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Status Updates posted by Awesome

  1. Therefore EW is a fool. So he is now my minion, since minions are fools. :P You can spend your whole spring break carrying rocks, just cause I feel like it. :P:P:P:P

  2. Gali looks like a man.

  3. Yes indeed. It was fun. Now back to normal, asignment full life -.-

  4. *Sneezes on TtW*

  5. *Smashes Lhi* Even better? :P:P:P:P:P:P:P

  6. *Kills Lhi* No more mediators. :P *Uses army Lhi rounded to destroy all who oppose me and Toa Z* We are the supreme overlords! >:)

  7. Just thought I drop in aswell. *leaves bomb behind* Have a nice day >:)

  8. quite the random. But the ants arent random Adv, their mine :P

  9. Don't worry, my ants will get your penguins aswell :P

  10. And now, I'm stealing it from you :P.

  11. yes Mario Fan, (s)he/it does.

  12. * Turns both Adventurer's into vegetables, and eats them*

  13. *Helps in growling at Adveturer*

  14. Yes...For a second there, it sounded like you're licking his fac...never mind.

  15. Its true. I do. *Spits out TtW, and eats EW, along with his armour* :P

  16. And now I'm gonna eat you! *Eats EW* Not bad. Could use a little salt.

  17. *Switches positions with Lhi* Wait... :P *Uses Lhi as a shield, then throws dead Lhi at TtW*

  18. If I'm so fail, then why do you bother arguing with me? Got something to prove?

  19. Thanks all for settling the wierd cross thingy problem. Greatly appreciated.

  20. Charizard owns everything.

  21. * Destroys the anti nuke device in the comment box and continues nuking* >:P

  22. Where are my rocks minion? You are foolish, but not foolishly so. Foolishness is simply a state of mind, or lack thereof. Therefore, bring me my rocks EW. :P

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