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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Laka

  1. Laka

    Hi uh. wanna watch a movie?

  2. Hiya! What's new with you?

  3. Hmmm.... I think you should. Your MOCs are really good, so I'm sure you could cook up something really nice.

  4. How can I do a noun? Oh no! The grammatical impossibility is mind-boggling! And smelly syrup too? Noooooo!

  5. Huh that's weird. I've had a lot of two person races. They're pretty cool unless you fall way behind. Lol Blue Shell fail.

  6. Laka

    I am filled to bursting with jealousy.

  7. Laka

    I can't. I'm saving it for you in 80 days. HEY! YOU COULD GO AROUND THE WORLD!

  8. Laka

    I did what where?

  9. I did? I'll have to check on that. I'm just waiting for my 1000th post special. I'm not sure what to post yet >_

  10. I do? Oh no!! What will I do?

  11. Laka

    I don't get it. I signed on somewhere between 1 and 2 am my time (11 and 12 yours), and you weren't there.

  12. Laka

    I finally posted in your review topic for The Battle of All Time. Sorry it took me so long =(

  13. I gots Diamond. Dialga FTW.

  14. Laka

    I know. o[

  15. I made those wierd pancakes. But I'm giving them to you, instead! Mwahaha!

  16. I need to edit that. I read Extras a while ago. Eulalia was pretty good. Most of the Redwall series are mostly the same. I'd say it's in the top 7 Redwall books, though. Lord Brocktree, the Pearls of Lutra, Rakkety Tam, and Taggerung are some of the others.

  17. Laka

    I need to. D=

  18. Laka

    i no. but doin that would get me caught oop in connersations. And I dun want that. =/

  19. I think I can probably review your epics either tomorrow or Friday. Finals >_<.>

  20. I think we should start it end of July. You're... Psychic leader? We need some more people to be challengers....

  21. I thought Mak would've been the Joker. *Hides from Jokerly wrath*

  22. Laka

    I want BD's pieces moar! I will defeat you all with my mighty Falcon Punch!

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