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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    So, I have finished the story modes of both Single Player and Multiplayer.
    I must commend the following players for assisting me in getting to the ending of multiplayer:
    Timboman (yes, he's still alive out there )
    Tesseract (ditto on that part)
    Erebus and I started it off, got to about part 2 and called it good, Timboman and I played til about part 4, then I replayed with ER, got him up to speed, then finished it all off with Timboman to the ending. I won't spoil any of it for Erebus or Tesseract, but I will assist them when they want to play XD
    Tesseract and I went in while he had not played the multiplayer, so I got the Professor Portal achievement, which is described as the hardest to get.
    My achievement status is 39 out of 50. The majority of them appear to be singleplayer achievements now, so it's just a matter of playing through to where those are and be done with it. I sadly cannot see a way to replay just a single level, unless I use the console commands (I might just have to )
    This will be fun getting to 100%. And I have a feeling there'll be more chambers down the line.
  2. Swert
    Thank you.
  3. Swert
    NOT ONE!
    >: O Why did you have to get that golden potato? WHYYYY?
    .... congrats : D
  4. Swert
    Good album so far, sounds like it'll be an aquired taste going in to it. Couple of songs stand out as favorites already, like Rope and I Should Have Known.
  5. Swert
    No, seriously XD

    Story behind it: We were talking, she commented she was waiting til she got tired enough to go to sleep (I've had to do that before XD) and I randomly said "I'd laugh if someone popped their head in on ya while you just got to sleep and said "HI LK!"
    So she had me do it in comic form. Yaaay.
    Now, if anybody would be willing to, my phone's on the floor. Please dial 911 and send the paramedics for me.
  6. Swert
    So, I'm toying with plenty of designs, what with HS01 now starting up and all.
    One of these is a business card design. I think I have it.
    Double-sided matte cards, printed off my printer, one side BS01, the other HS01. Two birds with one card. It'd be glorious.
    And yes, I have prototypes.


    They would be portait orientation style, not landscape. I'm still working out the details of the text.
    So, thoughts?
  7. Swert
    Which should I play as when I get my hands on Portal 2? (After I beat the SP, of course.)
    Pros to ATLAS: Blue portal gun 8O
    Cons to ATLAS: Rather short and stout.
    Pros to P-body: Taller and looks more agile.
    Cons to P-body: Orange portal gun
    Though both's rollcage skin is epic :3
  8. Swert
    Alrighty then.
    Picture this if you will.
    So EmperorWhenua and I have a bit of a conflict coming up. To an outsider's POV, it's harmless fun. We'll be bringing NERF swords, NERF guns, maybe even custom stuff. But to us?
    This is war.
    I will walk in to BrickCon 2011, armed to the teeth with a foam sword, some hatchets, and even a sniper rifle. EW will enter with guns packed to his eyeballs.
    Only one will survive this foam battle.
    But I will be victorious, for two reasons!
    ONE! I will have spent by far less money on this war. SWORDS COST 13 USD. GUNS COST 30. WHAT IS THIS?
    TWO! I won't have to pick up 200 rounds of foam darts at the end. Six at most, and I'm borrowing Kakaru/Arkov's sniper rifle.
    So I propose this to you: Who will win this battle? The armed-to-the-teeth, foam-spitting arsenal of EmperorWhenua, or the foam-bladed, hatchet-wielding, sniper cunning of Swert?
  9. Swert
    He appeared in a Prius. It was a very tense moment as this man drove up to my house.
    Our eyes met. I knew this man was a force to be reckoned with. He motioned me to the car. I entered, cautious not to alert this man to any sudden weaknesses I may possess.
    We took a journey across my homeland. It was a fierce battle. We went to my workplace. He was impressed with my many talents there. I took on a wild Subway sub sandwich. It was a 6 inch. Italian Herb & Cheese. Roast Beef and Cheddar. It was vanquished.
    We then went to a holding cell for financial papers. They call it a bank. I left a piece of paper there. Written on it was my information and an undisclosed amount of money. I had earned my keep.
    Along our journey of mystery and wonder, we stumbled upon a shoppe. It appeared to be owned by a man named Meyers. We did not catch the first name. Inside held foods, clothing, gadgets of a foreign nature, and weapons crafted from plastics and foam. There were little totem men for sale, hidden from sight in small orange bags. I purchased three. They were, in order: a painter, a wolf-like man, and a young man who wore a strange hat and rode on a stranged wheeled board. I am unsure what this does.
    We pressed on to another shoppe, filled with many wonderous things. It was called Toys Are We, I think. It was rather strange. It would help if I could read. :| We did not buy much, if anything, but we did buy a red container, containing a great warrior, which comes with two tribal masks, one red and one gold. We are unsure what these mean, but they were pretty awesome.
    Once we left this shoppe, we stopped to replenish our strength with food from the local shoppes again, and departed. They forgot my straw.
    The stranger then informed me his time was drawing near. We stopped near a lake, and explored further before the hour ended. We both knew that it had to come to this. A tense moment was felt as we rushed back into his Prius, and left.
    He returned me to my home, and left with no struggle. Except there was one lady behind us who kept honking as we spoke our last words for this day. She was rather annoying.
    I do not know if I will meet this mysterious man again, but if we do, I would wish to say this to him...
    "Man, Master of the Rahkshi, we need to hang out more often XD"
  10. Swert
    Sorry, I just had to do it.
    If you get the joke, more power to you.
    Otherwise, you'll be wondering why I asked I can have Hero Recon rather stupidly.
    But yeah, looks interesting. I'll probably download LDD later to try it out *dedicated LDRAW user*
  11. Swert
    So, few things to poll the people with.
    1) I had planned to update BS01's skin settings to match HS01. Would anybody object?
    2) In addition to #1, I plan to add a secondary skin to both sites (or just HS01 if the first gets a rousing "NO!") with a no-trans variant. In those situations, there will be something added to dazzle the people with, trust me.
    3) Any other skin change ideas to either site to make? And no, a skin with your name on it is out of the question. Sorry everyone (I'm looking at you, Dorek.)
    4) I plan to roll out at least five more skins to HS01 using the HF backgrounds. Anybody got one in particular they'd like? (Select from here (and thanks Bfa!)) Just link the one you'd like to see, and we'll get a tally going.
    Anything else I can't think of? Suggest away. I'm open to fixing both sites up.
  12. Swert
    Alright folks, I'll be very honest. I have no deep desire to do an april fools' prank this year for BS01.
    So yeah, let's hope BZPower entertains everyone for us. I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly in the mood this year.
  13. Swert
    You know, I'm always playing video games, I'm always talking about video games, and I'm usually always bored. So, what's stopping me from making, in my blog, a BZP-friendly review of the current video games? (360 and PC only, of course.)
    Naturally, I'd probably review my collection, not the new stuff. I'm not going to buy games just to review them
    Now question becomes, would anybody want to read about a bored man's ramblings about CLASSIC VIDEO GAMES FROM... *checks* 2004?! (Oh, and I suppose I do have Half-Life, so it's as early as 1998 )
  14. Swert
    Man, where did all this free time for gaming come from? : O
    Also, 61.something in LSW3. Man, this game is massive. Think LEGO Harry Potter massive, only not as confusing to navigate as Hogwarts was.
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