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Status Updates posted by Uriel

  1. Just made a bunch of new deductions! Thank you for going to so much trouble for your fans.

  2. Thanks for offering - it's great to see all of the hard work you've gone to to make your stories as detailed as possible.

  3. Perhaps - though I suppose it depends on how much more of the language you are going to reveal.

  4. Awesome! I'll start updating the "dictionary" with your corrections and new information!

  5. It was what I meant to say... I wanted to ask in Unknown whether or not I was translating Unknown properly.

  6. I'm afraid so - I'll be trying to work on it over Christmas. I just can't seem to find the time to work on it, but hopefully I'll get three or four more chapters done soon.

  7. Where did you learn the language?

  8. I'm a Roman Catholic seminarian - it's sort of traditional. :)

  9. Why name yourself "Sword of God"? Is there a particular story behind the decision?

  10. Your artwork, as always, is excellent... it's a pity that the MN action figure was placed in such a competetive forum - all of the entries were so excellent, it was difficult to choose between them.

  11. Better than pretty good...I look forward to the completed game.

  12. I see... you're a remarkably good programmer for that age, especially to keep concentrated on one project like Bionicle Universe.

  13. Really? Your profile says you're eighty-four years old. :P

  14. Excuse me - I said 'whakeoti' when I meant to say 'whaokoti'.

  15. Kumano whakeoti waha nguraoteo Wunganuramosteo kiru ngurao ne'o-nuramosteo. Maohi ne'o ngurao whaokiti khi ponga?

  16. Just added some speculation on the Unknown language to your RPG topic, Bonesiii. I'd appreciate as much feedback as you can give - it would be great to solve the puzzle and translate those pesky statements.

  17. Right back at you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Thanks! It was a great birthday.

  19. Thanks - it really was!

  20. Great job in the debate - it was good to see the topic argued between two skilled opponents.

  21. Great job in the debate - it was good to see the topic argued between two skilled opponents.

  22. Great job in the debate - it was good to see the topic argued between two skilled opponents.

  23. Thanks for hosting the debate, and commenting on my poem! Both were fantastic.

  24. Hi. Unless I'm very mistaken, I know who I'm going to be voting for in AC 16... :)

  25. Thanks - I'll be reviewing your new story shortly too.

    I really loved the Hewkii/Macku irony.

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