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Unconquerable Snow Black

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Status Updates posted by Unconquerable Snow Black

  1. there in toys r us? darn... i dont live near there. @.@

  2. There was magic and limits plus summons, plus usage of the square buttons during combos,

    Everyone has their opinions though, so im not the one to force you. :P

  3. Well in australia at least.... (I had to import re:com and use a device that lets me play ntsc games, thats how devoted I am)

    I have completed birth by sleep, the final episode maxs the awesomeness up, and the secret bosses were darn hard. I am trying to get 100% completion so i can get the secret movie that i can already see on a video site. :P

    I did this with a drifting analog control

  4. when will the 2009 website be up! *dies of waiting*

  5. where did my comments go?

    i feel sad ;_;

    nah anyway can you tell me what bioshock is about because its sounds intresting withs these "big daddys" so what is that robot have to do with it?

  6. where is the hip shaking? i want the answer! i want challenge!

  7. Wow its been another long time leppy, I liked your comic series moronicle, *sniff* good times.

  8. wow that voltiak looked great! but you could of done it green though.

  9. Wow, :D Can you tell me how?

  10. yay another aussie!

    i heard another aussie round here saying that the phantoka will be out in janurary and mutran is in april and icarax in feburary. in an australian lego mag

  11. Yay I didnt know you liked KH :D

    What games from the series have you played?

  12. yay i got my shameful comment in the quotes section! now to find the deadly hip shaking

  13. yay tak is not dead!

    can you use captain tak sparrow name cos it suits you

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