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Status Updates posted by Awesome

  1. Don't listen to Adventurer, Toa Z. He wants to lure you in with false promises and candy canes. Remember what we stand for! I have a dream! That all us BZpowerers can live free of Adventurers in this world! That is why I started the Anti-Adventurer League! And TtW, you and Toa Z are my Left and Right Hand men. You can decide who gets which hand. And to answer your question, I

  2. You forgot the most important rule. The Supreme Rulebook 2008 edition, Rule 567

    AdvSpRule 001 All rules are void if made by an Adventurer, esp. profile rules. :P

  3. Toa Z, I am the leader of the AAL. WE shall win this war! Because we have Dragons! For Sparta!...Er...I mean for AAL! :P

  4. *nukes EW's nukes and nukes even more* :P

  5. Anyway, back to the battle. *Comes back to life and Blows Adventurer to bits* There. That's better. Escpecailly after all that mental truama with the Mistika *shudders*.

  6. *Eats everyone* Tastes like..a hotdog! :P

  7. Urgh. You shall pay EW. With pepto bismol! *Kills the sissy little evil girl(EW :P) with pepto bismol* >:P

  8. Woohha. No harrasment ther Wrack. Its just hard to prove over the internet you know? That's all. If you claim you're female, I understand.

  9. *Dodges all debris and kills TtW with a spoon*

  10. well since no one is commenting on my own profile

    i will.

  11. * Miraculously gets up as if nothing ever happened. And breaks Adventurer in half* No more flying for you Muhahahha(Evil Laugh!).:P

  12. Watch out Xanis, or the Wasp will get you.:P

  13. And I call u:



  14. TtW that is. So now he is a Goose-Cow.



  15. *Rejects TtW so hard he dies* *All TtW rules are now void*


  16. Sorry -Adv-, but you cant shoot. You just got pecked to death.:P *Yoinks -Adv-'s rifle. Bang.* No more ducks.:P

  17. We do want it 80, we like your reviews. Everyone is so hyped over 2008, so we all want to see as much as we can of it, and your reviews lets us view the sets, so u should continue reviewing them and posting.

  18. Lol you're Avatar.

  19. they are everywhere! *Gets gattling gun and shoots Lhi and TtW* :P

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