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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Last Summer, I carved a Mata Nui Stone into my grandparent's backyard in Iceland. (My grandpa encourages any kind of carving, so he liked the idea.) Here are some pictures. Anyways, my grandparents just sent me this email.

    Oh, also, my name is Gunnar, Amma is Icelandic for "grandmother," and "Bless" means "bye."
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    I've always thought that Christmas needed an enduring villain, because all Christmas villains seem to have a change of heart at some point... So here's the Anti Claus, who lives at the South Pole in a dumpy hovel. He's probably got some grody little gnomes or trolls serving him.
    (His colors were inspired by Old Man Winter in this cool old cartoon.)

  3. Wrinkledlion X
    I just saw it and I greatly enjoyed it. I haven't seen the others in years so I can't accurately review it in comparison with them, but the film itself was a lot of fun.
    Whenever Oxley would covet the Crystal Skull to himself all crazily it reminded me of Vezon and the Ignika.
    Oh, and Art Bell is going to have a field-day.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    As of yesterday, we have a massive array of solar panels on our roof. We're sticking it to the Mans at the SCE.
    We're not especially "green" or anything, but that company is so corrupt we refuse to pay it any of our money if we can help it. We don't have an air-conditioner, heater, or any cable at my house, but in the past they've charged us upwards of $800 a month in energy bills... Just blatantly assigning made-up numbers to us. (And sure enough, when we actually tracked our meter for a month, we ended up with less than half the usage they were charging us for.)
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    I have only 24 days until school ends, counting weekends and a few days off. (Plus we don't exactly do much during that last week. We mostly go to Knott's Berry Farm and practice graduation-stuff.) Huttah!
    Interesting Fact:
    Typically, my cousin uses the screen-name "Lumpylion C" on the internet.
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm in an argument via PM with a member who claims my late Grandfather and Uncle (both wonderful people) had "problems."
    His reasoning is that my grandfather smoked and my Uncle did some drugs in his lifetime. He insists that he's not rude because they did do drugs.
    What do you think? Do you consider it rude to tell a person that his dead loved ones had "problems?"
    EDIT: Oh, and now he's claiming that I never really cared about them... Really!
  7. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm going to Medieval Times tomorrow for a school field-trip. We can get extra credit by dressing in Medieval garb, so... I'm going to be a cardinal. I can carry a staff and wear a squid hat. It's going to be fun.
    Oh, and speaking of which...
  8. Wrinkledlion X
    Few things about our favorite Makuta:
    First, I was looking through the OGD and there was a quote asking Greg for the pronunciation of "Teridax." He wrote it as "te h-rih-dacks," but of course the word "te h" is censored to "the," so it showed up as "Theridax." Doesn't that sound so much cooler? It still has an "X,' but it doesn't sound like a dinosaur and the "th" sounds much... Grander.
    Yeah, so I now pronounce it "Theridax."
    Also, here's a quote about him:

    So it looks like we'll have a new villain, which I'm happy about. Don't get me wrong- I love Makuta, but I don't like him every year. It'll be like 2002 again.
  9. Wrinkledlion X
    Well, since my last entry, the rain intensified dramatically.
    Within half an hour the water-level in the creek rose from stagnant pools of a couple inches deep to raging whitewater (Filled with boulders) about four feet deep. The rain was really, really loud- We had to yell at the top of our lungs to hear each other from about eight feet or so away. There were deep pools (Perhaps six inches deep and ten feet wide) surrounding the entire house and property and threatening to rise over the floor and flood it.
    To combat this we went outside and dug trenches to get the water to flow out. We prevented it from flooding and all is well now, though I think we may have a record for rainfall.
    Now to worry about the 3000-acre Santa Cruz fire and the tornadoes in Riverside...
  10. Wrinkledlion X
    I just got Rickrolled so hard.
    On a highly related topic:
    If you're ever so mad at somebody that this ( :angry: ) is worthless, this ( ) just doesn't cut it, and this is insufficient, use this.
  11. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm joining that random Star Wars fad, just so I can be a Gonk Droid. (You know, the one that looks like a trash can with accordians for legs.) I used to be obsessed with those things.
    I posted in the comments-thing for this entry so that you can all see the gonks.
  12. Wrinkledlion X
  13. Wrinkledlion X
    Woo-hoo! Only five days until I've been here for four years!
    Okay, I don't really have much else to say. However, my theory was referenced by another member in a hot topic. (Albeit with no credit given... )
    Here's my theory:
    Now his:
    I'd also like to mention that that is not Mata Nui's symbol. It's the symbol of the Legend of Mata Nui. The Hau is his symbol.
  14. Wrinkledlion X




    Stop! What are you doing?

    Graaagh fighting grrrraaaaagh

    But don't you know the value of peace? Of friendship? Of unity?


    Rrrreeeerrrrgh killkillkill

    NO! Keep away! Stop this madness!

  15. Wrinkledlion X
    I'd like to thank my Squid Jar and Mr. Quinn Pessigrata for making it possible for me to receive this severely prestigious award. I actually didn't notice it for a while because I don't read the Blog of the Week, but still...
    Severely prestigious.
    Oh, and my winning can be pronounced phonetically. Lix!
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