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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    So, 49.5% on progress for LEGO Star Wars III. I'm making good time on it.
    Got sort of lost in the space scenes, but finally found where I was supposed to go to progress the game. After that? Smooth sailings.
    Every planet is currently under Republic control. Come this time tomorrow, I hope to make it all Seperatist >: D
    Currently I have x2 Multiplier, Stud Magnet, Dark Side, Glow-in-the-dark (don't ask), Minikit Detector, and Red Brick Detector purchased. I have finished all story levels in regular mode, I intend to go back through them shortly (after I get the ground and space battles out of the way.)
    Long story short, best 54 bucks I ever spent all month. Also, I got talked into signing up for the GameStop PowerUp Rewards Pro program, so that's 550 points right there for this game, with another 1100 points coming thanks to Portal 2 and LEGO POTC. I'm a happy Swert.
  2. Swert
    This is my list of games I have dominated and/or completed as of today (March 22nd, 2011). Bold indicates I have 100% completed it. The list also includes PC games I own.
    LEGO Star Wars (PC)
    LEGO Star Wars II (PC)
    BIONICLE Heroes (360)
    LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (360)
    LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Saga (360)
    LEGO Batman (360)
    LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 (360) (Also 100% Achievements)
    LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (360) (~20% completed)
    LEGO Pirates of the Carribean (360, preordered) (Will pick up in May)
    So yeah, three games, with only one of them 100% achievements, and LSWII for PC doesn't count
    I've got a long road ahead of me.
  3. Swert
    Wait, you mean you haven't downloaded it yet? Why?
    It's leagues ahead of IE8. And having tried Firefox before, and refusing to allow anything Google on this computer (besides Google Talk and GMail <<), and I don't even have Quicktime on here, I'm not going to try Chrome and Safari. So yeah, don't waste a comment saying I should go to that.
    But I will say this, give IE9 a try. You'll be pleasantly surprised, I promise you.
    Now, if you HAVE gotten IE9, disregard this rant and continue enjoying it.
  4. Swert
    On the turning away
    From the pale and downtrodden
    And the words they say
    Which we won't understand
    "Don't accept that what's happening
    Is just a case of others' suffering
    Or you'll find that you're joining in
    The turning away"

    It's a sin that somehow
    Light is changing to shadow
    And casting it's shroud
    Over all we have known
    Unaware how the ranks have grown
    Driven on by a heart of stone
    We could find that we're all alone
    In the dream of the proud
    On the wings of the night
    As the daytime is stirring
    Where the speechless unite
    In a silent accord
    Using words you will find are strange
    And mesmerised as they light the flame
    Feel the new wind of change
    On the wings of the night

    No more turning away
    From the weak and the weary
    No more turning away
    From the coldness inside
    Just a world that we all must share
    It's not enough just to stand and stare
    Is it only a dream that there'll be
    No more turning away?
    On The Turning Away - Pink Floyd

    I listen to this song all the time. It was released in September of 1987. I'm always amazed at how relevant it still is to this day.

    I'm also playing with the idea of making this into a songfic, but I don't know if I could do justice to how awesome this song is.
  5. Swert
    Should I add a content block to my blog, similar in function to Black Six's Complaint Department? I mean, obviously it'd be something different in terms of what it'd be, but I'm just wondering if it'd be a good idea.
  6. Swert
    Here is the official reason why:
    My server space is at 86% full. I need to find a way to cut it down. Adding to the database would not help.
    It's getting to the point where I may have to dump old image revisions again.
    So yeah, please respect my wishes as to why I don't want Wiki War 2.
  7. Swert
    Officially, I don't want it on BS01. So cut it out, guys
    And I will admit to you all now, I'm looking into getting it... elsewhere <<
    Just give me time, I'll have details later. Til then, chill out on it.
  8. Swert
    I am in the process of planning a System Building Contest here on my blog.
    Feel free to suggest a theme, maybe we'll get enough interest to actually do something amazing.
    All I know so far is all entries will be voted upon, then judged by top folk (also known as me, and maybe a few friends XD I'd love to ask my boss Dan Parker to judge, but he may be too busy, who knows.)
    So let's get some ideas flowing.
  9. Swert
    So, I fell down on the sidewalk (rainy day, slipped and fell), scraped up my right knee, possibly hit my head and gained a concussion (major headache all day), and still got up and put in a six-hour work day.
    With a bleeding knee, and a concussion.
    And then I went in today as well.
    That's dedication right there, folks. The Swert WILL NOT DIE.
  10. Swert
    Just one statement, really:
    That's really it.
    I love the graphics upgrade, the change over with both the lightsaber change, and the gameplay mechanic for vehicle fights. I -love- the fact we can now land them and exit our ship and fight droids. I dunno about what I think will be a real-time strategy mode, but hey, it can't be all too bad right?
    Force powers are MUCH better. I love the fact it works like the LEGO Harry Potter Wingadium Leviosa power, in that we can lift and move in multiple axes. The fact they also added The Force Unleashed-inspired force push is awesome, and lightsaber toss is a much welcome addition, especially after seeing it in LEGO Batman.
    Oh wow, C-3PO finally has a purpose : O He's the archeologist/Hermione of Star Wars now, and in a much simpler method than the 3x3 box and the 2x2 box we had last. Now it's like Simon Says, only instead of more challenges, you get opened doors. Awesome.
    I know this whole entry is really spoiler-laced as far as what to expect, especially if you planned to try the Demo. Trust me, this only touches base on SOME of what to expect in it.
    I'm sold on the game, personally.
  11. Swert
    Let's see...
    I -could- pay $6 round trip to get up to Seattle for BrickCon, then use my Orca bus pass (which after $3 would be free) and find a hotel near the convention hall or within bus range, or bum a ride...
    or pay $429 BEFORE TAXES round-trip flight to Washington, D.C., get a ride or a bus to the convention hall... and then pay the $52 to get into the convention, and still find a way around the town I have never been in before.
    Oh, and I'd have no family nearby in case I get really stuck, since they all live on the West Coast.
    To all those people who asked me, for many weeks and months, "Hey, going to Brickfair?" Guess which convention I've chosen.
  12. Swert
    So, I doubt there's any WWE fans who regularly read my blag, but yeah, I wanna comment on the major matches. Spoiler tags for those who did not see it/can't see it.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «First Elimination Chamber: That match paid off the $44.95 I paid for this PPV. I was happy. Also CHRISTIAN'S BACK! 
    Miz vs King: King shoulda won. Enough said.
    Second Elimination Chamber: John Morrison should have won, he put enough into that match to make me a believer, and Miz vs Morrison at WrestleMania is a much better headliner match than Miz vs Cena.
    I definately will be looking forward to WrestleMania 27, despite the main events being what they are.
  13. Swert
    So, I'm not exactly a well-known person, so I should introduce myself to the BZPower citizens. Let's face it, I don't do anything nearly notable enough to be recognized.*
    I shall list my credentials. I doubt they're notable, but my friends think they're cool.
    BS01 Owner, Administrator, and overall decision maker. Anything on BS01 you don't like or think should be changed? Rant here. PREMIER BZPower Outstanding Citizen. And proud of it. Part- to full-time employee of a LEGO Art Studio, City Blocks of Tacoma, WA. I say Part- because my hours were cut during the winter lull, but they're picking back up. I also do freelance web design and graphics art on the side. A few little minor things, not note worthy, are also stuff I do. I also enjoy classic rock music. 
    So yeah, I hope to receive a warm reception from the BZP denizens. Let's face it, a little guy like me can learn to grow up in a friendly community, can he not? : D
    *If by now you haven't realized, I'm intentionally dulling down my accomplishments, since I don't like having an ego. So, if I intentionally say I'm much smaller than I am, I can live happily. Please don't let the ego grow bigger.
  14. Swert
    While this entry may be kept open, remember that if a staff member locks an entry, it stays that way unless an administrator opens it back up. You do not have the authority to just unlock an entry, especially when no blog staff member was given any notice or made aware of any exceptions. You also may not edit out a staff member's edit.
    Your blog will be available until sometime tonight, so when you are able to use it again next year, if premier perks are again a part of the celebration, do not forget that. -DV
    Obviously not a problem now
    So in continuation of this entry, I've begun stage two of the Grocer project.
    I had two choices for the floor. These are 15 studs from front to back, and 11 studs front to back. We chose the 15. After making a floor, I began making the actual design. This is the ending to the project, once I make a shop underneath it. It's being held up by nine 1x4 bricks right now.
    After the first was made, I began copy-building them. First, the second (third) floor. Then, the third (fourth) floor. Then the Attic. I forgot to take a photo of the roof, but it's gotta be worked on anyway.
    Tomorrow, I have to fix some minor details I missed (but my boss Dan saw them) and so forth. But beyond that? It's almost done.
    Now, it's up to YOU! I wish for ideas to build under this new tower. So far, I've decided on either a record store, or my boss has the idea to make a bookstore. So what do you guys think? Or maybe something else altogether? GIVE ME IDEAS D:
    Oh, and hooray blags.
  15. Swert
    So, as I mentioned in an earlier blag entry, I now work at a LEGO art studio called City Blocks. My first project for them is an event piece in which we are modifying the Green Grocer, a LEGO Exclusive set.
    What modifications, you might ask? Well for one, the whole thing used to be 32 studs wide. It is now 31. Two, it has only one middle section normally. Now it has three. Also, it has tan stripes. Not anymore. And finally, it had a rounded front market with steps going in. The shop front is no longer round, and the steps have a new purpose in life. We decided to elevate the floor to match the doorway, and by doing so we eliminate the need for steps going in and out, and plus it now looks so much better.
    All links go to photos I have taken across four days of hard labor. Bolded are the modification photos, not the originals.
    And finally, the photo you've all been waiting for.

    That's the final product. And that's only STAGE ONE. Stage two begins soon.
    I doubt I'll be able to post it here again unless I go premier, so keep an eye on the Folder (when public) and I'll try to update on BS01 or something.
    Aside from that? It's my first project, and I love it.
  16. Swert
    I just want to know, FROM GAMERS WHO MAY KNOW...
    Halo 3, or ODST? Which should I get?
    For the record, I have only played Halo on PC and the first level of Halo 2 on my brother's Xbox back in the day. I am as noobish to Halo as an Apple fanboy is to a Zune.
  17. Swert
    Let's see...
    $110 phone with Sprint
    $39 MP3 player
    Left 4 Dead 2 for $30
    and my biggest scores?
    XBox 360 Jasper model with a 150 GB hard drive and new controller: $75
    Also, Batman Arkham Asylum for $20 (Brand new copy) and LEGO Batman and Pure (pre-owned twin pack) for $10.
    And maybe Halo 3 or ODST tomorrow, pre-owned. Still deciding which. Oh, and I pre-ordered CoD: Black Ops and Portal 2 for 5 bucks each.
    And that's just stuff for ME, wow.
  18. Swert
    So finally got off work long enough to post an entry.
    So what does the Swert do from now on, you may wonder? Easy.
    I work for a commercial LEGO Art studio in Tacoma. It is owned by Dan Parker, one of a handfull of LEGO Certified Professionals in the world.
    I've sorted and stocked bricks and plates, I've sold minfigs, and I've plugged our parties, but my favorite part? I've been given the chance to rebuild this set.
    Dan bought three of them and put three of the middle sections together to make one larger building. Now I'm taking one stud off of each left wall, and taking the tan stripes out. I already scraped two figures (one on each hand) in my building attempts.
    So yeah, ZOMG A BLAG ENTRY!
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