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The Venom

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Year 17

1 Follower

About The Venom

  • Birthday 08/25/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    .... Deep south?
  • Interests
    Comic making, spriting, writing, etc.
    You can find me over Xbox Live playing Halo 3, and starting September 14, Halo Reach. My GT is NotoriousVen.
    I own an electric guitar, and I'm pretty decent with it.
    I've collected BIONICLE sets since 03, along with Transformers, Halo figures, and what ever else that's cool that may cost a fortune someday.

    Venom is my favorite comic book villain. (Even though he's actually labeled 'Anti-Hero'.)

    Transformers is awesome. I loved all three movies, even though the second one was close to fail.

    I like Linkin Park. They're my favorite band, mostly for the reason that they're moving to a much more distinctive sound. Which I like.
    I'm into rock in general, and I'll also listen to other bands of course such as Foo Fighters, A Day To Remember, Three Days Grace, Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, etc.

    I don't get mad too easily on the internet. (It's the internet, lol) Though I can get annoyed.

    Making comics is to be done for the heck of it. To express your creativity. Not to make yourself some kind of popularity-magnet which alot of BZP members, mostly new comic makers, mistaken it to be.

    Spriting is another hobby of mine, and I have my own sprite kit known as The Acer Kit. I occasionally sprite other things, such as fan-work for the RZ kit or Rayg Kit, and at times I'd work on Transformer sprites.

    I'm currently working on my 3 (Almost 4) year old comic series V.3.
    I've made comics on BZP since 2006, with my first series called The Venom Chronicles.
    I closed it in 2008, and started ~V.3~ shortly after. (Called ~V~ at the time.)
    I've made comics off of BZP since 2004, for a different forum, and they failed. So yeah.

    The Editorialist inspired me to make comics on BZP.
    And so here I am. Just doing my thing.

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    None. Mwahahaha!

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  1. I like your avatar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Venom

      The Venom

      I found it, really liked it, and decided to use it. =P

    3. iPenguin


      Do you know who she is? She looks really familiar.


      I first thought she was the girl who played Mary Jane in the first spiderman movie, but that doesn't seem right.

    4. The Venom

      The Venom

      Yup, you're very much right. It's Kirsten Dunst.

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