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Hewkii Inika

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Posts posted by Hewkii Inika

  1. spr_title_0.png

    "Welcome, new Park Manager, to Bionicle Park Tycoon," - Mata Nui, President of Bionicle Park





    What is "Bionicle Park Tycoon 2?"


    Well, as you may have guessed, it's a sequel to the first one I made a few years ago (link to it provided below for nostalgia's sake) but as well as that, it's a theme park building game set in the old Bionicle universe, so out of the canon that it wouldn't be too out of place to put some of the 2015 Bionicle stuff in it as well.  :PYou start out with a set amount of widgets and get building, either in sandbox mode where you start out with 100,000 widgets and go crazy or in one of the scenarios where you usually start out with less money and have goals to complete in a set period of time. Currently the scenarios aren't up yet, but all the sandbox maps are in the demo below.


    What is currently available in the most recent demo?


    Like I said, all the sandbox maps are available. The first tutorial's base map is up, but it doesn't work as a tutorial yet, lol. Also the Zakaz Zooms and Super Shadows scenarios are available too, but again, they're just to show off the map, so they don't work as scenarios yet either. But Super Shadows is still fun, I think!  ;) As for the other stuff...



    - Teri-Go-Round

    - Krana Koaster

    - Rocking Rockoh

    - Piraka Party

    - Ussal Karts

    - U.D.D.

    - Gukko Ride

    - Roller Rahkshi

    - Karzahni
    - Visorak Web


    None (however, there is a Shoot the Mighty Tuma one seen in the first tutorial just to give you a preview, lol)


    - Mukau Burgers

    - Bula Batches

    - Liquid Proto


    - Fern

    - Pine Tree

    - Lightstone

    - Kanohi Statue

    - Brick Wall

    - Stone Wall


    - Bohrok (janitors)


    What are some other features?


    Well, there's a day/night cycle, there's weather (rain for most of the maps, snow for the Snowy map, and no weather for the Volcanic map), and there's clouds that I think look really cool. They use some perspective tricks to add some fake 3D-ness! You gotta see it to really know what I mean, but trust me, I'm quite proud of these clouds, lol.


    When will it be finished?


    Whenever I stop being lazy.  :P For encouragement, however, I started really working on this as soon as Bionicle was announced to return in 2015, and I haven't had long breaks from it since. Based on that and my current progress, it might be completely done by the end of this year. Here's to hoping!


    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

    Screenshot 3

    Screenshot 4


    Demos and Such

    Bionicle Park Tycoon 2 Demo 1 (windowed) - In case you don't like fullscreen

    Bionicle Park Tycoon 2 Demo 1 (fullscreen) - In case you DO like fullscreen

    Bionicle Park Tycoon 1 - The one that started it all. Again, for nostalgia's sake (I'm kinda embarrassed by the graphics, but hey, it was years ago)


    So, what do you all think? Feedback would be nice: I'm meeting with some indie game developers near where I live and I'm hoping to show them what I've got on this so they can see what I can do (I can't sell it obviously, what with trademarks and all...) So yeah, let me know what you think!  :D

    • Upvote 2

    I think if they put effort into making a BIONICLE TV show, it will probably be CG. When was the last time you saw a licensed cartoon show use hand-drawn animation, particularly for a toy series?

    MLP: FiM. 


    I don't mind the animation. What irks is that HF got slick CGI while this doesn't. I think it might be to establish an ancient "legendary" feel for this one video, though. That I approve of 100%.


    Don't mean to be nitpicky, but Friendship is Magic is technically still CG, as it's made in Flash. It's 2D, yeah, but it's not hand-drawn, or at least not drawn by paper, lol. But maybe you still count that, as it definitely is a hand-drawn style.


    A Bionicle show would be awesome, IMO, as long as it's not TOO terribly cheesy. Yeah, the old movies were cheesy as heck too, but at least they had excellent atmosphere. (Well, the original three did anyways. :P)

  3. From what I've seen of this, I'm game. I mean, I'm game enough to have posted on BZPower after how many years, lol. It does seem to stir the initial excitement and mystery of 2001, and while obviously it cannot totally recreate it (as everything seemed a lot cooler back when I was a kid, lol, oh the nostalgia goggles) it seems to be making a good effort. I hope there's a lot of world-building like there was in the old canon: the old Bionicle had one of my favorite fantasy worlds of all time, even to this day. Here's to hoping! :D

  4. You guys are all so young. Four when it came out? Five Six? I was twelve back then. :P I still loved it though, and watched it so many times I can still quote the whole movie. Yeah sure, now that I'm 22 it's pretty cheesy, but at least it had great atmosphere, decent graphics for the time for direct-to-DVD movies, and ASTOUNDING music. I remember the day I got it very well: my mother went to Walmart to get some groceries, and at the front was a whole case for the movie (it was the day of its release), so I got the DVD immediately, brought it home, and watched the heck out of it.


    Bionicle: Mask of Light. I salute you. You and Legends of Metru Nui WERE my childhood. I look forward to celebrating you again for your 20th. Hopefully by then I'll have kids, and then I can show them what my childhood was like. :D

  5. Thanks! :D I feel so honored that I've made something you and your family have spent so much time on. Always nice for someone to have something they've made to be appreciated. :)


    Added a couple of new things. An idea I had for the original was day and night, but the lighting engine I used had a lot of bugs, so I got rid of it. This one doesn't have any I've seen so far, so it's back in! I also have a video for an idea I have for the final scenario in the campaign: build a successful theme park in the Zone of Shadows! (the dimension where Zivon came from, in case you forgot). Trust me, it'll be a toughie. ;)

  6. This looks awesome! I've seriously already watched the trailer like 50 times. :P The self-aware sense of humor and the stop-motion-style CGI make me have really high hopes for it. Plus those two writers/directors who did Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs are some of the wittiest people in Hollywood now. Just watch the director commentary for Cloudy and see them reference all the ways they referenced or subverted childrens' movie cliches, or if you're old enough, watch 21 Jump Street: it's by the same duo oddly enough, and it's similarly witty and self-aware, albeit much more adult.


    Enough rambling: cannot wait for this movie!

  7. Holy Kanohi, I am SO looking forward to this movie! :D I've been looking forward to it since I saw early footage for it at the 2012 Comic-Con, and every trailer since has made my eyes explode with awesomeness. I'm going to see it opening day with my dad. If I could, I would see it in the midnight showing, but unfortunately my dad doesn't like staying up that late, and he really wants to see it with me. 3 more days! Cannot. WAIT!

  8. Oh wow, you're right! :blink: Well, I updated the link with a new version of the file. I guarantee you there was no virus on that file, but I don't want to make anyone nervous, so I made a new file of it. Sorry about that! Let me know if it works now.


    And thanks, guys. ^_^ Yeah, I'm aware it looks a bit weird that the guests are side-view but the rest is top down, but in the original all you saw were their masks, and I didn't like that as much, so I changed it. This makes them a bit more complex: they have walking animations now, for instance.



    (Fancy banner to come when I'm not feeling so lazy. :P )


    Back on the old forums, I made a couple of games, some of them finished, some of them not (RIP Bionicle Swarms...) However, my biggest success was Bionicle Park Tycoon, a business-strategy game where you make a theme park in the Bionicle world, with helpful tips from Mata Nui (President of Bionicle ParK), Lewa (Ride Manager), Mr. Zesk (Shop Manager), Nuju (Finance Director) and so on. There were about 10 rides or so to build, a couple of shops, and so on. Nothing huge in scope like Roller Coaster Tycoon, but hey, I'm just one man. (Although technically the original RCT was made almost entirely one man too, Chris Sawyer, but that's beside the point)


    Well, today I'm officially announcing the sequel: Bionicle Park Tycoon 2! :D (A more creative name might be coming later...)


    This game will be much, much bigger. Not only are there more rides, many more shops, and a new type of attraction called sideshows (in case anyone doesn't know, those are games people play at a theme park to win prizes, like those strength tests or shooting gallery thingies), but there will also be a campaign, with unlockable items as prizes! B-) The gameplay will be more complex as well: everything you build with the exception of scenery items will have a daily upkeep, which raises or lowers depending on the speed or length of the ride. Roller coasters are no longer as limiting to build, too. In the first game, there was a set number of pylons for each roller coaster; no more, no less. Now you can be more creative: with each coaster you can have anywhere from five to twenty-five pylons, creating the coaster of your dreams! :o Also, the user interface is blue this time, whereas it was red before. :P


    While a playable demo still isn't ready yet, i do have screenshots and a video! I'll try to get the demo ready ASAP.




    A normal, everyday park

    A slightly more cluttered park

    The list of rides. Feel free to ask me about one of them for details

    And the list of shops.

    Nighttime shot!



    Gameplay Video 1 - This shows me starting a park, build a Teri-Go-Round, a Mukau Burger shop, and a Krana Koaster. Yes, those are the only three things buildable now, in case you were wondering, but that'll change soon, I promise!

    Gameplay Video 2 - This shows what will be the very last scenario in the campaign: build a theme park in the ZONE OF SHADOWS! :o


    And, just in case anyone's curious or wants to relive playing the original, here's a download link for the first Bionicle Park Tycoon.


    More to come! LOTS more! :D What do you think so far?

  10. Thanks guys! :D X-G 12, I hear that a lot about the controls, but just try and get used to them: the current way is, as far as I know, the most flexible way to move around while still allowing local multiplayer. Katuko, yeah, I'll probably add some more stuff to beef it up (I'm planning a campaign mode, plus different modes of gameplay) but I don't think I'll add passing: Kolhii is a two-player-per-team sport, and I'd like to keep it that way for now.


    A new demo has been posted. Now a Vahi power-up has been added, which slows down EVERYTHING, from the weather to the announcers' commentary, except you and your goalie. ^_^ I also tweaked some things, and currently got rid of 2-player mode to fix some bugs (but you can still play it in the original demo, as I kept it up)

  11. extremekolhiibanner.png


    Genre: Sports/Arcade

    Players: 1-2 Players (in the current demo, 2-player has been temporarily taken out to fix some bugs, but it's still in the older demo)

    Current Version: 1.1


    I'm restarting this topic due to 1) the old one is long dead, and 2) I've made a TON of progress on this game since then. So there you go.

    There's many Bionicle games out there, mostly fighters, some strategy, some platformers, whatever. Now, they're all great games, but I've noticed a rather peculiar dearth of games that use and expand the ones that already exist in the Bionicle universe, such as Kolhii and Akilini. Well, no one knows how Akilini works and it's not as cool as Kolhii, so here's Extreme Kolhii!



    - Play against either one or two AI teams in a single-player match

    - Play against a buddy in local multiplayer (again, a bit buggy at the moment, and I will fix the issues, but it's certainly still playable. Currently taken out temporarily for the latest demo for bug fixes)

    - A shoot-o-meter for the player to control exactly how hard he shoots the Kolhii ball. If the button is released at the absolute maximum, you get a POWER SHOT, a much faster than normal shot.

    - A humorous commentary courtesy of Nidhiki and Krekka. They comment on everything. Literally. Try shooting a ball into your own goal and listen to them make fun of you. :P

    - Use power-ups such as a speed boost, freezing your opponents, getting a super-goalie, slowing down everything and everyone but you and your goalie, and other fun stuff.

    - Weather that actually affects gameplay: snowy weather adds more friction to your character, while firestorms can suddenly drop a big lava bomb on your field that renders an area unplayable for a few seconds!




    For Player 1:

    W - Move forward

    S - Move backward

    A - Turn to your left

    D - Turn to your right

    Space Bar - Shoot, steal, deflect, basically an action button.


    For Player 2:

    Up Arrow Key - Move forward

    Down Arrow Key - Move backward

    Left Arrow Key - Turn to your left

    Right Arrow Key - Turn to your right

    Ctrl - Action button




    Screenshot 1: Three teams battle in a FIRESTORM!!!

    Screenshot 2: A snowy day at the Kolhii game

    Screenshot 3: Two teams face off in a unique curved field.




    DEMO 1.1 (Adds the Vahi power-up plus fixes some little issues)


    DEMO 1 (Now outdated, but download it for 2-player mode for now)


    So? Any praise? Any complaints? Any feedback is appreciated. :)

  12. Thanks! :D Those suggestions are good, and I'll figure out how to tweak the AI player to make him be more like the human player.Oh, I just thought I'd say this, because I forgot to last time: the Santa hats the Kolhii players have is just a temporary thing. It's only in December. Once January hits, they'll go away. I made the coding so that when your computer's calender says it's December, the hats appear. I thought it'd be funny... :P

  13. All right, next demo posted. This includes a main menu, a brand-new Kolhii field, BOOSTED power-shots (there's only one way to get them, and trust me, it's worth it :P) and post-game stats that allow you to review the game you just played. Check it out! :biggrin:EDIT: On second thought, I need to fix a few things, as I found a LOT of glitches in multiplayer mode. But single-player works fine. However, I'm still going to fix the glitches in multiplayer pretty soon, however.

  14. First off, I'll humor myself by saying that some might be wondering where I've been for the last ten months. Honestly, it was my own darn fault. Let's just say I overreacted about something, and to anyone who knows what I'm talking about, I sincerely apologize. Nice new forum, BTW. :PAnyways, time to talk about a game I posted back on the old forum: Extreme Kolhii!extremekolhiibanner.pngWhat is this, exactly? Well, let me say it's better than it sounds. Basically, it's a more crazy-than-normal game of Kolhii, complete with power-ups, super-shots, and a humorous commentary courtesy of Nidhiki and Krekka. You can play by yourself against an AI opponent, or you can compete against one of your friends. There's also weather, but it's currently random and has no effect on gameplay. Eventually there will be difficulty levels, new power-ups, new commentary and new modes of play, such as different challenges that test your Kolhii skills.Controls are:Player 1:W = move forwardS = move backwardA = turn leftD = turn rightSpace = shoot/steal/deflect (depends on who has the ball and if its out of hands)Player 2 (in 2-player mode only)Up = move forwardDown = move backwardLeft = turn leftRight = turn rightCtrl = shoot/steal/deflectDemo (updated 11/27/11):http://www.mediafire.com/?k0qyqcizqzc5mooLet me know what you guys think!

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