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Surface Detail

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Status Updates posted by Surface Detail

  1. 'Glad to hear it

    my friend.:-)

  2. 'gotta love that Sec avatar.

  3. 'Ole king sweaterhead started it as a fad quite a few years ago when placing it in his sig, just check his profile.

  4. * sappiness ensues*

    You really are a great writer...I wish you the best in life.

  5. A bit low on psts are we?

    Bet ya thought ya were rid of me huh?

    Geuss again.:-p

  6. A bit of a tip,

    purple mohawks, while depending on mental development are a sign of self expression, do not mix with data mangement.Or maybe it does.

    All I know is that I am in your profile, posting a comment.:-p

  7. A wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom

    So, BoA saved your life?

    I new music healed, but a I've never seen something like that thar, so good on ya.

  8. Ahh, so you were the vader-mist noob! I always wondered how he'd develop, and look at him now! Carried across a tree by Ewoks!

    He shall be praised!

  9. ahh...pepsi blue, well you have to take into account that Pepsi isn't entirely a Coke clone, much as Sprite isn't entirely a Coke clone.(granted they are both made by the same corporation.)

  10. Ahh..so your a ND fan?

    What of vote for me?

    Ya know Pedro has several small shark skeletons in his closet.;-)

  11. ahhh...now I get it, I had thought that you...nevermind, anyway, happy...er...very very early birthday in advance? Or what about keyboard day? Or the I'll take whatever you give day?

  12. ancient king sweaterhead curse word, search his sig.

  13. And as for the other things, I am in no way "grading" you, it's just a bit of a fit of annoyment I get in sometimes, as for the mods, no they are not paranoid, the rule is only that you can't do something like say,"I IS A CHRISTIAN ALL YOU OTHER RELIGIONS IS EVOIL Hhahah!!111"maybe you should check the rules concerning this before you pass judgement.

  14. And if you take M, stick a packet of lemon juice in it, and amplify it's forcefield with a series of sonic waves you get...Ireland.

  15. And the FMBWR strikes again, poor RZ.

  16. But just try to improve on the insults my friend and follow the rules.

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