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Status Updates posted by Uriel

  1. Perhaps - though I suppose it depends on how much more of the language you are going to reveal.

  2. Really? Your profile says you're eighty-four years old. :P

  3. Right back at you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Sure, thanks a lot! I hope that I can return the favor very soon - perhaps in Toa of the New Republic?

  5. Thanks - I'll be reviewing your new story shortly too.

    I really loved the Hewkii/Macku irony.

  6. Thanks - it really was!

  7. Thanks for hosting the debate, and commenting on my poem! Both were fantastic.

  8. Thanks for offering - it's great to see all of the hard work you've gone to to make your stories as detailed as possible.

  9. Thanks! It was a great birthday.

  10. When you say "permanently" signing off, you just mean on that theory, right? We'd hate to lose you.

  11. Where did you learn the language?

  12. Why name yourself "Sword of God"? Is there a particular story behind the decision?

  13. Why Samhain, in particular? Why not Halloween, or better yet, All Hallow's Eve?

  14. Writing and reading both - they're probably two of my five favorite things.

  15. Yeah, happy belated birthday. (Sorry I missed it the first time.) Only one more year and you'll be able to vote - and get drafted!

  16. Yes, but you should really be asking where she got it from. Its the traditional name of the fourth archangel, though it's not official, per se.

  17. Your artwork, as always, is excellent... it's a pity that the MN action figure was placed in such a competetive forum - all of the entries were so excellent, it was difficult to choose between them.

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