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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy
    ... kinda.
    Me and Erebus were chatting, and we got to the topic of all those old cartoons.. Dexter, Powerpuff Girls, I Am Weasel, Johnny Bravo, 2 Stupid Dogs, Ed, Edd and Eddy, Flintstones, Courage the Cowardly Dog.. man were those good times.
  2. Zeddy
    Yeah. We have to draw a book cover, and then illustrate any 3 scenes from the book.
    All this due on Saturday. And I still haven't chosen a book.
    I'm thinking Charlotte's Web, or Goosebumps or something like that. Any suggestions?
  3. Zeddy
    Now, when I update album art on iTunes, it doesn't show up on the iPod.
    I update some new ones, and the old ones disappear. >_>
    [OK, now I changed the title 'coz Apple isn't that bad, only the iPod part of it. ]
  4. Zeddy
    Hey y'all, it's Halloween and I'm feeling generous so instead of handing out free virtual candy (does such a thing exist?) I'm handing out a free steam key for the game FTL. If you're one of the few people who doesn't already own it, go ahead and comment on this post saying you want the game and... why you want it, I guess? Idk I'm bad at doing giveaways. I'll probably do a raffle thing and pick a random person, so it doesn't really matter what you say.
    So yeah, a no-spiderwebs-attached giveaway of a pretty awesome game. No tricks, that's all there is to it.
    Happy Halloween!

  5. Zeddy
    'Coz he sent me this:

    =D =D =D
    Also my edited version: [spoiler'd 'coz it would make this post kinda long. =P]

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Tell me if it's not appropriate or something; I'll remove it. =)
  6. Zeddy
    As you know my comp is totally messed up, and I'm not using mine. So when mine comes back, chances are it'll be re-formatted or something. And that's where I had my iTunes library and stuff. So now when I re-install iTunes on it, it would delete all the songs I have currently on my iPod. Why Apple couldn't have done something for this problem, I'll never know.
    Also there's no way I can get back my pictures stored on the iPod, either. >___>
    Which means I'll have to use some third-party thing to get the stuff back, which I doubt will work. <___<
    *That is, in the case of iPods and stuffs.
  7. Zeddy
    Ok, fine, geez the 2009 sets aren't that bad.
    Skrall: He's too thin but he's OK.
    Strakk: He's ok.
    Gresh: He's awesome.
    Vorox: He's cool.
    Malum: He's cool, even though he's a fire set.
    Tarix: He's the only one that really, truly sucks. I mean, three shades of blue, gold and then silver?
    The Agori are cool, too, all except Berix (similar reason as Tarix).
    The titans: Tuma is awesome.
    Fero and Skirmix suck, too. Well, mostly Skirmix 'coz he looks like some 3 year old threw together some pieces to make a titan.
    BUT, IMO the hands are the worst things that could happen to the sets.
    And now don't go all, "I told you so", "I told you to wait for a closer look", etc. etc.
    Especially you, TtW.
  8. Zeddy
    I'm bored and I hadn't posted an entry so I'm posting this now.
    Also I sent an e-mail to Photobucket asking why they removed the pic of the bug by saying it 'violated terms of use', and they restored it to it's six-legged glory.
  9. Zeddy
    So, like, school sucks.
    Can you believe I have to go to school tomorrow? Oo
    Yes, a Sunday. SUNDAY. (For some stupid cultural program, but still, man.)
    I've been to school every single day of this week. >_<
    But thankfully, Monday and Tuesday (HINT HINT) are holidays. *phew*
    I just felt like letting out my frustration somewhere.. so yeah. Discuss and what-not.
  10. Zeddy
    So I got a ton of holiday homework for the summer holidays.. and there's like a 100 questions for Math.
    I'm staring at them and going 'How the heck do you solve this <yay> question?!'. I mean, if you're giving us 100 questions and about a 100 more in other subjects, at least give some that kids can understand?
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