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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. Ah, Megatron. I should have known.

  2. "Good thing that food-nipple's waiting for me at the starship 'cause man, have I worked up a big grunty thirst!"

  3. *melts the boulder to slag*

    Throws pebbles now, eh?

    *unleashes a rockslide*

  4. Going to be offline between October 24 and October 31 to go on a hiking trip with my family.

  5. *blasts Xairos-hydra's head with fire, breaking the paralyzing effect*

    What were you saying? Oh wait, you weren't saying anything at all. *ignites Xairos-hydra's body*

  6. It's going to be set in the present, and the blog timeline has been updated.

  7. *throws fireball and Xairos explodes into the nothingness, never to return and the world is safe*

  8. It's a standard Toa Tool with no additional powers. Although Talvak does have a jetpack he constructed.

  9. Old man? He was 99 years old a while back. Oh no, he's found the fountain of youth!

  10. Hey Haru.

    Xairos, look in the Bionicle artwork II forum, you'll find sprite kits there.

  11. You mean my avatar? That's part of my entry for Bonesiii's blog contest. It's what Spinax could only wish he could be.

  12. *superheats the air around Xairos*

    Dried Fiend anyone?

  13. The gators better watch out for me, I love me some gator tail steak. And what's wrong with rednecks?

  14. I give 5 stars. How do you like that!

  15. It is? That is probably a glitch somewhere in the system, because it's not like that for me.

  16. Yes, I've seen them. I prefer the Demigod and Makuta over the Toa and Turaga. I'd elaborate more, but this isn't the place.

  17. Xairos, what is your user name on Bionicle.com? See if you can upload your pictures to there.

  18. He's in ur operating room, poking ur spleen.

  19. I also have a walking tank that can fit two of my Toa.

  20. With a tiny bit of help.

  21. I'm not sure what hard tie is. Have you completely read the first post? That should provide all the help you need. If not, ask in the New Member questions and answers forum.

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