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Blog Entries posted by ~ChanetheDemongirl~

  1. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Life without friends on the internet has been, boring, dulland unfun in soo many ways. But its givin me a chance to catchup and on my comics and my Comic Novel soo I'm glad to be back, and I can't make any comics until I get this whole FireFox thing figured out, soo HAPPY TO SEE YOU ALL AGAIN!
  2. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Here's some more dolls-and this time with my friends ...and alittle bit of me :3
    And his friend Red Fairy Hime:
    And Skull:
    Aleana Catgirl:
    and Lehvorak: Lev's not happy because the costume site didn't have enough for him
    And me at the Caf'e:

  3. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    I found one of my friends dolls on her majhost nad found the website called the dollplace and finally got into my imaginitive side and made these ^~^
    My Avatar:
    hopefully be used on my own webpage someday.
    My Chan'e/ES6 Halo Fangirl form :3

    My Fox/Resisdent Evil anime character. Inspired by my 2nd fave actress who plays Alice ^^

    My LOTR Character in a way

    My Street Runner Character

    My Mermaid form:

    My Manga Human form:

    So wadda think? On that website there's some catagories to where guys can make their own figures.
  4. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Heys Guys and Gals By maybe sometime today the comp, internet and cable of our place will be off for sometime until we move in to our new house on tuesday. Hopefully on tuesday or wenday not long < cuz I'll miss you all- until we get that all back on.
    Anywho Here's my most priveladaged, and fangirl art concept to draw for my friend
    Tiranak Enjoy:

  5. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Listen up U Gals and Guys! Today I ES6, (A.KA Chan'e the Demongirl) has a story about Valinetines Day. And its not romantic
    Infact this V-day your about to tune in to will have alittle violence XD GuestStars in this story will be listed below the pic

    GuestStars ^~-1:Arrol and Skull
    2:Taka Nuiva
    3:Redrose123 (my friend from another site)
    And Gavla

    And afew other characters =P Chane's Valentine's Day. With Friends ^^
    Written by ES6, Characters colored by SkullArrol and Me.

    On this warm Valentines Day in the still chilling cool of Febuary, near a Collage Facility down the road of the Down Town Colorado town of Springs. The day starts upright and rowdy in clamor and sweet tenderheartedness, as Taka was beating around her friend Gavla with fight practice, and martial arts moves, Arrol was having a good conersation with Redrose about gardens and how to manage them. While Skull was irratating Chan'e, he was pestering her about V-Day asking why she had not liked this day to a point that Chan'e shouted at Skull loud enough for the Doorm members to hear.

    "SKULL! STOP PASSING OFF YOUR TEASING AS A COVERUP FOR YOU STUPID QUESTIONS!!! >_<" Chan'e ended the conversation between them with her painting from her loud outburst, while Skull simply smiled with a wide grin.
    "What?" Chan'e now asked in a concerned and confused manner.

    "Oh. Nothing, Just got you to get the others involeved in the matter."

    Taka without meaning to sarcastic had simply blurted out her question with the uomost curiousity and sarcastic confustion. "What the heck is going on? Whats this about not liking Valentines Day?

    And Chan'e now giving Skull a sutain glare of the distain of him , had mellowed up and composed herself in calm manner, and spoke.
    "Well since you all possibly know- but I hope you don't T_T . Its just been ehm-hmm >_0....well its just been my thing where I don't like Love. Chan'e then saw Skull grin widen as if he thought of a brillant idea, she was about to protest but was cut-off by Skulls cunning sneaky tone of voice.

    "Sooo. I say we stroll around town and see if its true the famous Demongirl has a weakness or not." He glared cunningly at Chan'e, and she had simpley-, "Fine >_<....tommorrow we finsh this." Chan'e huffed.

    The next day Chan'e and her friends had gone down the street to the cafe eatery Callie's Cafe to eat and findout if there were any guys that Chan'e liked. Skull himself had felt a feeling that he'd enjoy whtaching Chan'e crumle in embaressment, but Chan'e was deturmined to get the better of him after this day had ended.....

    The next day before Chan'e and her friends were to headout for the Caf'e down the street, Skull had made a call to some of his friends....

    *on the phone*: "Yeah hey wasup? say can you do me alittle favor?",

    *Guy on the other line*: "Ha! Sure dude what'cha need?",

    Skull: " I need to prove a point and get revenge on my friend > *starts to whisper and maniacally laugh* ",

    Guy: "Soooo- O_o You want us to see if Chan'e will be swooned by our looks? So that you can prove that she likes guys still? 0.o",

    Skull: " Yes >:3",

    Guy: "Fine O~o. Where do we meet?",

    Skull: "At the Burro Caf'e-at 12:00 sharp >;D",

    *Arrol at the other end of the doorm room* "Come'on Skull your gonna make us late."

    Skull: "Remeber 12:00 sharp-C'ya there!"

    Guy: "got it! "

    *phone hangs up*

    Arrol: "Who was that? O-o"

    Skull: "No one <:3"

    Arrol: "Whatever dude T_T. Now come'on Chan'e and the others are waiting for us."

    Skull: "K. >:3"

    Later at da Caf'e Burro.......

    The Waitress had come up to the table to take the Doorm Groups orders for lunch, "Alright Gals and Fellas ^^, What'll it be?",

    Skull: " I'll have a a hot chocolate malt shake, and egg's, beacon and a steak medium rare. "

    Waitress: "Alright now how about you young fella ^^?",

    Gavla: "I'll have a Strawberry Maltshake with a beacon, egg, potato and cheese sandwich please ",

    Waitress: "Alright ^^. Now how about you missy?"

    Taka Nuiva: "I'll have a dark chocolate maltshake, with a steak and some eggs and beacon."

    Waitress: "Alrighty then, now you sweetheart ^^?"

    Redrose123: "I'll have a dark chocolate and vanilla malt, and I'll have a ham and cheese sandwich with a side of fries.",

    Waitress: "Right now you Sir?",

    Arrol: "I'll have the lunch'n special, with a vanilla shake please.",

    Waitress: "Excellent choice . Now what'll it be li'l missy? ",

    Chan'e: "I'll have a choclate maltshake, and a baked potato, with a steak and some cheesefries pleease ^^?"

    Waitress: "Great! ^^ I'll be out with ya'lls orders in abit K? Hope ya'll don't mind?",

    Doorm Group: "Nope. ^^ Not at all ".

    Waitress: "Kewl, ok then "

    *Waitress walks away*

    Meanwhile 10 minutes later the Doorm groups food had arrived, and Skull was gleaming with a evil snickering grin as if revenge was eminite as the clock had struck 12:00 on the dot........
    TBC until further notice <
  6. ~ChanetheDemongirl~

    "Welcome to Chane's comics. Make your self at home friends.", A sweet modist voice said almost tenderly. The voice whom was speaking was the Demongirl named Chan'e, she was a kind, fun and free spirited little young lady, practically childish but seemed mature at times. This young Demongirl was busy making way for her four RZ comic formed friends and her RZ form little brother named Delta. Exactly like all the others she was in RZ form, but had Rayg wings behind her to distingquish herself from the others. As the Guests she had invited had arrived to the small ramp up to a rather short star the entry arborway shaped like Lihkan's Hau, colored red with the pillers as gold mata toa's skulls atop. Chane's little sibling was first to greet his older sister.
    Next down along a short line all asked questions and greeted on another. For quite awhile more GuestStars became PerminateGuestStars the short series that was likely to be thought of as an ordinary comic making day.
    But the Journey that is about to begin is anything but ordinary or happily gleeful without violence. No, this has a whole lot more to explain before all was done and put to rest. Chan'e had to infact lie to her friends where she had come from...call this selfish but its entirely for a good reason. None of Chane's friends- she felt would not understand her, or just because she didn't want them to know for their safety or because of judgement. Perhaps so, but her friends knowing about her family-(or just plainly the other side of her family), she felt plainly wasn't needed.
    So the lie she told was that Aliens from Halo and from Alien vs Predator had come and taken over her palace. No Friends that part where Covenant took over did happen. And almost three casualties almost died do the fact the Aliens that Chan'e kept inside her Dungon had made four little chests bursters from their hosts, when facehuggers were launched toward The four Gold team Elites. One had actually died before his chest was sown back up. And out of mercy and kindess she let them join on one condition- that they would not betray their loyalty, and she had declared that they would go as they wish. Many odd adventure's that Chan'e and her friends would face would never be same ever again. New friends and new Challenges that they all would face, the dangers and the love they give would be remembered for all time in Syi-Nui.
    ~End Prologue ^~^

    On an important Note. I'm excepting Co-Epic Authors as well
  7. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Good news and Bad news-
    Bad news I'm gonna be away from all of you for awhile and I'm gonna miss all of you very much.
    I don't have the day when I'll move but it might be soon or sometime next week IDK?
    Good news
    I'll still be in Colorado and I'll have my own room FINALLY! ^^
  8. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    My Questions:
    1: What do you like? 2:Do you play any video or comp games and if so what?
    3:What would you like to advertise on my blog?
    4:What BZP topics do you post in most? Epics, Bionicleartwork, or other?
    5:What are your thoughts on other members, mean or not?
    6:What are your thoughts for the future after BZP is closed down?
    7:what Music do you prefer?
    8: What your fave animal?
    Her Answers
    1:Oh man, I could be here all day! Well, at the moment, I especially like doodling, school (yes it's true!! D=), kittens, the coming holiday, and matching scarves and mittens. Oh, and baking.  
    2:Do I ever. Personally, I own a Gamecube, DS, PSP, and even the very first Gameboy, though there's also a PS2 and Wii in the house, both extremely awesome. My favorite games are pretty much every Zelda game except Majora's Mask, Starfox Adventures (even though most people hated it XD), Smash Bros Brawl, all the Jak and Daxter games, and FF:CC. Right now I'm finishing up Animal Crossing for the GCN, and Pikmin 2.
    4:My stats say I post in GD the most, though nowadays I'm blasting spam in the Library more often and praising my friends in BBC.
    5:You guys are generally great, that's why I love doing this job. =3 The majority does not usually stand up for a member in the wrong. Of course, the constant flow of "you're awesome" messages and comments blow up my ego and view of members.
    6:I don't know if BZP will close down before I leave. I get the funny feeling that once I start having kids, I'll probably have to take my leave. But if BZP closed down before that, I would lament and moan, probably rally with my other crazy BZP friends to recreate it.
    7:A little of everything. I'm not so much into artists as general songs. The genres in my WMP with the most songs are classical rock, anime and game soundtracks, electronica, pop, rock, and techno.
    8:My name contains "husky", but ....

  9. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    I figured this would be a perfect time to show you my top-fave roll-modol in my life :3 Sigorny Weaver! ^^

    Sigourney Weaver at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival
    Discussion is on! ^^ Whats yours, and share a reason why?
    Info on Sigorney Weaver and what I favor her for ^^, especially the films she's played in :3
    Awards won
    BAFTA Awards
    Best Supporting Actress
    1997 The Ice Storm
    Golden Globe Awards
    Best Actress - Motion Picture Drama
    1989 Gorillas in the Mist: The Story of Dian Fossey
    Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture
    1989 Working Girl
    Other awards
    THE BEST PART! ^^Saturn Award for Best Actress (film)
    1986 Aliens (which was alot better then the first )
    Early life
    Weaver was born Susan Alexandra Weaver in New York City, the daughter of Elizabeth Inglis (née Desiree Mary Lucy Hawkins), an English former actress, and the NBC television executive Sylvester "Pat" L. Weaver (d. 2002), an American of Scottish[citation needed] descent. Her uncle, Doodles Weaver, was a comedian and actor. She began using the name "Sigourney Weaver" in 1963, aged fourteen, after a minor character in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby.[1][2]
    Weaver attended the Ethel Walker School, a prep school in Simsbury, Connecticut and graduated from Stanford University (BA, English, 1972).[3] She earned an MFA (1974) at Yale School of Drama,[4] where she appeared in the chorus of a production of Aristophanes' The Frogs and as one of a mob of Roman soldiers in another production [5] as well as, later, in original plays by friend and classmate Christopher Durang. She later appeared in the 1981 off-Broadway production of his comedy Beyond Therapy.
    Film career:
    Although Weaver has played a number of critically acclaimed roles in movies like Gorillas in the Mist, The Ice Storm, Dave, and The Year of Living Dangerously, she is best known for her appearances as Warrant Officer/Lieutenant Ellen Ripley in the blockbuster "Alien" movie franchise. Her first appearance as Ripley was in Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien. She reprised the role in three sequels, Aliens, Alien³, and Alien Resurrection. She was nominated for a Best Actress Academy Award for portraying Ripley in Aliens. Ripley was a breakthrough role: the first female action hero. Although Ripley is tender and nurturing with a cat or a child, she is tough and aggressive with adult humans and alien monsters, and ruthless enough to blow up her own ship or a planetary colony; in the third film, she destroys herself to prevent the xenomorph species from spreading. She also starred in two films in 1988, receiving Academy Award nominations for her roles as Katherine Parker in Working Girl and as naturalist Dian Fossey in Gorillas in the Mist. She lost to Geena Davis and Jodie Foster, respectively.
    Weaver with her father Pat Weaver in 1989Weaver also appeared in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II as Dana Barrett. She played the role of the agoraphobic criminal psychologist Helen Hudson in the 1995 movie Copycat, and went on to become the most highly paid actress of the 1990s. In addition to her trademark role as Ripley, Weaver has recently concentrated on smaller, more challenging roles such as 1999's A Map of the World. Despite being fifty at the time, Weaver created a stir for appearing nude in that film. Other recent work includes 2006's Snow Cake. Critics have also noted her consistent performances in comedic roles, such as in Jeffrey (1994), Galaxy Quest (1999), and Heartbreakers (2001), in which she starred with Jennifer Love Hewitt.
    In 1997, Weaver won the BAFTA Award for her supporting role in Ang Lee's The Ice Storm. In 2003, she was voted 20th in british television's Channel 4's countdown of the 100 greatest movie stars of all time. She was one of only two women in the top 20 (the other was Audrey Hepburn). That year, she also played The Warden in the movie Holes. In 2006, Weaver returned to Rwanda for the BBC special Gorillas Revisited.
    Weaver was approached to star as the ADA in the The Accused but felt the nature of the story was too violent. Jane Campion wanted a "Sigourney Weaver-type" for her film The Piano, but Weaver's agent turned the film down without consulting Weaver. Holly Hunter went on to win the Oscar for the role, and Weaver fired her agent. Bryan Singer originally wanted Sigourney for the role of Emma Frost in X-Men: The Last Stand, but Singer (along with screenwriter Dan Harris, who had directed Weaver in Imaginary Heroes) left the project, and the idea to include Frost was dropped. In 2008, Weaver plays the mother in the TV film Prayers for Bobby, due to air February 2009. She will also guest star in the TV show Eli Stone in the fall of 2008.[6]
    Weaver also has done voice work in television and film. She had a guest role in the Futurama episode "Love and Rocket" in February 2002, playing the female Planet Express Ship. In 2006, she was the narrator for the American version of the Emmy Award-winning series Planet Earth. In 2008, Weaver was featured as a voice in the Pixar Animation Studios and Disney release, WALL•E. She also voiced a narrating role in another computer-animated film, 2008's The Tale of Despereaux, based on the novel by Kate DiCamillo.
    Dual nominations:
    In addition to her Academy Awards nomination for Aliens, Weaver has received two other nominations in her career. This makes Weaver one of only eleven actors and actresses to have received two nominations in the same year. Weaver received a Best Actress nomination for her role as gorilla conservationist Dian Fossey in Gorillas in the Mist and a Best Supporting Actress nomination for her role as Katharine Parker in Working Girl opposite Harrison Ford and Melanie Griffith. She did not win either award, (the first award was won by Jodie Foster in The Accused, and the latter was won by Geena Davis in The Accidental Tourist.) but was awarded a Golden Globe for each role, becoming the first person to win two acting Golden Globes in the same year. In fact, Weaver's Golden Globe for Best Leading Actress in a Motion Picture (Drama) was the only time there has ever been a three way tie in the history of a major awards ceremony as Weaver was named joint winner along with Jodie Foster (The Accused) and Shirley Maclaine (Madame Souzatska). By failing to win an Oscar in either category for 1988, she became the first person in history to lose twice in the same ceremony. Three people have been "double losers" since then - Emma Thompson in 1994, Julianne Moore in 2003 and Cate Blanchett in 2008.
    In popular culture:
    In 2007, Weaver reprised her role of Ellen Ripley in a commercial for DirecTV. In the commercial Weaver in the power loader vehicle from the movie Aliens is battling the queen xenomorph while explaining to watchers how DirecTV is a better deal than cable.
    The restaurant from the teen scifi drama TV show Roswell features a sandwich named after Weaver.
    Musician Scott Zeif (aka Eleph Bet) has a song called "Sigourney Weaver[12]".
    1979 Alien Ellen Ripley Nominated - BAFTA Award for Best Newcomer
    Nominated - Saturn Award for Best Actress
    Aliens Ellen Ripley Won - Saturn Award for Best Actress
    Nominated - Academy Award for Best Actress
    Nominated - Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Drama
    1989 Ghostbusters II Dana Barrett
    1992 Alien³ Ellen Ripley Co-Producer
    Nominated - Saturn Award for Best Actress
    1997Alien: Resurrection Ellen Ripley Clone Co-Producer
    Nominated - Saturn Award for Best Actress (The BEST! ^^ cuz she totally tough roughneck material :3)
    1999 Galaxy Quest Gwen DeMarco/Lieutenant Tawny Madison Nominated - Saturn Award for Best Actress (Although I hate that her character had to be demoted to-Irriatatingly be the "Female who is trashed out abit T_T")
    2008 Baby Mama Chaffee Bicknell and WALL•E Computer voice only (these cuteset and funniest movies ever ^^)/The Tale of Despereaux The Narrator voice only (haven't seen it yet but like to)
    2009 Avatar Dr. Grace Augustine in post-production
    And lastly becuase she really looks like my dear G-ma'fee as I call her ^^ I you grammy :3 *huggles*
  10. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Well I'll start with the sad news
    Today I have recently asked a CoT Forum Assistant to close both my Halo Database and my Halo Epic topic . Buuuuut the Good News >:3 I have some preperations in mind for this Blog, so I will bring New Life to my Halo Epic! ^^ New Changes, New Updates and more! No all I gotta do is get reeeaally busy on it O~o XD
  11. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    My parents were station in the Military and my Mom was pregnant with me. She left South Korea when she was 8 months pregnant. My Mom and Dad had orders to be stationed in Colorado, and a month later I was born in Co. ^^
    How far Korea is from Colorado: <-Korea the green spot
    <-Colorado the Red spot
    Any questions? Or maybe sare your own story if you like. Discussion topic is open
  12. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Waking in the Morn, stretch legs and feet.
    Thinking of getting some food, might something good to eat.
    After daily Bible studies, and alittle comp typing, I sit at my little brother's side while he does flute piping.
    At the stroke of three, nothing much else to do for Me.
    So I sit and watch TV, or listen to my CD.
    Writing, Planning, Plotting, and daydreaming the freetime glee, of imaginations innocent and carefree.
    The day almost done and light almost dark. I sit in my room and read my book, till the night has come and the day is done.

    So you like?
  13. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Tday I'm going to host comics here. Here you can drink Coffee, Late, or Mocha and read some of my best comics and get the latest news on whats up and whats new in the series ^~- .
    Today I'm featuring 'The Epic of Chane's Comics' I cameup with it yesterday since this first season was alittle messed up. It'll have all the GS and PGS in there with all the charcters ^^ Hope you all will like this. I'llprep for it soon or after the comic series is done IDK? But soon
  14. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    I'd like to giva a Hug or a Handshake if they'd like to all the people whom are my Friends and are people I know. There's no reason but just because I want to ^~^

    All My Friends
    To the People I know and whom have been nice to me at times.
    Saya~ Twilit Sky Terror
    Xaerwolf of London
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