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Status Updates posted by Jrllnd

  1. oh ya anyone who was reading my comments, in the video game section it says my wii is broken. well it was when I wrote that but now its fixed :)

  2. I have another new comic up lol

  3. WUZZUP and welcome to BZP!

  4. Wuzzup! and welcome to BZP!!

  5. WUZZUUPP! I have a new comic out.

  6. Yay you like transformers too!

  7. My new comics are up!

  8. My kit should be out on saterday or sunday!!

  9. Hey how did you do theat javascript thing cuz evrything just starts floatin

  10. Aawsome thanks

  11. Oh Ya do you still want to be in my comics?

  12. hey! Ill have my new comics and new kit up soon. the kit is gonna be one of the biggest in bzp!

  13. I will have some new comics and a new kit up soon!!!!

  14. DAAARRRK! You really got me! :P

  15. If you are leaving I know I never really new you but You inspired me to make my comics. It was nice getting a laugh from all of you comics.

  16. The only topic I made since septemper was in GD and it was closed anyways.

  17. Your from England? I`m from Canada :P

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