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About Daiku

  • Birthday 04/29/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chihuahua, Mexico
  • Interests
    First of all, I'm a Christian. I'm an MK (Missionary Kid, for those who don't know), and I live in Mexico.<br /><br />I'm also a HUGE Star Wars fan. I own (sharing with my two brothers) over fifty Star Wars books. I've also got a bunch of Star Wars computer games. I Gamemaster a Star Wars d20 Roleplaying Game campaign - it's a lot of fun.<br /><br />Wheel of Time, to a small extent. I've only read the first book, and from what I've heard of the others, that's the only one I want to read - but I'm passingly familiar with the names and terms. I also got roped into developing a WoT d20 RPG (wow, look at all that gibberish): Wheel of Time 20-sided dice Roleplaying Game. <br /><br />LEGO Bricks, of course. I like building my own stuff out of LEGO Bricks, especially starfighters. I had my own squadron (12 fighters), but I ended up taking them apart when we moved. I've still got my X-Wing, though...<br /><br />Writing stories. I've written quite a few stories here on BZPower. I find myself writing more comedies and less serious stories than I'd like. Oh well.<br /><br />Puppets. I'm on a puppet ministry down here in Mexico (we go to churches and stuff and put on puppet shows for kids). It's quite fun. I especially like sock puppets. I have about six or seven different ones...<br /><br />Music. I play the Trombone, Guitar, Bass, Drums, a bit of Piano, and Djembe (a type of drum), out of which I own a trombone, electric guitar, bass, and djembe. I'm saving up for a new instrument as we speak...or, don't speak...<br /><br />Some of my favorite bands include:<br /><br />Building 429<br />Skillet<br />Thousand Foot Krutch<br />Kutless<br />Switchfoot<br />Seventh Day Slumber<br />Todd Agnew<br />Third Day<br />Sanctus Real<br />Relient K<br /><br />Anyways, I think that's it. Not as long as some, but not as short as others. Right in the middle. Just like the little bubble on the level tool...

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • AIM
    Haven't got one...

Daiku's Achievements


Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. I was just checking if you were still alive. :P

  2. Oy... How did I miss your response? O_o

  3. Ask and you shall recieve. What's happenin?

  4. Needz moar activity.

  5. *cough*loginagainreturntoushereifonlyforadaypleasepleasepleasepleaseatleastlongenoughtoupdateonyourlifeyouknowwhatImsayingright?*cough*

  6. While I'm here, I feel a need to comment on the need for you to update your interests section. You are now twenty, but you still list yourself as a missionary KID... I guess in some races, like Superman's you'd still be a kid, but seriously. We're human here. Not alien. Though being alien would mean we weren't alien to us... >.>

  7. *whistles* Me an' my brains are jus' waiting, waiting, waiting for the Daiku to log in... >.>

  8. You need to log in more often. You are one of two people on my friends list who will not log on for long periods of time. Sure, a couple months isn't as long as the other guy will go for... But still... I want a situation report! A lot can happen in that time, y'know.

  9. Ur on my friends list, sitting there like an immboilized aircraft carrier, useless and droll.


    I've been reading too much Tom Clancy. I know this 'cause I just referenced Debt of Honor. =D

  10. Whenever you get this message, contact me with a sit rep on life if I'm online. =)

  11. Crystal Clear Mystery?

  12. Been awhile since I communicated with you. How ya' been? =D

  13. It's too bad you can't finnish your comedy, I want to know how Tanku will save the Nuva...

  14. Trust me he's not from a dumb family, his big bro works on computer, he has all the geras and such, but he got ought hacking on someones profile, in some website and he got severly punished. He can't nomore.

  15. Wow, any account? *Changes password* Not anymore! Hahahahahahahahhahahaaaa.... *trails off akweirdly*

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