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Status Updates posted by Jrllnd

  1. Happy B-day!

  2. I have another new comic up lol

  3. It would be better if you would stop poking me!

  4. Just made new comic at like 9:00

  5. Happy 8000 posts!

  6. Umm I have Nhl 2k9-Wii sports-Wii play-This ones not exectly mine but Star wars:The force unleashed-The Ledgend of Zelda Twilight princess-Super sSmash Bros Brawl- And I think thats all! But I also have games for an Xbox a Sega Saturn A DS And also a SNES!

  7. *Poke`s Rogwiz*

    or shall I say The Rogwizard

  8. oh ya anyone who was reading my comments, in the video game section it says my wii is broken. well it was when I wrote that but now its fixed :)

  9. Haoory B-day Tahuri!

  10. Hello! welcome to BZPower! Your our newest member so for that we congratulate you!

  11. Ello! I havn`t been on for a while but I`m back! just for anyone passing by I`ll restart my comics over spring brake! hope you will all enjoy them! now I have GIMP!

  12. Are you getting my PM`s???

  13. Happy B-day to myself?

  14. Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    as Makuta of comedy said

  15. Happy b-day (sorry a bit late)

  16. Wisey you should make comics again! you were a super ledgend umong the ranks of Dark Superkid PePena Toa Jetice And all the other ledgends. Please go back to making comics!

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