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Status Updates posted by xccj

  1. LOL, I have all the original 8 Slizers... :P

  2. *Bangs head on table* Where do you people come up with this stuff.

    For the record, it's Kulagi's Kanoka, with Kulagi, lots of Hoverbike chases, you should love it, and no. :P

  3. Happy Birthday, buddy!

  4. Happy Birthday, IQ! (As its registered on BZP)

  5. The alignment of the stars and planets would suggest otherwise. In short: No. :P

  6. "Already it has more reviewers than CoVH and Slizer 3 combined"

    And that thus measures the sucsess of an epic on BZP. :P

  7. ToS is looking really good... possibly your biggest hit yet!

  8. I just made this connection! Styx -> Mr. Roboto -> I Robot -> I Bohrok -> Smeag!

  9. Now where's the fun in that?

  10. Cool Profile, Kumata. You should become premier so you can update your blog again. Xccj

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