.

  17. xccj
    1 week of regular school classes left, and then 1 week of finals.
    And then I'm finished with college. I'll be graduating. Finally.
    And I still have some pretty big projects to complete in that time, not to mention the tests. >.< Mostly I just want school to end so I can start the internship, get paid, and have a little spending money again!
    Also random animation becuase I can:


  18. xccj
    No, I'm not creating a second, larger version of my last entry. This is something new.
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I am thinking of a Bionicle Character; you must ask me questions to see who it is. The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't. There can only be one question per post, and no double posting. I will edit my answer into every body's post, and will only answer the first question.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    Edit: Final answer in! It was Toa Naho, and the winner is Bfahome!
    Would anybody be interested if I did this kind of thing once a week? It was kind of fun. See my last post for details.
  19. xccj
    Time to give this a go again...
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of a Bionicle location.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    Edit: The Power that Is got it this time around. The answer was Motara Desert... you guys figured it out in 25 tries.
    BtB asked a question, so I'll pass it onto you... would you guys rather play 30 questions instead of 20? It won't make much of a difference, because it's not like I penalize you for going over the limit, but what do you think?
  20. xccj
    Alright, I'm restarting, but I've come up with a new little idea. The next 8 (at least) contests will have a consistent theme; I will select something by the year, and you must figure out what it is. It can vary from a character to an object to a location, but it will be introduced in the said year. (AKA, so even though Brutaka appears in 2008, he was introduced in 2006. Specifics, however, like Tahu Mata, Nuva, or Mistika, Vakama Metru or Hordika, or Jaller Inika or Mahri, will be specified by year.)
    Since I will be busy this weekend, I'm starting this now.
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2001.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    Choco Frogo wono... the answer was Kanohi Akaku, first introduced in 2001 on Kopaka but also in five other pretty colors, including a sand blue version for the then alive Matoro. It appeared in MNOLG, and was used too... just not by a Toa like it should be. Anyway, CF got the correct answer after persistant pesterings... I will now think up something in which to stump you guys again for next week, which will deal with something from 2002. And I haven't counted all the guesses yet... but it was more than 20.
  21. xccj
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2002. It may be a character, object, or location, but it was directly introduced in this year.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

  22. xccj
    I'm bored.
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2003. It may be a character, object, or location, but it was directly introduced in this year.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

  23. xccj
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2004. It may be a character, object, or location, but it was directly introduced in this year.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

  24. xccj
    Yes, this aren't coming on a regular basis anymore: sorry. I'll eventually update my sidebar... eventually...
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2005. It may be a character, object, or location, but it was directly introduced in this year.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

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