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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. *creates a kayak of light*

    Always did enjoy white-water rafting.

  2. No, I is Toa of Fire.

  3. I changed my name, that's all.

    *introduces Xairos to the concept of a hotfoot*

  4. Just uploaded more to the topic since Coran hasn't.

  5. Hello, oh crazy one. How long do you plan to keep the new name?

  6. I didn't, I said hey to -Haru-.

  7. "Can't.. run.. with.. thing.. on.. back!"

  8. No, that's Beast Wars.

  9. It's going pretty good for me. I think I've finally gotten a really good start on my epic. It's going to be big.

  10. I'm sending you pictures of your Lazu now.

  11. *wipes face*

    No, no, no, you're suppose to use seltzer water.

    *drops a piano on Xairos*

  12. This again?

    *blasts Xairos's arm*

  13. You like to eat light? *combines fire and light into one blast*

    Now choke on it.

  14. I was hoping to get further in the contest than the prelims but I guess that's life.

  15. *TP's Xairos's house*

  16. *sigh* Neither do I.

  17. Only pork and chicken? You poor deprived soul. XD

  18. Now you are Exo-Armored Toa Haru: The crazy one.

    TGYK: You can send me a pie. Yumm...Pie.

  19. I've finished writing the first chapter of my epic. I'll post it once I've written a few more chapters.

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