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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Remember that game where I gave you the definition of a word (La-la-land) and you had to guess what it was?
    Guess what.
    It's back with a vengeance.
    Don't use Google or anything.
    Here's the definition:

    (I swear, that's actually a definition.)
    Get thinking, now.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    LEGO FOCUS GROUP STUDIES HAVE SHOWN that bionicle's most popular character is somebody named "orkahm" !!

    all over the world, hip young bionicle fans are clamoring for the return of ORKAHM !! will he return in the new 2015 toyline ?? will lego cave into the demands of millions ?? click here to find out
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Been wanting to tell you for a while- 
    "Tuma" is the name of a Maori god.
    Greg says:

    Entry edited for spoilers. DO NOT discus 2009 set names without spoiler tags.
    All mentions of 2009 set names must be spoiler-tagged before this entry may be re-published.<<DV>>
    You failed to fix the comments. Re-drafted. -Shine
    I don't really know why that's necessary. Anybody who doesn't want to know the names won't read past the entry.
    Whatever, though. Commenters, use spoiler-tags.
    It's necessary because it's the rules. Follow them. <<DV>>
    Look at all the colors!
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    You know what I hate?
    When people mindlessly kill insects. I was out at P.E. the other day and there were a bunch of little beetles crawling through the grass on the field... Maybe fifty in total, but it was a big field and it was harder to accidentally step on one than to avoid them. By the time we left for the lockers the entire area was covered with smashed insects...
    They weren't stinkbugs or anything that might pose the slightest bit of harm to someone. They walked low to the ground without their abdomens poised and they had an entirely differently-shaped thorax. There was no possibility of mistaking them. The only thing similar was their black coloring. (If I had to guess, I'd say they were adult mealworms or something.)
    They're hardly sophisticated animals, but really, they're animals regardless. What moron makes a habit of killing little animals? It pisses me off.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm in an argument via PM with a member who claims my late Grandfather and Uncle (both wonderful people) had "problems."
    His reasoning is that my grandfather smoked and my Uncle did some drugs in his lifetime. He insists that he's not rude because they did do drugs.
    What do you think? Do you consider it rude to tell a person that his dead loved ones had "problems?"
    EDIT: Oh, and now he's claiming that I never really cared about them... Really!
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