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Blog Entries posted by xccj

  1. xccj
    It's the Toa Mata driving a Monster Truck on the Moon Titan.
    Because this totally fits with the current theme.
    Some of you might counter this, cause there isnt any apparent conflict between the Monster (truck) or Titan (the moon) BUT THERE IS. And I will break down the categories.
    ATMOSPHERE: Titans atmosphere is primarily made up of methane and ethane gases, which are totally not breathable to humans. Since the Monster truck has an opened cab, the Toa are stuck breathing that stuff. Would that affect the Toa, since has it even been established that they have to breathe oxygen. (I thought they just breathed gaseous protodermis.) Advantage: Titan
    GRAVITY: Titan has a lot less gravity than Earth, so the monster truck has to use a fraction of its power to roll across the landscape. Advantage: Monster Truck
    TEMPERATURE: Titan is very, very cold. Its only like reeeeeeaaaaaally far from the sun. (Saturn doesnt count as a heat source.) Besides 5/6 of the Toa being cold (Kopaka would probably be fine) this might be a problem for the Monster Trucks power source. If its a combustion engine, it might freeze the gasoline. If its a battery, it might freeze the electrons or something. If its powered by Kanoka discs, I bet even those dont work well when it gets too cold. Advantage: Titan
    AWSOME ROAD TRIP: The Toa are having a blast, being the first Matoran universe beings to travel across the surface of the only moon in our solar system with an atmosphere. (Aqua Magna and Bota Magna count as proto planets and not moons, I think.) Advantage: Monster Truck
    Its gonna be a close match between these two, and this image certainly portrays that conflict. Thats why this is a TOTALLY LEGITIMATE INTERPRETATION OF THE CONTESTS THEME!!
    You can post stuff here or in the topic, Im following both so Ill see it, but remember posts count in the topic and not in the blog.

  2. xccj
    Enter Team J.A.F. This blog is their's now! If you would like to meet to meet the members, please look over to the new content blocks. Most of them are just hanging around, ready to direct you to the entires you want to read most. AKA, MINE!
    Eh, just some new art I put together. I was getting tired of looking at my face over and over again, to tell you the truth. I came up with a good set of poses while doodling in class (sue me) and decided to use Powerpoint Vectors to make it real. Of course, I had a huge collection of these characters in Powerpoint before my computer got stolen... as it is, I only had one file saved on my home computer with the first images I ever drew of them, so I used it to recreate the heads and then styled some new bodies. I think the scene is pretty good myself, except there's an annoying white space between News and Reviews which totally ruins the continuality of the whole thing.
    And since I'm sure my approval seal creeped people out as well, I crafted a new one with my favorite minifigure head on it to act as a new one. Best of all, I named it the same as the first approval, and posted in in the same maj account, so if you had my old approval up earlier, you have the new one up now too. See, no work for you at all.
    And I updated my whole blog approvals thing, just because I haven't done so for eons. I might start handing out my own approvals to some new blogs, so watch out! And if you've sent me an approval in the past but I don't have it up now, send it again! I think there are a few in my PM box that are lost and deleated. Oh well.

    Blogs I Have Approved
    Kumata Nuva
    Kopaka’s Ice Engineering
    Chocolate Frogs
    Members I've Earned Approvals From
    Kumata Nuva
    Images To Come When I've Had Time To Shrink Them
    Now, tell me what you think of my new style. (It better be good, I spent a couple hours on this, when I should've been doing HW)

  3. xccj
    So I found some collectable mini figs in one of the least likely places.
    I like Fred Meyers; they usually have good sales on Lego products at any given time, but they are always slow at getting new stuff in. I had to go grab some other stuff (bug bite cream... that's what I get for having a job outdoors) and I decided to run through the toy aisle to see if there were any Hero Factory sets. Well, there weren't, but something else caught my eye; a box of yellow bags.
    I was kinda rushed, so I didn't compare bar codes or really feel a bunch of bags. I just grabbed three and headed for the checkout. One I guessed had a bow and arrow, but the others I didn't really know what i was getting.
    But I lucked out. The bow and arrow came with the forest man, and the other two turned out to be the nurse and cowboy. The first two were on my list to get... the cowboy wasn't, but I don't mind too much. Some of the others I want to grab are the cheerleader and ninja and zombie, and maybe the robot or skateboarder. Most of the others I'm not too interested in.
    I might try going back to the same store later this week to conduct a more thorough search. (Might bring the list of bar codes too) I don't know if there will still be any by then; they were going fast, I presume, but the box was still fairly full when I left. But yeah, this is much easier than going to TRU or a Lego store.

  4. xccj
    I was just lucky to get another Toa Inika now. I had to make a deal with my little (but apparenlty richer) sister... I driver her places for a couple of months, and she helps me buy a Toa. I think that tips me over into the "Obsessed" section of the Bionicle fans, but oh well...
    Kongu is just like Hewkii. The color sceme could be better, but I do prefer the body and feet of Kongu over the ones of Hewkii. The weapon is awesome with the blue lights, and the blue zamour is nifty too.
    But, I do have a problem with him. Allow me to shout...
    Seriously. Held down, they reach to his knees, which can't be right. With his arm and crossbow fully extended, it is longer than he is tall! I thought Hewkii's arms were bad... Kongu's are insane! I suppose Jaller's won't be much better either. Plus, I can't see how to fix it. Making the upper shoulder joints shorter won't work with the armor... I think the body should probably be longer. The hunched over look worked for the Piraka, but the shorter body makes the Inika's arms toooooo long.
    That and the head. The Suletu is not the greatest replacement for Kongu's Miru, and its pretty ugly. The eyes are large, though. And if you follow the instructions, Kongu's head is hunched over on his body... I moved the connection up a bit to prevent him from slouching.
    Well, between Kongu and Hewkii, I've seem much of what the Inika have to offer, piecewise (except for those translucent pieces). They're both okay, but the arms are too long. I will stand firm on that issue. But the zamour launchers are great! I combined Hewkii's and Kongu's magazines to store about seven of those spheres, and I had fun launching them. I think those magazines will be the main motive to buy more Inika... that and those translucent pieces that I want.

  5. xccj
    This was prompted by CF in my last entry, so as I promised I'm going to go off the deep end on this one.
    (Considering I wasn't in the deep end already... but I'm diving down some more)
    Okay, I like bicycling as much as the next person. It's a great way to get from point A to point B very quickly... especially if its a long distance. It gives you a workout... especially going uphill.
    The initial reason I didn't bring my bike with me is because... well, my bike has some defects. Shocks on the front aren't so good, gears are kinda rusty, breaks don't work. Period. I've been reminded about that the hard way a few times. It's not to say I don't like the bike... it's wicked red and I've been in more accidents on it than I can count (once even broke a few bones). Basically, riding that bike has given me plenty of paranoia about driving a car.
    But not that I've been a pedestrian on campus for a few months... I loathe the people on bikes.
    Sure, bikes move faster than walking. But they don't go up stairs or do well in crowds. Unfortunately, that's what most of the campus pathways are like. You got crowds of people walking on this concrete walkways in between classes, turning corners, climbing stairs, and all the such. That's not accounting for traffic lights and street crossings to get to the building on the edge of the campus. The conditions aren't that bad for an able-minded pedestrian... but bicyclist seem to think the paths are for them too. And they're always in a rush, and woe to the pedestrian that gets in their way. In between classes, you have people zooming around through crowds on their bikes, getting to their urgent appointment or whatever. Thus, to be able to avoid any crashes, the pedestrians have to get out of the way of the bicyclists. After having numerously dodged aside from a bicyclist who seems to think they're the only important person on the path, I have developed a strong disliking for them.
    I'm not against all bikers... just the ones who use the pedestrian paths and thus demand room as they zoom by. I respect the bikers who use the bike path and actual roads... sometimes the bicyclists are going as fast as the cars, or faster. But those on the paths around campus who think they own the place... uhg. My fuse is burning short. However, this is not a one sided battle. Pedestrian vs car... it doesn't matter who made the wrong move, the car always wins. But the bikers don't have such an advantage. The reason everybody has to dodge is so the bikers don't crash into them. Sure, it would suck to be the pedestrian who got mauled bike a biker, but bikers can get damaged pretty well too if they're thrown over their handlebars. (Curse thy mailboxes). So if there's a collision, the biker and pedestrian both come off on the bad side of things.
    Thus I now have to hold back a strong desire to throw a stick through the tires of the bikes that cut me off, and then watch as the rushed bicyclist hits the ground hard. Woe if he isn't wearing a helmet. (I'm hit my head a fair share of times, but never in a bicycle accident. Wear your helmets, kids!)
    So I don't want to bring a bike to school for a few reasons. A: I don't want to deal with a new piece of equipment that I have to look after. If I get a bike, it'll be a new bike, and probably something I'll need to keep in a secure place at all times to make sure it doesn't get stolen. B: The trip between point A and point B might be faster, but I can rush into class with my bike, now can I? So I thus have to lock up my bikes at point B, which takes time. Since I am always running late for some reason or another, I prefer just walking than to deal with that delay. (The quicker I can travel will just mean the later I'd leave, so it would never work out). And C: I don't want to be a hypocrite. I live on campus, my classes are on campus, and I can easily walk to them. I find the obstacles between point A and point B for me are best dealt with as a pedestrian. If I were commuting a mile to the campus everyday, I might have other thoughts, but in my current situation, a bike would just e overkill.
    The same argument can be made for skateboarders. My ideal attack for a skateboarder involves clothes-lining him as his zips by. I still don't quite understand what my motivation for such action would be, but I think it would be cool to write about in a story.
    If you think I have an overly violent mind... well, you wanna make something of it punk. (Don't call my bluff)
    BTW, story wise, my entry to SS Contest 4 is nearly halfway done, but already at about 3500 words. It's looking cool, but it might be too long. Then again, I always use a lot of dialogue, so that'll make it seem even longer. Plus I'm even including moral! Anybody want to further guess the five Matoran I'm using with Takua. Hint: They only represent 4 Koros and there aren't any females.

  6. xccj
    Click for Topic
    You can talk about it there too... but here's fine, for people who are afraid with associating with me in the creative forums.
    I guess I'll add one extra tidbit here... Aragorn is a fig I made for BrickFair last year, and Legolas is basically the elf fig. Nuju Metru helped me craft an excelent Gimli last year... and I lost both it and my original on the way home. So I have to start from scratch on the dwarf again, which meant repurchasing the expensive helmet and beard.

  7. xccj
    I was watching some random animated clips online to pass the time, and I had a passing thought that it would be cool to actually watch a full season of a cartoon, since I haven't done that recently. Then I thought, maybe I should post a blog entry on BZP asking for suggestions.
    A second later, I remembered what half the avatars and banners are on this site, and decided against it.
    I post this here for laughed, but no commenting, cause I just know the arguments will start.

  8. xccj
    And Go "OW!"
    I have nothing to really say besides I'm exhausted, brain warped, and ready to be out of school so I can begin a job search. 1 final finished, 2 more to go, not to mention some last minute home work. Oh, and I have some funny jokes to put in the new epic. Hope I can get it finished before the deadline.

  9. xccj
    BZP may be back on-line, but my summer's about gone. I start early university courses in a few weeks, thus ending my slacking time that I'd spend on BZP. I hope to stay on BZP to update my blog and everything, but I don't know how much else I'll do. So, here's a few things from last week that I never got a chance to post...
    1- Thanks to tyhe BZP staff for getting the forums bakc on-line. I was surprised when the forums were down for more than two days, and alarmed when it reached four days. Then I knew it must really be somehting serious. I'm grateful that they got it back up, and as soon as they did too (you know, it could've been months.) I really like hanging on BZPower, and its so cool that so many people work hard to keep it up. So, again, thanks to them all, especially Bink (who I suppose was really working hardm as he is the server guy) (On another note, this might've just been the staff's summer vacation, so they took the boards offline and giving us a different reason. But, hey, whatever. )
    2- How can they be called summer sets if they don't come out in the summer? I have two weeks of this summer season left, and I have yet to see any summer sets on the shelves and I've looked too. I don't remember the other sets coming out this late. And even if the Mahri aren't as revolutionary as some of the previous groups that've come up, they're still awesome enough. I plan to write a comparison between the Inika and Mahri, to give my opinions about which really are better. But I'm not at home, so I'll spend the time doing that later. Sufice to say, I think the Mahri would be alot more cooler if they'd come out before the Inika.
    3- I got Carpar. He's a cool set. I want to write a good review on him, but the set isn't with me, so I'll leave it until later. Needless to say, I now have five Barakki and don't plan to get any more. (Pirdak, after all, isn't too my liking)
    4- I posted a short story, viewable HERE! It hasn't gotten any reviews yet, but I assume it has to do with the whole server going downh and not people not reading it. So... if you have a time, read it. It's actually really short. And, although I wrote it over a year and a half ago, I didn't post it 'cause it was suppose to be apart of a story collection that never got posted. So... yeah. Read it, and you can become an honorary member of my "Story Reviewers". I think I have three or four of them total...
    Now, off to stress about my classes. Unfortunatly, I have to wake up in the morning to attend a few. Oh well.

  10. xccj
    And this is why:

    So for our Mata Nui Island Project, people kept complaining that we didn't end up including the Kaukau waterfall. My original idea was to use a Kaukau mask, but that would've been far too large. Next was to use a mini mask from the old Bionicle Pens, but those were hard to get ahold of. (Update tho, Swert did come across a complete collection, so there is a future project coming out of that.) Besides, the pen masks wouldn't have blended in with the landscape as well.
    So this is where Nuju Metru came in.
    Aaron's like totally famous for his customized LotR sets, and he helped us with the short story contest prizes by adding some decals to the fig prizes. They were amazing. So I paid him in Collectible Minifigures to apply some decals to some 1x2x2 tan bricks and create mask statues that can be added to our island. And they turned out wonderfully! I can't wait to add them into the designs, so that we can realistically have a Kaukau waterfall and a full Quarry setup on our island!
    (I also bribed him into putting on some decals for his Eowyn fig, which can be seen here, That's why he's doubly awesome. But I did send him all the bricks and everything... only one he traded me for was the Hermione head.)

  11. xccj
    I mean, man, it's incredible how the entries have turned out. The MOCs seem to be rather high quality, with a few exceptions (AKA my entry) so that it's kind of hard to pick the best of em. I mean, usually BBC contests aren't this evenly matched, right? That, and most of the art entries are awesome... that was my best entry into this contest, and mine's being blown out of the water by some of the other ones. The game ideas are fun, but I am really impressed at the music (and video) submissions; we have some talented people on BZPower, don't we? I still need to sit down and listen to everything before I cast my vote. Also, I haven't read all the stories yet, but I mean we had more literary entries than any other category besides MOCs, so that's pretty awesome too. Library power, yay!
    There is one thing I am disappointed about, tho.
    A few people keep voting for my entries! Sure, my MOC has nill, but I did get a few for my art piece and a few for my basic game idea and I guess even someone voted for one of my stories?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?
    I feel that there's another category that I'm missing, but I must be wrong cause it's not something I'm going to discuss here. I know I love bragging that I can delete comments in my blog by sheer force of will (or, y'know, cause I'm authorized to see those delete buttons here) but I will do so if need be.
    But all in all, I'm impressed with this contest. It would've been cooler to see even more awesome entries, but the ones that did make it through are pretty good. Yay BZPower... Bionicle may be over but we can still keep it going strong. TAKE THAT JACK STONE I DON'T SEE ANY OF YOUR FANSITES AROUND ANYMORE!
    Also, I changed my avi. I know Steins;Gate came out a few years ago, but I recently finished it and thought it was one of the most epic science fiction / time travel stories out there. (Oh no I am liking anime too much now, goodness knows if I become one of those people who gets insulted when its refered to as Japanese cartoons!)

  12. xccj
    Oh Boy.
    First off, I'd like to say that I think the release of Hero Factory info totally upstages the news I just posted about the Bionicle.com update. I mean, come on, this is potentially the last big update of the year... and it happens at the same time we get official pictures of the next line. Coincidence!
    On the Bionicle.com update; the backdrop image is totally epic. It would be even more epic if the two robots weren't identical, because I can't tell the difference between them like I could in the comics. (Okay, the eyes may be different, but we can only see Makuta's eyes, so this is mute)
    On Heroes Factory... well, this isn't the first time I've seen them. (Yeah, thanks for filling up my news email inbox with leaked images). But two things I've noticed. Pre-bent limbs. No Mata Green. Fail. There's Win in there, but I'm not going to go into detail.

  13. xccj
    A burrito.
    A PB & J burrito.
    Or more like a PB burrito, since I don't have any jelly.
    Hey, just making due with the food supplies I have...

  14. xccj
    Got this new set at a Fred Meyers sale... only 15% off, so I still didn't get below $10... but still, a sale is a sale. What, oh yeah, a review...

    MATA RED! ORANGE!! *Goes off in lala land celebrating*
    *comes back* Okay, I think that's probably the most exciting thing about Ackar. His colors. This is one of the things I really liked about Bionicle in the beginning; nice, bright colors. And I died a little bit inside (metaphorically) when 04 came around and we went to dark Metru colors... and stayed with dark Metru colors... year after year... until the memory of Mata colors only came with the pins and axles. Don't get me wrong, I would still rather have Mata green back than Mata red and orange... but this still feels like a victory. Mata colors! Yes!! (Or, I guess, rather the lack of Metru colors. After all, we have seen Mata red and orange come back in the last two years before Ackar)
    Now onto the set design... Legs are Inika, except for lower leg armor. (It's nifty, but oh so unstable) Arms are Inika, except with Mahri electro staffs as armor. (Nice addition... I even tried incorporating that into my BrickCon MOCs with the white blades, but eventually scrapped that idea.) Torso... Inika. Okay, with a few changes, this is just a recolored Toa Inika. *facepalm*
    Okay, so even while the design, for the most part, is lame and repetitive (even if, you know, it works for mobility and playability) But the colors make it work. Let me go back to this point. Mata red and orange work.
    I mean, half of Ackar has to be recolored pieces, which while it lacks in new designs I still approve of. Limb pieces are introduced for the first time in red. Feet, staffs, and thigh armor are now in orange... yes. (Although I think those staffs may have come in orange with those Power Miners sets) (I also though the chest piece was new too... until I saw the same piece laying on my floor, and realized Pohatu came with it on his vehicle).
    New stuff... well, the sword is a nice design, reusing the piece from Mata Nui and adding in a cool flames piece. (Is it brand new for Ackar? Oh well, it's new for me.) And the helmet... while small, it looks nice for a fire dude. (Although it's another recolor from Berix, right? I wouldn't know... I didn't buy Berix). And, of course, the new grey hands, which are already a commonplace on sets. (Which I instantly swapped off him for use in one of my MOCs).
    So why should you get Ackar? Well, he does have a fairly good heroic look, even if it's mostly a repeat design of the Inika with a few armor modifications. He's also very cool in the movie clips we've seen so far, even for an old, worn out Glatorian. (I mean, who doesn't want to own the costar of TLR?) I feel like there's something else... some other reason... oh yeah... THE COLORS!! MATA RED!! ORANGE!!
    But seriously... unless you're a rabid collector or you really desire red and orange (heh, guilty ) Ackar isn't that great of a buy. He's the same basic design that we've gotten bored of recently I would easily recommend Mata Nui or Stronius over him... or even Kinna, who does have a unique design (not that I know from personal experience) He's a cool character, but a mediocre set.
    Oh, and MATA RED! ORANGE! (Why am I so excited? Red's not even one of my favorite colors, and it's not like I'm lacking in red pieces)
    If you think this is bad, you don't wanna know what's gonna happen if they release a Mata Green set again...
  15. xccj
    Am I trying to learn Actionscript just so I can recreate MNOLG-style Flash games?
    (Figured out how to create a moving target that has different affects depending on when you click it, and also how to scroll the background. PROGRESS!)

  16. xccj
    There is not enough time in the day to play computer games and get my three-odd school completed too. And, of course, I did mostly the former. Did make some juice for my Spanish class, though. Aguas frescas. It tastes a little bland to me, but maybe I'm just not a good cook.
    Now to go waste the rest of the night in front of the... uh, schoolbooks. Yeah.

  17. xccj
    So, first off, went to a friend's Forth of July party tonight. Shot of fireworks. Fun stuff, ext ext.
    I've been doing my regular rounds of sites tonight, and I've been getting the same add on multiple ones, including BZP. (It's actually above my blog entry page right now... I used to have an ad block thing that worked well but then it turns out it was a trial and I need to pay $30 a month to have it work so I removed it whatever.)
    Anyway, the ad that's been following me everywhere... Warehouse 13, Season 3 on DVD July 10th.
    Google Ads know what I like.
    (Also, considering buying a season pass for season 4 so I can get the episodes day-after and not feel bad about not watching them on traditional sites that only air the episodes after a month or two. Hey, I love the show, so I'll pay a bit in order to support it.)

  18. xccj
    Because there's no other way to draw attention and/or reviewers to it.
    Anyway, if you have a spare moment and want to look at MOCs of mine, please check out this topic. It's the Matoran Prophesier, for BBC 40: Prudence. (At first, I put it under Temperence, but then I realized I got the words mixed around and switched it... and had to redo a bunch of my picts. Uhg). Anyway, it's a small but solid Matoran design I came up with a while back. It's actually a mix between two Matoran MOCs... one I used the color sceme and the other I used the design. I like the purple / blue combo (Nui-Jaga, anybody?) and the little tubing in the Ruru mask. I think this qualifies as a well thought-out MOC, although I'm sure many would disagree. I gotta remember, people do not tend to like my designs often. Or, if they do, it won't work with the specific word. (Because the theme for this contest is so obvious that everybody can see the connections between word and MOC).
    On the other hand, I've got the cuteness factor. That's got me votes in the past...
    Well, I'm prejused against the reviewing of / voting for MOC habits in BBC contests, but that doesn't stop me from entering every time. And out of twenty entries, I've only made a fool out of myself five or six times. I do say, that's pretty good. (Do NOT ask for examples)

  19. xccj
    We're gona let it all hang down...
    (Okay, lame Eric Claptan reference... did I even spell Claptan right?)
    Anyway, there's just something appealing to surfing BZP after 12 AM Pacific Coast Time. Normally, it's not that busy, unless Bink is doing something with the server or people in Europe are getting on way too early or something. Anyway, I just finished my school assignment, after starting it at 9 and actually working on it by 11. So, yeah, lifes good. The house is quiet, I'm on the computer, and it's already Monday. Hurah.
    So, besides just providing yet another example of how I procrastinate, I'll post something meaningful.
    I just entered this MOC into the latest BBC contest. It may not be my greatest creation, but it's entered in. I plan to post a topic in further detail explaining how and why I think it would be cool for Lego to produce something like this (although they'd have to be out of their right minds to even consider it). So, be ready to check out that topic when I get it posted, because I know how much you all want to comment on my MOCs, right.
    'Nother note, I'm also planning on entering some MOCs into Brickfest. I don't have any pictures of the whole group yet, but you can take a peak at this image. Notice the little guy on the left? Using my cool Matoran design, I've made him and a few of his buddies, and I hope to get them displayed at Brickfest PDX, because I think it's a cool reference to old school Bionicle Matoran. Nuparu may be a Toa now, but here's what he used to look like... roughly. Plus, the design also allowed me, for the first time ever, to get all six Time Disrutpion Matoran together as sets in my bedroom. Now I don't need those annoyingly rare McToran bodies anymore... just some colored hand joints and masks from the annoying bulky 2003 Matoran sets.
    Now, I'll wrap up this blog entry, turn off the computer, and get seven hours of sleep before I have to reawake and go to Health class, where I get to turn in this (word removed because I felt like it) class. Stupid paper... glad I'm not taking AP Health. That would be scary.

  20. xccj
    What's the best thing to do after a sucsessful play?
    Go to a restaraunt with the entire cast and order dinner.
    We pretty much swamped the place (didn't help that another High School Drama Club also showed up.... coincidence?) We all had milkshakes and food, and some of the stories told were very entertaining. Now, I'm not one of the popular kids, but if that's what they do all the time, then they must have fun.
    And also have alot of cash. Since I have a tight budget, I normally don't spend my own money to eat out. While it was realitivly cheap, I still gave away enough money to buy a Toa Inika.
    :annoyed2: And just because I made that reference classifies me as totally obsessed.
    So, when I got home around Midnight, feeling pretty swell, I decided ot post this blog. Now what? Well, first you reply. Then I tell you to see our shows tomorrow. Then I remember that many of you have no idea where I'm actually from, are far away from there, or still believe I'm on Titan (now I'm just visiting the moon on weekends). Then I end the blog entry with my music smiley.

  21. xccj
    Where I saw Night at the Museum II: Battle of the Smithsonian
    First off... movie tickets. Gosh, those things are expensive. I got in today for $10. Now, there are ways to get in cheaper, but I totally blew them today. First, there's the matinees... but those end at 2:00 PM, whereas I was busy until 3:00 and decided to make the 3:30 showing. So missed that. But I'm thinking "Hey, there's a slight discount for students, right? Anyway, I was busy earlier working on a school project." But noooo... they don't start using the student prices until 8:00. So I arrived too late for the matinee and too early for the student discount... so why would anybody go see a movie at that time of the day (besides convenience)
    Anyway, the movie. I didn't hear very good reviews about it.. you know, mindless humor, reeking of sequel-ness. But honestly, it wasn't that bad. It was a family film... the worst thing was one minor curse word. The theater was mildly filled with younger kids and their parents... they were annoying through the credits, but who cares about those anyway? It's nice to know that there are still movies that are all "blood, guts, violence, sex, profanity, more violence, stupidity, haha we totally scared you for life" and junk like that.
    Slight spoilers ahead...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «It was an okay sequel. There was plenty of background things coming to life that it was sometimes more fun to watch what was bouncing in the background that what the main characters were actually doing. The premise of the movie was different; Ben Stiller actually had a mission this time, whereas the last movie it was kind of just a general "learn to control the chaos" this one was more of a "get the stone tablet." Although weren't they able to turn off the tablet in the first movie... why didn't he just do that as soon as he got his hands on it, huh? 
    There were some things that weren't great. It was a shame Robin William's Teddy Roosevelt character was out of most of the action (he probably would've kicked butt if he'd been there anyway... too easy). Amelia Earhart was a little much at times... and the whole romance thing totally didn't make sense. (What happened to Larry's girlfriend from the first movie?) And the main villian... he talked way too much. Sometimes he had something funny to say, but half of his monologues could've been cut. (Although his three "I have COME BACK" exclamations were pretty good and built well on each other)
    There were some good parts. Custard's great plan "I'll yell 'Don't Attack' and then we... wait for it... ATTACK!" (or something like that) was pretty funny. I liked how they'd do very dramatic music for the miniature people's action scenes, and then pull out to human scale... good juxtaposition. (And the squirrel!) And of course, Larry's sword fight with a frickin' flashlight! It stretched the bounds of fantasy, but it looked freakin' cool!
    Anyway, it was a good, nice movie with some laughs. There was some nice animation, and it was nice that most of the museum characters from the first movie at least made appearances. Maybe not the best movie to see in theaters, but I wasn't interested in any of the other movies showing. (Well, except Star Trek, but I've already seen that, and I'm not going to pay to see it again.) The next one I'm going to hit up is Transformers II...

  22. xccj
    I guess this warrants blogging about. At least on a Bionicle based website.
    I got my last standard-colored Noble Mask in the other dark. Light Grey Komau. (Funny, I tried to paint one of my extra tan Komaus light grey back in the day. Hint, it didn't go over well.)
    So yeah, I guess this officially means that I have all 72 masks that I was supposed to collect back in 01. Took me long enough.
    (And that doesn't even count collecting misprints, rares, set masks, or even Kanohi from other years. Oh well.)
    Anyway, the idea of collecting Kanohi seriously hooked my back in 2001, and although I wasn't ever super serious it's cool to have the whole collection of the coolest sets of masks ever. EVER!
    Another note: I've been worried about how my employment might mess with my availability to attend the weekday portions of Bricks Cascade. But I haven't heard anything back from my old job or any of the internships I applied for. Thus, I might be super free to attend the whole thing... I just can't buy anything cause I'll be broke and unemployed. Oh well, hopefully they're just slow and will let me know soon if they want me to work or not.

  23. xccj
    I will be dressing up as an underachieving, unshaven, fashion-impaired college student. I will scare and depress optimistic high school students.
    I tried to get into a local haunted house, but the wait was so long I gave out. I also went through my local haunted house last week when I went home, and I got in for free because my parents were helping run it. Unfortunately, it wasn't exciting because my dad had told me all about how he had built it, so I mostly knew what was coming.
    Anyway, an old image for nostalgia's sake.

    Countdown: 4 Days...

  24. xccj
    It's 4:41 in the morning... and I've been awake since 4 in the afternoon (I took an afternoon nap. Sue me)
    I'm nearly halfway done with my essay. I initially thought it was due today at 3.
    It's due Friday.
    I'm still working on it, but work is slow and I inevitably find myself on BZP and other unmentionable social site. I'm going to work on it for a few more hours and then go to class. If I try to sleep now, I know I'll miss my class. I know this because my roommate does it every other day.
    Once I get through my boatload of classes today, and assuming I finish this essay in the next four hours, then I'll take a nice, long, Thursday afternoon nap.
    For those college students who say sleep is for sissies... turn off your mechanical parts and see how your biological ones are doing. Most likely they're shriveled and wrinkly.
    Unfortunately, at this point of night, I start getting too personal and type down whatever comes into my head at the time... and that can be a bad thing.
    Oh yeah, read my short story if you haven't already. Check one blog entry down for link.

  25. xccj
    Maybe some of you noticed that content block about a Blog story in my... well, in this blog. I asked people to send in character Bios a couple on months ago, and then I stuck up that bar and have updated it... like, twice.
    Anyway, it's a BZP Member story I'm writing exclusively for my blog (and you can see who somehow got casted as the main characters) but I'm having trouble completing it. (AKA, too busy / lazy to write) But I have nearly half completed... so should I post that half, even though the story would be a lot better if it was presented when it was totally complete.
    Just a question... and if I do post it prematurely, that would mean you have to come back for the second update.

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