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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Poor Carapar... I'd make him banners, too, like I did for Botar, but he was actually a significant character, so it wouldn't be particularly funny... A shame, though... Takadox will have to find a new lackey...
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    Yeah, man. Who sent in that news on the front page?
    Yeah, me. I bet you're pretty jealous. I bet you all wish you could be me right now.
    Anyways, not much happened today. A bird pooped on my head at school, though.
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    I love the prehistoric oceans. The really old stuff, before all that dinosaur nonsense.
    Looking at them it's like all the basic stuff was there, but life as a whole wasn't quite into the swing of the things yet. They had the arthropods, which were just awkward little trilobites, they had the cephalopods, which were heavy shelled things with primitive eyes that barely swam, and they had the fish, which were heavily armored and might as well have been arthropods that were missing a few limbs.
    This was what constituted a fish in those days.
    That's clearly a sea turtle with hacksaws glued to it!
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm writing a children's book series that is not plagiarism. I'm going to make so much money.
    I already have a title and basic plot...
    Okay, get this: So there are three orphans whose house exploded or something and their names are Victoria Voltaire, Claude Voltaire, and, uh, Sally Voltaire. Each has a special skill- Victoria invents books, Claude reads inventions, and Sally eats people.
    So they go to live with the wicked Archduke Olafur who wants to steal their fortune. They escape or something and he disguises himself and stuff. Hilarity ensues.
    I call it "A Collection of Unpleasant Happenings." I'll be so rich.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    Imagine yourself in this situation.
    If a shady-looking Tibetan monk offered you a Yeti-fur rug in a Himalayan back-alley...
    Would you buy it?
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    So I never got around to posting this, but this was my Maya final last semester. I might do the mask and tool and whatnot when I have some free time, but don't hold me to it.

    His geometry is really complicated, with lots of Booleans and things. If I turn on rounding, all the holes in his body pucker up like nasty buttholes
  7. Wrinkledlion X
    With many people I know (Cthulhu, BK, KB), comic-making seems to come naturally. Not me...
    But I might occasionally make comics, now that they've all started up their series again.
    This good enough?

    Uh, yeah, Cthulhu's head is on backwards in the last panel.
    You can now praise my wit.
  8. Wrinkledlion X
    Okay, everyone, you are about to be shocked by the incredibly boundless magnitude and sheer genius of my analytical mind. Never in the history of mankind has a thought as great as this thought been thought; Not by Einstein, not by Newton, not by Bonesiii- None! I am utterly alone in my ability to comprehend such wonders of science and mechanical skill!
    The patterns that run through my mind are unlike the weak patterns of other humans! They are the perfect balance between logic and fantastical thought; They walk the edge between possibility and impossibility that forms the narrow razor of plausibility...
    Now consider the following possibility! What wonders may it bring to mankind? Think- No, imagine!- How it could help the state of the world? The state of the people?!
    Consider: Chocolate oatmeal.
  9. Wrinkledlion X
    I really love the Vahki slogans... So Soviet...
    "A busy Matoran is a happy Matoran."
    (Goes without saying...)
    "Pride in the elite."
    (So Soviet...)
    "For peace and the law."
    (Not the Matoran's well-being, just THE LAW.)
    "Thoughts can be dangerous."
    (Oh no, Blogalert!)
    "Might makes right."
    (It sure does.)
    "Obedience is happiness."
    (Most communist one of all.)
  10. Wrinkledlion X
    You know all the theories going around about Spherus Magna splitting into pieces after the war over Energized Protodermis?
    That's exactly what happened to the Slizer Planet, isn't it?
  11. Wrinkledlion X
    One thing that's been astounding me lately is the inability of people to see similarities between the Mistika and their original versions. Granted, they are very different, but many parts (Masks in particular) are not far off at all... Except the Kaukau...
    I'm going to start this off with the Hau Nuva Mistika. It actually resembles the classic Hau far more than the older Nuva version, which I think was a great decision. This will be the end of BIONICLE's first chapter and it's good to see Tahu's mask resembling its iconic beginnings.
    First off, observe the shape of the forehead. Not the fin or that little hole, but just the forehead itself. It's nearly identical. It has the same rounded, largely featureless appearance we've gotten used to- Both include a small feature to throw off the monotony, too.
    The eyes show a great deal of resemblance as well. They are similarly shaped and arranged in proportion with the rest of the mask the same way. The main difference is that the new ones are slightly less down-turned, but I personally like it because it makes him look more noble and less angry, representing his increased maturity.
    I don't know why so many people insist he has no mouth. It's certainly not as deep or pronounced as his original, but there's no doubt that it's there. Just look here- You can easily spot the lines outlining it. It's actually shaped more than a little bit like his classic Hau.
    Outlined in light green you can also see the slits to the side of his mouth on the original, and also that it has the same amount of ridges on the new one, this time moved inwards and joined in the middle.
    I'm personally quite happy with his. I've always preferred the appearance of the Mata Masks to the Nuva masks and I'm happy to see the Mistika's embodying the first collection to such a degree.
    I'll do Onua's next... Tomorrow, maybe.
  12. Wrinkledlion X
    I read a one-sentence synopsis on a certain "internet-based database for movies" for the upcoming movie 2012 that I enjoyed:
    Okay, volcanoes, yeah, typhoons, sure... But glaciers? Are they melting? Are they slowly slowly approaching a city?
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