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Status Updates posted by Awesome

  1. *Rejects TtW so hard he dies* *All TtW rules are now void*


  2. *Slaps Toa Z with a Wet Fish*

  3. *Smashes Lhi* Even better? :P:P:P:P:P:P:P

  4. *Sneezes on TtW*

  5. *Stabs Sweeny Todd with his own Razor, asks the monster from Cloverfield, why the movie is called Cloverfield, thereby killing it since the question is unanswerable, and hits TtW with the remains of the monster, making him spit out Adventurer* And Lhilertoro, you can't teleport, you're dead. You can't lol either. Cause you're dead :P

  6. *Steals Adventurers cane, and whacks him with it, while laughing evily*

  7. *Steals Shadow Nui's explosive dollar and makes lots of copies* >:)

  8. *Steals teeth back, and puts them in mouth* Start running Takua. >:)

  9. *Stops TtW* You're not going anywhere :P

  10. *Sucks up -Adv- in a vaccum cleaner* Oh wait, wrong one :P

  11. *Switches positions with Lhi* Wait... :P *Uses Lhi as a shield, then throws dead Lhi at TtW*

  12. *Takes -Adv-'s rifle and also "accidentally" shoots Adventurer*


  13. *Throws banana peel on the ground* :P

  14. *Throws electrical items into pool* :P

  15. *Throws special missile tracker on TtW* All Missiles will now be redirected to you. Have a nice day :P

  16. *Throws up Adventurer, turns him back into a human and has him swap organs with me*

  17. *Uses awesome flame powers to burn -Adventurer- to a crisp, bringing out Adventurer, and burns him to a crisp aswell. Then Burns Toa Z aswell, just cause I can* :P

  18. *Uses mask of shielding to block Adventurers attack, and burns him to ash*:P

  19. *Uses Xaels remaining life energy to revive, and kicks TtW in the face*

  20. *Watches Adv explode, and laughs, then sticks mega super killer bomb on TtW's back* :P

  21. > continued from previous post, its to long :P. *has Dragons track and kill Shadow Nui and his wimpy shadow creatures* *Surrounds all my and Toa Z's enemies with OoMN, BoM and my Uber Dragons* Anyone willing to give up now? Or should we just kill you all? >:)

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