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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    So yeah, paid my $52. Still debating how I'll get the island down there, but it's only five boxes so far. I could easily wrap all of them with packing saran wrap, take it on a train, but it'd be faster to just have it driven down.
    I anticipate a good event, but I also expect it'll be different than BrickCon. Of specific note, I haven't been down to Portland since I was about 8 or 9, so this will be different for me.
    ... Meantime, still working on a large project. I can reveal it'll be for BrickMagic in North Carolina. That is all.
  2. Swert
    So as you all no doubt heard by now, Toonami's coming back onto Adult Swim. That's pretty nifty.
    Now, as many of you probably know about me... I'm old. Like 24. So if you couldn't tell from me saying "I'm 24," let me be perfectly clear how much of Toonami I remember.
    I remember when it first launched.
    I literally watched the very first day it was on. It was fascinating, it was different, it was a great idea. They brought Anime to a unified block of programming every afternoon, and once a west coast feed was established, I was able to see it right after school when I got home. THAT was a plus. (Having Cartoon Network in the first place was ALSO a plus, given it was EXTREMELY EXCLUSIVE cable at the time of its launch, and we had it right at the beginning.)
    Now, when I say I remember when it first launched, let me be clear: I watched MOLTAR. MOLTAR. You might remember Moltar, he's a Space Ghost villian from the classic 60's shorts who was then repurposed for the show 'Space Ghost Coast to Coast' as a producer and basically the guy who makes the stuff happen behind the scenes. Some might also remember he was not Zorak or Brak.
    I also remember when TOM 1.0 was first used. I immediately missed Moltar, but I was fine with this change over time.
    I remember TOM 2.0 as well. The entire story there was amazing, and I'd love to see CN re-release all of that footage for either download, streaming on their site, or purchase on DVD. I'd buy it.
    Now, in 2001 I actually had to move to a new house, so I did not get a chance to actually see any more TV (we cut it off when we moved) so I didn't see any of the other stuff. That's kinda sad. (I eventually got DirecTV, so I saw some stuff between 09-11)
    I guess my point behind this blog post is to show I'm getting older. That's also kinda sad. (I also just cancelled my DirecTV recently.)
    But hey, Toonami's coming back. Sweet.
  3. Swert
    "Why did they do it? We tried to warn them, but they wouldn't listen..." -Scientist in HL1.
    So yeah, why oh why did someone HAVE to retrieve the Mallard of doom? Now BZP's in for the fads again.
    I figure this should close off my blog, it's been fun guys. Let's do this again next year.

    Edit: Wow, I can still edit this? Sweet. -Swert
  4. Swert
    So, my boss (Dan Parker, if you're new to my blog) asks a valid question, one I feel we should address to you all.
    The island is now looking to be 10 feet (120 inches, 12 32x32 baseplates) in length, from Po-Wahi to Le-Wahi and all its surrounding islands. We're anticipating the width will be 5 feet (60 inches, 6 baseplates) or so, and he was going to design little block figure Toa and Matoran, averaging about 2 inches for Toa, one inch for Matoran. A few friends have suggested I'm exaggerating details quite a bit on many things, including these figures.
    So now I ask you: Should we design 2 inch Toa for a 10 foot island of Mata Nui, -or- should we just focus on the island itself?
    Another question: I'm expecting to be able to use real Bionicle elements (such as a Gold Kaukau for the waterfall, and gold masks for the statues in Po-Wahi) but people suggested those are WAAAAY too big for this scale. So do we want to exaggerate the size there in those (thus allowing you all to submit) or do we just skip them?
    Also, though I won't be taking any model submissions yet, how about we compile a list of the MNOLG and MNOLGII locations and landmarks we can include. I want this to be a mindblowing creation, so big and effective that Mata Nui himself would pop his eyes out (and crush 5 blocks each). However, I want to know what you see when we build Mata Nui the island. Do you want to just see one landmark per location? Maybe 3 per? Do we want to add a cutaway to see Onu-Koro? I'd honestly like to hear your input.
    And finally, one last question. This one is a short one, I promise. What do you expect to see other than this model? Do we want to try and create other things towards it, like maybe larger Suvas, or even a large mask? Do we need any of that?
    All of this and more down the line will help me better prepare for the task upcoming. I'm honestly looking forward to it. Except the volcano, that'll be a big task
  5. Swert
    I seriously love gaming. Really do. Can't get enough of it.
    So I want to know, gamers to gamers, what do -you- think was the most overhyped game this year?
    My answer is simple: Uncharted 3. Fact is, it was a glorified movie that cost, at minimum at the time, $60 and only works on one console. Now, what would everybody be saying if something like Skyrim or Assassin's Creed Revelations only worked on one system? Or worse, if Portal 2 was PC only? (Well, I know plenty of people wouldn't mind seeing console versions for Valve go away, but the PS3 folks were happy with it.)
    So what do you think? Remember, doesn't need to be a great game, or a game you love/hate, just the most overhyped in your opinion.
  6. Swert
    If you're a Washingtonian, then happy Kasey Keller Day : D
    Since the majority of you are not, let me explain.
    Kasey Keller is the Goalkeeper of the Seattle Sounders FC, the Major League Soccer franchise in Seattle, WA. He is actually playing his final home game of his career tonight in Seattle, as he is retiring at the end of the season. At last count, over 60,000 supporters will be going to CenturyLink Field (our home stadium, shared with the Seahawks) to watch. We cap the stadium at around 30,000 on normal games. Both the Seattle mayor and the Governor of Washington declared today Kasey Keller Day in the city of Seattle and the state of Washington.
    Kasey Keller was born in Olympia, WA. He is a veteren of the game, playing for nearly 24 years around the world. He was also the United States Olympic team GK in 1996 (knocked out in the group stage), was a part of the US Men's National Team from 1990–2007 (making 102 apperances for them), and has served for nine seperate football (soccer) clubs. Awards include the CONCACAF Gold Cup (3 total: 2002, 2005 and 2007), the Football League Cup (one, 1996-97), and the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup (3, 2009, 2010 and 2011).
    It's with pride to know that a 3-year franchise, the Sounders FC, started with such an honored player of the game. It is with deep regret the Sounders fans let him go, but at least he can go out with a bang.
    And at least the Timbers aren't getting him.
  7. Swert
    Good news everyone! Besides reading this post in the Professor's voice, you now have the opportunity to read about Swert's busy life IN THE SAME VOICE!
    Nah, kidding. Anyway, so my boss left for vacation last week, leaving me with a huge list of work to do. I already whittled said list down to two items, but they're big ones. I tackle that mess tomorrow.
    On Wed. I will be visited by two (hopefully) BZPower members, Dorek and GSR! We'll most likely hang out at the studio, go nab some lunch then depending on when they have to leave, go tour Tacoma or something after I get off work at 4. If not, Dorek can hang out early on, then GSR and I can go do stuff later.
    Hey guys, just a reminder, even though it'll be a special occasion in that you're visiting (or will be) I will still be working that day. Please don't expect me to sit around and just talk. I can't do that
    So yeah, if I don't convince both of them to be Zune (Xbox Music *sigh*) and WP7 fans by the end of the day, oh well. I won't be trying, of course, but it's possible.
  8. Swert
    So finally got off work long enough to post an entry.
    So what does the Swert do from now on, you may wonder? Easy.
    I work for a commercial LEGO Art studio in Tacoma. It is owned by Dan Parker, one of a handfull of LEGO Certified Professionals in the world.
    I've sorted and stocked bricks and plates, I've sold minfigs, and I've plugged our parties, but my favorite part? I've been given the chance to rebuild this set.
    Dan bought three of them and put three of the middle sections together to make one larger building. Now I'm taking one stud off of each left wall, and taking the tan stripes out. I already scraped two figures (one on each hand) in my building attempts.
    So yeah, ZOMG A BLAG ENTRY!
  9. Swert
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA It's almost here 8D
    Also blogged from my Windows Phone 8D
    I'm thinking about what to do with my badge, but I have an idea : D
  10. Swert
    My ankle hurts D:
    But hey, Bricks Cascade. Woo and stuff.
    Also Inferna Firesword is an amazing person and don't afraid of anything. I can't wait to get my ring : D
  11. Swert
    NOT ONE!
    >: O Why did you have to get that golden potato? WHYYYY?
    .... congrats : D
  12. Swert
    Should I add a content block to my blog, similar in function to Black Six's Complaint Department? I mean, obviously it'd be something different in terms of what it'd be, but I'm just wondering if it'd be a good idea.
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