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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    •This guy on Coast To Coast is predicting the Rise of the South on April 24th 2009. Art Bell says this is "pretty freaky stuff." lolzorz
    •In a crazier vein, this other guy is threatening armed rebellion against the US government because "Obama is related to Bush and Cheney" and that the US is run by a ruling bloodline as a part of a secret society. He wants to overthrow the "monarchy" so the American people can't be sold out to "the Reds and the Corporations."
    •Another guy says we'll spiral into a socialist police state in 2009.
    •Someone else says that Disney will attempt to acquire Christmas itself. "They want Santa, they want Rudolph, they want everything!"
    •Todd of Atlanta predicts that Aliens, as the Illuminati, will create a natural disaster as in Noah's Ark or the legend of Atlantis as a plot to destroy our world.
    •Ray from Illinois predicts the rise of the North American Union and the "Amero" as a new form of currency."
    •This guy says that a New World Order will officially be announced and that it will be "a happy thing" and that "by Christmas everyone will be sitting pretty."
    •A senile-sounding lady says that she ate an orange that tasted "not like a regular badness but a weird, weird badness" and that she thinks food-poisoning will run rampant in 2009 due to genetic engineering. (This was explained to her by a psychic she consulted.)
    •A guy from Pittsburgh says that, uh, the Titans will win the Super Bowl.
    •Tom from Oregon says that trains will form a "new horizon for our country" and will "change the way we look at freight." (His prediction wasn't actually implausible, but I liked the phrasing.)
    •Huh, how on-topic for this site- One woman predicts a resurgence of tactile, mechanical toys.
    I will update this with other funny predictions.
    I'm going to bed.
    Happy 2009.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    Hey, remember that entry I made on the Hau Nuva Mistika a while back? Well, today is practically the day after February 25, so I'm gonna post that thing on the similarities between the Pakari and Pakari Nuva Mistika that I promised.
    (And it's color-coded this time.)

    First off, as I've said before, the overall shape of the masks is very similar: A sort of diamond in which the two upper tapering lines curve inward somewhat. The lower ones have a more gentle curve, and between each tapering area is a flat line.
    The only way the overall shape has actually changed is in the way it attaches to the face. On the flatter Mata-style heads, both the top and bottom pointed straight up and straight down. Like all masks since 2004, however, the modern Pakari has a back that stretches out farther in order to cover up the longer Metru head. The front also points farther forward, but this serves no purpose besides style.

    Both are covered with holes as well. Though the series of "vents" at the bottom sides of the classic Pakari are gone, there are several vents present on the foreheads of both. There are now only two, and they're vertical rather than horizontal, but they're there nonetheless.
    Also on the foreheads: On the new one there's a ridged line that separates the two vertical slits. This is present on the old Nuva form, too, though the ridges on the unadaptive one are much thicker, fewer, and less angular. (Plus the line's not between any slits.)
    On the flat sides to the middle there are two similarities: First, on the classic Pakari there is a small depression on each side that is shaped like a slightly rounded triangle, right next to the eyes. This is replicated in the new version, once again behind the eyes, but this time more angular and less rounded.
    The second is a pair of "ears" present on both the old Pakari Nuva and the new. The older ones were two small, thin flaps that stuck out. The new ones are just as thin, but stick out much farther and run along the sides more or less horizontally. They're also a lot more pointy.

    Also, though I can't tell very well based on the pictures available to me, the eyes on the new one and the 2002 version may be shaped somewhat similarly... But regardless, the main similarity is the overall shape and the vents. Most of the others are minor details, but I think the "ears" are a fairly good one.
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