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Jonestown Bartender

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Blog Entries posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. Jonestown Bartender
    Unless you've found away to isolate yourself from all forms of news including the internet you should already now the Inauguration is next week and if you’re planning on going then there’s something you should know about Maryland…
    Really I’m not kidding all the other highways go in a circle, all the roads ether go to a highway, (and it is going to almost always be one of the useless ones), or the hit dead end somewhere in the middle of nowhere (I really mean nowhere the people that live there “don’t believe in no street lights.”
    Also for some reason they want you to walk across a two mile bridge that just happens to be FALLING APART in what with wind chill will fell like -10 degree weather.
    Oh and if you’re lucky enough to have 30 bucks on hand for a subway ticket then be ready to meet some real nuts, I mean there’s this one guy there that thinks he’s the ruler of the world and we, his loyal subjects, put him down there to “keep him safe from the moon-men.”
    So just think about that, you’re really going to be much happier watching it on TV with a bag of chips.
    I also live in within 40 miles of D.C. so I can say whatever I want to about how stupid this thing is getting.
    (if you don’t know a normal two-way subway ticket is ten bucks.)
  2. Jonestown Bartender
    Czech Republic
    New Zealand
    Puerto Rico
    North Korea
    Most. Boring. Color. Combination. Ever.
  3. Jonestown Bartender
    One, two, three, four; Seven men will die no more.
    Five, six, seven, eight; The rest will burn in hate.
    Nine, ten, eleven, twelve ; Then the world will start a-new
  4. Jonestown Bartender
    2000; Pretty awesome. All the boy bands are breaking up, the internet gains popularity, and the rams win a super bowl.
    2001; Feels bad man. Mostly due to all the paranoia 9/11 caused, it was like living in 1984.
    2002; ...? did anything happen in 2002?
    2003; Decent year. First Bionicle movie comes out, but Homeland Security and the shuttle accident also happened...
    2004; Meh. Reagen died and bionicle had great sets this year but the story sucked.
    2005; Feels bad man. Hunter S Thompson killed himself and Bionicle sucked.
    2006;...I do not remember this year.
    2007; pretty good year. Paranoia over 9/11 is final dead and bionicle stops sucking so much.
    2008; also a good year. Obama was elected and The Dark Knight came out.
    2009; OH GOD WAT. if you don't remember why this year sucks or why it was nuts you need your memory checked.
    Over all; Never a dull moment.
  5. Jonestown Bartender
    1. I can lift about twice my own weight but because I don't get half the sleep I should I'm really, really short and scrawny looking.
    2. My impulsiveness mixed with self-destructive tendency can get me in to some less then pleasant situations.
    3. I get bored at night and when I get bored I start to think and when I think I get a really alienated feeling.
    4. I'm short.
    5. I have a high metabolism so I look like a stick.
    6. I think the FBI is out to get me.
    7. I think the FBI is on it's way to my house right now.
    8. I think I can here them.
    please help.
  6. Jonestown Bartender
    The day BZpower died

    I can still remember how
    the comedies used to make me smile.

    And I knew if we had done well,
    The spammers would have been flamed,
    And there'd be no more noobs for awhile...

    But matoro worshipers made me shiver,
    with every with every banner they delivered.
    Hackers on the front page;
    I barely held in my nerd rage.

    I can't remember if I cried
    when I saw the kits far and wide,
    but someone called the F.B.I.,
    the day that BZpower died.

    Bye bye, to the great forum site
    Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5
    Some good old lulz were had on that aging *power
    Posting "This'll be the day we get banned,
    this'll be the day we get banned."

    Did you write the rules of spam?
    and did we a love Omi secretly?
    It was better then, if you ask me...

    Now do you believe in a freeking sig poll?
    Can censorship save your mortal soul?!
    And can you teach me how to talk some reeeal smaaack?

    Well I know that Dimensioneer rued the day when he
    He opened up his laptop and saw
    Man, I dig those crazy trolls!

    I was a lonely teenage hate machine
    with a new computer with a really big screen,
    but I knew someone would intervene
    the day that BZpower died.

    And we were posting, "Bye bye, to the great forum site
    Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5"
    Some good old lulz were had on that aging *power
    Posting "This'll be the day we get banned,
    this'll be the day we get banned."

    And there we were all on this one *Power
    With Omi groupies and MIB spam
    With no time left to start again.

    So come on, post some MOCS, post some real comics,
    Post pic's of your new sets,
    Because in the reviews is where they stick.

    Omi posted "it sucks"
    And mods were leaving night and day
    No Bzper born to lurk
    Could stand to post anymore!

    The flamewars mounted left and right,
    From fanboys who'd gotten too uptight,
    I saw GregF laughing in delight,
    The day that FAILpower died

    And he was singing, "Bye bye, to the great forum site
    Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5"
    Some good old lulz were made on that aging *power
    Posting "This'll be the day we get banned,
    This'll be the day we get banned."


    I found a site that didn't lose,
    And I asked them for some happy news,
    But they just told me to go back to my old forum.

    I remember I bookmarked this new "BZP"-
    Where the mods were cool and they didn't ban,
    Just for posting stupidly.

    And back at 'COT the RPGers all screamed,
    The old creeps left and the new freaks beamed,
    But no Moderator was jokin'.
    The Mata nui theory’s all were broken.

    And the three things I admire most,
    Ninjo, spam and a good troll post-
    Got in a car and drove to the Mexico,
    The day that FAILpower died.

    And we we're posting...

    Bye bye, to that great forum site,
    Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5
    Some good old lulz were had on that aging *power
    Posting "This'll be the day we're all banned,
    this'll be the day we're all banned."

    Bye bye, to the great forum site,
    Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5
    Some good old lulz were made on that aging *power
    Posting "This'll be the day we get banned."


    Fixed some of the lyrics and changed around some of the lines.

    Also I'd really like to make this into a real song but unfortunately I can't sing or use any form of musical instrument so if anyone would like to volunteer...
  7. Jonestown Bartender
    You are not free, you have never been free, you will never be free. Dose not matter where you live, how old you are, how much money you make, or what your family has done in the past.
    You're always a slave to something until you let go. Stop holding on and let go.
    There are three kinds of people in the world, those of you who control others and are slaves to power thus losing control of them selfs, those who have given up power and are slaves to other humans thus losing control over others, and then there's those lucky few who have let go and are falling, soon to their own doom sadly, but they are free.
    To be free you have to let go of your money, your future, your family, and your will to live.
    If you do this, no one will be able to hurt you, ever.
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