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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy
    Hey y'all, it's Halloween and I'm feeling generous so instead of handing out free virtual candy (does such a thing exist?) I'm handing out a free steam key for the game FTL. If you're one of the few people who doesn't already own it, go ahead and comment on this post saying you want the game and... why you want it, I guess? Idk I'm bad at doing giveaways. I'll probably do a raffle thing and pick a random person, so it doesn't really matter what you say.
    So yeah, a no-spiderwebs-attached giveaway of a pretty awesome game. No tricks, that's all there is to it.
    Happy Halloween!

  2. Zeddy
    So I was walking around my friendly neighbourhood Lego store, and guess what I found in a dark corner, hidden away.
    Kanoka disc packs.
    It was like a wave of nostalgia hit me, and I almost bought one but then I was like what's the point. I'll just tell people on BZP. It's funny how a 10+ year old collectible is still available in stores, and I can't find this year's Technic bike thing model...
    Edit: Here's a pic.
  3. Zeddy
    Or, in other words, the pinnacle of human achievement. Landing a probe on a comet a bajilion miles away? Pfft, childs play. Combining snackfood and drink into a cheese-flavored carbonated beverage? That, people, takes true genius. I salute the pioneers at Pepsi for coming up with the one thing this world needed, the one thing we were missing from our lives but just didn't know it until now.
    Truly, this is it, people. It's just all downhill from here.

  4. Zeddy
    Request your N+ avatar/sig here in any color.
    Choose the color of the bandana and the body and I'll do it.
    I mean it. :angry:
    And this is only for N avatars/banners, nothing else.
    Yes, I am so bored.
    EDIT: You can get Santa hats too, now.
    EDIT2: Also please upload them to your Maj/Whatever and use them, k?
  5. Zeddy
    Who ya' gonna join? B)
    So like, I thought I might as well gather a cult following start an Awesome Club. B)
    Post in this entry if you want to join. Members will get.. a high-five, and their name in a custom content block. They will also be deemed awesome by me. B)
    1) You must be a BZP member.
    2) You have to provide a reason as to why you wish to join this Awesome Club.
    So what are you reading for? Join!

  6. Zeddy
    I'd like to thank a few bunch o' people for stuffz on BZP:
    Dimensioneer for creating it.
    Google for leading me to it.
    B6, Kex, Omi, Than and Toaraga for the PE.
    Gatanui for recommending me for staff.
    B6 for actually considering me and then promoting me.
    EmperorWhenua for the bribery.
    All my friends for being my friends. And being awesome. : D
    So.. thanks all you guys.
  7. Zeddy
    So, iTunes has received yet another update. I have to say it's a huge improvement on the old UI; I actually kinda like it. It's way cleaner and compact.
    Now if only I can get it to stay open for more than 5 minutes without crashing...
  8. Zeddy
    I have nothing to blog about... so...
    Get this entry to 100 comments.
    Hey, everyone's doing it, so why not me?
  9. Zeddy
    I bought Rocka Stealth Machine, mainly coz I couldn't find either the Motocross bike or Evo XL (there is still hope for those two though).
    It was a pretty fun and surprisingly complex build, or maybe I'm just too rusty when it comes to Lego now. It was also strangely cathartic, which is great coz I needed it. A lot. Needless to say I'm gonna be buying a couple more sets, and I can always pretend it's a birthday gift if I start feeling guilty about all the spending.
  10. Zeddy
    I don't know what they are, but I went ahead and bought one. I had a disproportionate amount of fun building it- after the 1-2 minutes it took I felt giddy the whole day.
    Who knows.. maybe I WILL GO AND BUY ANOTHER and feel all self-conscious when I walk into a Lego store filled with a bunch of 5-8 year olds
    (EDIT: This is an old entry that I accidentally republished by clicking the wrong "publish" button. )
  11. Zeddy
    Well, I'm off from classes for the whole week (fall break whooo), so like precisely everyone else, I'm gonna go explore Europe. I'm off to Florence first and hopefully a bunch of other places. I'll be gone till Friday if everything goes according to plan. Needless to say internet will be spotty so I probably won't be online much. Here's hoping I don't get killed or worse, mugged.
    Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, m'kay?
  12. Zeddy
    So apparently there's rumours floating around that Jenna Maroney Jena Malone will play a female Robin in the new Batman vs. Superman movie. Two things:
    1) Maybe a dose of feminine energy will help balance the manliness of the Bat-chin.

    2) Seriously, DC, why can't you just make a movie based on The Dark Knight Returns and sit back and sip your cocktail made of $100 bills by the poolside which is also filled with money on your beach chair which is also made of- you guessed it- money? The material is there, just make it already D:
    I'm still excited for this movie and I'm looking forward to see how exactly they plan to handle the mix of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, she-Robin, Lex Luthor and Khal Drogo Aquaman without botching everything, as Zack Snyder is known to do occasionally. I don't have very high hopes at this point, but I'd love to be proven wrong in two years' (!) time.
  13. Zeddy
    I didn't want to make a whole topic about this, but it's still interesting so I'll just stick it here.
    So as most of you know, Velika the Po-Matoran is actually a Great Being in disguise. I was completely floored when I discovered this fact 3 days ago.
    What you may not know, is that in Russian and some other Slavic languages, "velikij/великий" means "great" (as an example, Great Britain is "velikobritaniya/Великобритания").
    Which means Velika is literally derived from the word "great", and this should have been a major hint as to the characters true origins. Now I know in the Official Velika Guide topic (it exists lol), Greg said they hadn't planned this reveal way back in 2006. So it could just be a coincidence (or maybe he was lying ). But it seems too perfect to be a coincidence, especially seeing how the story in the past has been littered with these little hints everywhere.
    Though I suppose it is possible that they randomly picked a name and then decided the character's fate after they discovered its meaning.
    Stranger things have happened.
    (i apologize if this has been pointed out before)
  14. Zeddy
    I have mixed feelings about that finale... I'm sad that it's ended and season 2 is nowhere in sight, but also excited for Agents of Shield to finally start again. For me it was probably one of the better shows I've seen, and I think like Breaking Bad since they had a clear time frame going in they were better able to craft a decent (great), no-loose-ends type of story.
    I'm just gonna sit here hoping and praying that they renew it coz we need more shows like it on TV.
  15. Zeddy
    Please please PLEASE take a break from making Assassin's Creed games! With a new-yet-old game releasing every single year (TWO major ones this year) you're running a beloved franchise into the ground. I liked it when I had a couple of years between games, taking the time to explore one completely and then waiting in anticipation for the next one to see what new improvements you bring to the sequel.
    But now it's like the same game released over and over with minor, yet not really required, improvements and a brand new $60 price tag. I don't have the time, energy or money to keep up with all the sequels that keep coming out. I realize this is a common practice in the video game world (well, I guess it's not limited to just video games) but I thought it was only really restricted to franchises I didn't particularly care about. Now it's hitting a little closer to home and I don't like it lol
    I guess it's my fault too; I should've probably bought, say, every third title they released and I would have been happy. It's not too late to start though.
  16. Zeddy
    Taka-Tahu-Nite Owl (II) and Degenerorschach-Exo team up and go to beat up Ozeddymandias.
    We're like BZarro Watchmen. =P =P

  17. Zeddy
    Well, then you've come to the right place! I'm bored now and probably going to be bored for the foreseeable future until I start panicking and start studying for midterms or whatever, so go ahead and request a banner or avatar that you'd like. This is also me reminiscing about the existence and now non-existence of Artwork II: Shops and Kits.
    If you're not here for an avatar, uh... how great was that episode of SNL?
  18. Zeddy
    Mostly coz I don't use my laptop much when I'm at home, I watch TV instead. So expect more activity when college starts next week.
    Anyway, while on holiday I started watching the Hobbit, and then I watched the second part and then the third and then read the book... and then I watched the LotR movies and am reading the book, so yeah, it's been a productive few weeks. I initially thought I wouldn't like them much, because I'm not usually a huge fan of elves and dwarves and stuff (dragons I can handle), and I thought I would prefer more ASOIAF style books (with humans and a bit of magic), but turns out that's not the case.
    Anyway these three books and then the other ones should keep me busy for a while, and now I'll finally be able to understand all the LotR references that usually go over my head. Good times.
  19. Zeddy
    ... is literally the dullest, most time consuming thing I can think of when it comes to cooking. If only the payoff wasn't sooo worth it. WHERE IS A PRESSURE COOKER WHEN YOU NEED ONE D:
    Hopefully now that I'll have some boiled potatoes I can finally motivate myself into actually using them in a dish instead of just leaving them there and giving up and eating them with salt or something...
    And while we're on the topic of frustrating foods, what is up with the lemons, guys? How the heck is one supposed to use them? They're like yellow oranges (heh) except worse- near impossible to peel, and half of the good stuff just stays unused! I guess I'll just go lemon-less when I'm not at home (or buy those lemon juice things)... The ones I'm used to are small, thin-skinned and you can squeeze them with your hand without spraining your wrist.
    I guess I'm just homesick lol
  20. Zeddy
    To get the iPhone 2.2 software, I have to pay $10? That's just plain stupid.
    What's worse, is that if I had 2.0 before this [which I didn't] I could've upgraded for free.
    This means I don't have any access to any apps.
    Remind me never to buy an iPod ever again.
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