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Rabin: Toa of Electricity

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Status Updates posted by Rabin: Toa of Electricity

  1. Happy Easter to you, too!


  2. You need to post in one of the forums that increases your post count. Everything Else does not count, :P

  3. It's nice to see you. BZP quit working on my compy for some reason. Anyways, Merry Christmas! Also, I got Guitar Hero III for Xmas and bought GHI/II

  4. I figured you meant that :P


  5. Kiotu, I'd just like to say that I lost my internet privileges and wasn't given a chance to tell you. I'm incredibly sorry, Kiotu.

  6. Relax, I'm not dead...

    I just lost internet privileges. I still don't have them ;_;

    We really need to set up a time that we can voice chat on D/P

  7. Yeah, it does... :~)


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