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Posts posted by SuperStickman117

  1. Well, I had a great house built on a mountain. 3 stories and a lookout post on the roof. A mine that went down to bedrock, and a crapload of iron. So what do I do? I go into a forest to find some spiders so I could make a bow. I get lost, and now I can't find my house. So I crafted a compass, thinking "Well, i couldn't of made my house too far away from my spawn." Once I (finally) found my spawn, I found I still couldn't find my house. I really wish you could set a point to where your compass points, or it could point to your bed. Because if you build your house a considerable distance from your spawn, compasses are kinda useless. Well, I better keep looking <_<.

  2. I wanted to leave it up to the reader why he killed them. I'm horrible at paragraphing stories, even if it is a simple skill, but I could improve it. I realize its short, but there are many shorter ones I've seen. It was more of a hypothesis of what happens when someone breaks the Toa Code more than anything. I did mean it to be longer, but I was rushed when I wrote it. Thanks for taking time to review it anyway. Also, it wasn't his actual trial; it was his sentencing hearing. He had already confessed to killing his teammates.

  3. Gantrain stood in the large, circular room that was the Alama-Nui's courtroom. He was, until quite recently, a Toa of Fire, and a member of the Toa Alama. That is, before he killed his entire team. He looked as if he was simply waiting on a pot to boil, a bored, uncaring look in his eye. As he stood, Turaga Cordan took his place at the podium, and banged his staff on the wood to dispel the whispers and murmurs about the place. "Order!" He began, before turning his gaze at the bound Toa in front of him. "Toa Gantrain, Controller of the Element of Fire, one of six chosen warriors destined to defend Alama-Nui, five of whom are deceased, by your hand, Gantrain. Now, do you have anything to say of yourself about this heinous crime?" Gantrain, with a look of pure hatred of all those around him, did nothing but shook his head no. "Very well then. I hereby recall your conviction of quintuple murder, tied with the breaking of the Toa Code, set forth so many dozens of millennia ago. Therefore, you shall be stripped of your control of the Element of Fire, and your Toa Tools shall be destroyed. Bring forth, the Stone of Hunger!" Cordan exclaimed. Two Matoran came in, hefting a small, pyramid shaped stone, each side inscribed with symbols representing the six elements. "Toa Gantrain, please step forward and place your hands upon the stone," Cordan ordered. Gantrain, without hesitation, walked up to the Stone and pressed his hands on it. Immediately, a blinding red light emanated from the stone, and the Toa cried in pain, as his powers were ripped from his being. This continued for several minutes, until the stone glowed no more, and the extremely weak Toa staggered away from it. "Toa Gantrain, your powers have been stripped from you. You are now required to use your remaining strength to make six new Toa stones, so that new Toa may take your place," Cordan said, as the two Matoran returned, carrying six stones. Gantrain, his hands still shaking, picked up each of them, depositing some of his Toa Power in each of them, until all six were filled with elemental power. "On the charge of murder, you are hereby sentenced to exile, may you find home anywhere but here, somewhere the inhabitants know nothing of your past, somewhere you won't kill again. Court adjourned," Cordan said. Gantrain was led out to a small boat on the coast of Alama-Nui. His bonds were cut, and the boat set adrift. There is no account anywhere of anyone seeing Toa Gantrain again.

  4. Um, my request has been out for almost a month now, is anyone working on it?

    I can do your avatar, but I have no idea where to look for the images you requested to have in your signature. If you could possibly tell me where to find good images, I could do it.
    I would suggest Google Images, or I can do the images myself in Halo 3 and link the screenshots to you. If you'd start on the avatar, that'd be nice. Thanks!
  5. 1327097572m_SPLASH.jpgNuparu if he looked more like his Matoran self. I would suggest zooming in. Sorry about the terrible quality...DI wouldn't expect more of the Inika/Mahri like this, because I tried to do Jaller like this, and I incredibly failed. I considerably like the arm, how the black and orange meld together. what do you like about it? Oh yeah, pretend not to see the erased thing above his left shoulder.
  6. Everyone knows that Metroid is the main character's name. :P Trololo. Not really, but great work. Does justice to my second or third favorite video game series (it is currently fighting a vicious battle to the death against Call of Duty as my second favorite series, but cannot move my hardily cemented favorite series, Halo).

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