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Tahtorak ate my house!

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Status Updates posted by Tahtorak ate my house!

  1. On BZPower, how do I delete a post I posted?

  2. Uh oh, can't find enough materials to start rebuilding my house...

  3. poor giggles. most of her deaths involve her eyes or ears. ouch :P

  4. oh the mole. Funny that i never blame him when he caused some deaths. & splendid is just the best super hero around/serial killer/world destroyer around.

  5. Win! so any particular HTF characters u like or hate (i hate lumpy sometimes)?

  6. U r right, HIGH FIVE! Handy is one of my favourite characters. the other being flippy.

  7. oh without ur comment i wouldn't have realize how well my personal pic pairs up with my username. if i hav time I will make that pic into my avatar so its more obvious.

  8. Haooy birthday to me? Why?

  9. Good for u. Now drive that car & teach Brutaka a lesson (by ramming into him 10 times). Oops wait that's = suicide = free dimensional travel

  10. Congrats! Where had Brutaka hide them? Anyway Malum smashed my car into oblivion. No hope of recovery.

  11. Pretty fine ... very relaxed but at least not bored in a sense.

  12. Hi! Long time since we last talked.

  13. Right now I am packing up things since I will be going to UK soon. In the meantime I do whatever that help spends my time

  14. Well, just enjoying my summer vacation which started on July and will end at October (the longest summer vacation I had in my life so far)

  15. By the way, I press the wrong button (something like that) so my current display is changed to my username, which is something I regret.

  16. Yeah you are right. My fault, sorry! I wonder whether if you are having summer vacation now.

  17. I doubt so, unless you can convince me otherwise.

  18. Sorry then ... what about chocolate cream puff? (I like cream puff)

  19. That hurts ... There are few things that can 'slap' people from the inside (of course, besides than wielding a large tumour and hitting people

  20. Oh wait, you confused me! I am supposed to bust Vorox! (but its too late...)

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