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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Snoopy82

  1. Happy 101st Birthday. :D

  2. But that's what makes them awesome. :(

  3. Unfortunately for you, 23 and the other captured Snoops have been trained to kill themselves as soon as they've been captured!

  4. I almost forgot you were a LEGO staffie... Hi!

  5. Happy B-Day, RZ. I never knew you were that old. :)

  6. 5 Year members for the Win. :)

  7. Hey, I've seen worse :P But seriously since its just a play on the well-known phrase, and I'm not trying to be lude/trolling/etc. in anyway, I would think its okay. Of course if a staffy asks me to change it I will.

  8. I don't actually have any binary skill, I just used a translator. :P

  9. Your personal statement is a lie. I joined well before you did and I haven't disapeared or been promoted. :)

  10. Hi Gata-ling gun. :)

  11. So I hear you're homeschooled... So am I!

  12. I love your ave...

  13. I agree, you look like my cousin.

  14. I here tell you are more than one person... but who? Tell me or face my Blockin Lava Ape!

  15. I always thought you were older... 0.o

  16. The Best Writer EVER on BZP. No one comes even close.

  17. *Alt F4*


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