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20 Questions 11: 2001



Alright, I'm restarting, but I've come up with a new little idea. The next 8 (at least) contests will have a consistent theme; I will select something by the year, and you must figure out what it is. It can vary from a character to an object to a location, but it will be introduced in the said year. (AKA, so even though Brutaka appears in 2008, he was introduced in 2006. Specifics, however, like Tahu Mata, Nuva, or Mistika, Vakama Metru or Hordika, or Jaller Inika or Mahri, will be specified by year.)


Since I will be busy this weekend, I'm starting this now.





Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.




1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.


2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.


3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.


I am thinking of something from 2001.


Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.






Choco Frogo wono... the answer was Kanohi Akaku, first introduced in 2001 on Kopaka but also in five other pretty colors, including a sand blue version for the then alive Matoro. It appeared in MNOLG, and was used too... just not by a Toa like it should be. Anyway, CF got the correct answer after persistant pesterings... I will now think up something in which to stump you guys again for next week, which will deal with something from 2002. And I haven't counted all the guesses yet... but it was more than 20. :o


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In the MU, is it the same size or smaller than a Turaga?

(This is a yes/no question. As opposed to "is it bigger?" I'm working on a scale here, using the Turaga as measurement.)




Is it smaller than a Turaga? Yes.

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Guys, wait until we have a few more clues to start discerning particular things. We've only got 20 of these thing to try out. Ask some more general questions to get info to narrow it down!


If xccj comes by and says that it is shorter than a Turaga, then Kini Nui and Puku are immediately out of the question. If he said it was bigger, then your questions are appropriate, but we could also ask if it moves or is very powerful first to perhaps even weed out either of your questions.




Well, that's the way it always is... people will (and can) post questions in whatever order, and most of the time they base it off previously asked questions. Although there have been a few repeats, like "Is it male? followed by a "Is it female?" And, just to nitpick, Puku was as tall as / shorter than a Turaga in 01. :P


I'm tired of always coming into the 20 Q's game and people don't try to narrow down their choices before guessing actual things.


Question: Is it a weapon/tool? (They're the same in my book.)




No, but closer...


And after all, there is no real penalty for going over. If you look at the log, only 4 out of 10 games actually got it right in under 20 tries.


Yeah, I realize that. But it seems people jump the gun sometimes. Probably have a certain thing in mind and go for it with little or no info to back them up. I might be about to do that with my next question, but I'm trying to figure out how to ask another question to narrow it down to help with the clues first instead.


Ooh, closer.



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Is it a female?




Because Ga-Matoran WERE shorter than Turaga...


You'd assume so, since it's not male. But Matoran... including Ga-Matoran, are also humanoids. So really, they can't be the answer.


And as a hint, this doesn't have to be a character. Hakann was from 2006. His lava launcher was also from 2006. Both will be viable when I get to the 2006 category. That help you out?

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Is/was it used by Matoran?


-CF (barely played MNOLG and is discouraged....)




Hint: But it wasn't used to its full potential by the Matoran...


In 2001, was it used to its full potential?


Can I ask another? Was it used outside of MNOLG? (Since I didn't play it.)


"by the Matoran" meaning the Matoran population?

Or does this mean a specific Matoran?


Sorry for all these questions at once. I understand if you don't choose to answer them all.




ONE QUESTION AT A TIMEZ! For clarification, when I sai Matoran, I meant it in the plural. Should I use "Matorans of Mata-Nui" next? :P


And how can you have never played the MNOLG? You should download it before 09 starts up, because I think it'll be lost in the reboot, and then look at it later.


I'll just answer one question: yes, it was used outside the MNOLG.

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Have they made appearances outside of '01 where they're bigger than a Turaga?






I know. I was guessing for something else. :/

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In 2001, was it used to its full potential?


(As for Matoran, words like that are confusing. Just like Toa and Kanohi, or Visorak or how MoMN is sometimes referred to as "The Makuta.")





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Bamboo disk?

He said it wasn't a tool....

(I was thinking of this at one point.)



Is it the Matoran's weak/unusable Kanohi?


One question per post! ARG! :wacko:


For this question... yes, it can be.


(Though I guess these didn't have any potential at all.)

(Probably should have waited for Ghost Rider's answer.)

Edit again: I'm guessing no. I just re-read all the clues. Silly me.




General question: Will the item ever be something we knew about later, but was around without our knowledge in 01? Because the Metru Nui storyarc was a prequel. Should I assume we are playing this game as if we were living in 2001?

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Jaller's Kanohi/Lhikan's Noble Hau?


(Although we didn't know of this until 2004. And I don't think it was used to it's full potential in 2001. But it was the first thing that popped into my mind.)


And my last post only had one question!




No, you had two!


No, it's not Jaller's Hau. (I'll just put this out... it's now a specific 'object' but a type...)


Go highlight in another color the two questions. My general rules question doesn't count.


Yes your general rule questions is a question! :P


But it's not a question pertaining to this round.

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Is it an infected Kanohi?





Kanohi Akaku?




First time I actually played too! Schweeet!


How was it used aside from a Toa? I must have missed something.

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Is it an infected Kanohi?

How was it used aside from a Toa? I must have missed something.

You wouldn't know... it was in MNOLG.



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