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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    I'll never ever EVER watch that show again!
    ... Oh wait, I never did anyway 8D
    Anyway in all seriousness I'm feeling a ton better now, my chest doesn't hurt as badly, and I look forward to getting back to work tomorrow. What am I working on tomorrow, you may wonder? BORG. AND DEATH STAR. AND STUFF FOR A CLIENT NAMED MEECRO SAFT. I think we got that name wrong on the form. I guess we'll find out when the check comes in 8D
    But in all seriousness I was really sick D:
  2. Swert
    I've been saying it for years, the only way I would get sick is if it had to drag me into a bed and find a way to keep me there.
    Well played, stomach bug. Making me so dizzy I can't even stand is indeed one way to keep me here. But by midnight tonight I will defeat you. I must.
  3. Swert
    So, in 2006, I was very poor. This is to expected, I was still in high school. I couldn't afford to buy the good sets like (at the time) the popular Batman line sets. What did I miss out on, one might wonder. Well, the biggie I have is Nightwing the figure. He was only available in the Arkham Asylum set, #7785. He is probably one of the rarest figures I have ever laid eyes on in that particular series. I'd put him rarer than some of the others, especially since he was not re-released in the Batman II/DC Comics series.
    Now, my goal is simple. I must obtain my own Nightwing figure. TO VARIOUS ONLINE STORES!
    Oh wait... he's like averaging $40-$70 USD. Huh.
    Okay, so I'll bypass it... I'll just buy the torso, use black legs I have, get the head and hair...
    What do you mean the hairpiece is $10-$33?! THE HEAD'S HOW MUCH AND SOLD FROM WHERE?! AND THE TORSO-
    Okay, forget this. So, as I no doubt have said in the past, I work in a LEGO art studio. Okay, so no problem, check our stock in the back... Oh hey, like 10-12 Nightwing torsos! Epic. Grabbed legs too so I didn't need to dig any out.
    So now it's on to the head and hair... Oh wait, we have the hair. Sweet. Wait, it's the only one in the shop. Not so sweet. Okay, so leave that. I can find a better one for him later I suppose. Yeah, long hair in black, found that already pretty cheap (didn't buy yet.) So that leaves my head, right? Still expensive and only sold in two stores I found. So, I'm going to forego accuracy and go with a newer Robin head, which uses a similar mask but not the same. I'm fine with this. Also LEGO recently released 3 stud lightsaber blade (bar) elements in trans light blue, so I'd switch to those instead for accuracy to the set.
    Okay, so now I have that all done, right? Nope, cause I'm too broke to buy it still. Go figure. Anyway, the long story short, I have a Nightwing torso and legs. That's pretty much it.
    As for Red Hood, I decided to not make him using a Deadpool head, I'm going to be painting or affixing something to another red head to make him, I think. Or something. That way I can have both fight it out in an epic layout eventually.
    Sorry for the long blog rant, but I figure SOMEONE is bound to read it. TL;DR: I'm a geek.
  4. Swert
    I took some opinions I gained from people on my IM, and my limited blog comments, and I created this new revision. The old is just below it.


    I think I did a better job on this pass, and it looks more cohesive. I'd love it if we can find a better Missions and possible a better Saga Guides image, but I did make some major changes. In addition, I adjusted the lettering spacing so the I looks cleaner. Easier to read. I also negated almost all gray (the LEGO Black icon is staying, it's the best choice.)
    Comments are, again, welcome.
  5. Swert
    ... Dude.
    Dibs on Deadpool.
    Anyway, I'm happy they finally announced another superhero game, and it's even more surprising given I would expect them to release it last year when Avengers hit. I suppose it makes sense to release it when Iron Man 3 hits.
    I look forward to it, Fall 2013 isn't coming fast enough.
  6. Swert
    So, exciting times coming up here in the studio this coming beginning of the year.
    We're in the process of making up to 6 different events at the same time happen, including three shows in the summer, a -huge- model for Emerald City ComicCon, an event in February at CenturyLink Field (Probably the WaMu Center... but if it's the real field, I'll be a happy Swerty : D) and another couple of things I forget off the top of my head.
    Basically I'm busy. With any luck I'll be able to post teasers of my work, but for now I'm keeping mum. Let's just say Emerald City ComicCon will be amazing with the model we're looking at making, if only because I look forward to inviting one of the main guests to see it completed. With any luck, there will be little resistance on his part. It would be futile.
  7. Swert
    Alright, so as mentioned on HEROsector01's main page news, we're planning to upgrade the main page to the same layout as BS01's, or close to it. One of these includes my pretty clever navigation system (yes I did actually create the concept, even if SK and Metax managed to make it all work... kudos to them, though).
    What comes with this navigation? An actual button grid:

    And if you weren't aware, BS01's main page navigation works by clicking a tile, and a menu slides from the right to the left with a list of both relevant and popular links under that subject. HS01 will have the same treatment, and I look forward to bringing it to you all.
    I am open to constructive criticism, and possible alternate images for the grid itself, as well as possible color changes, but the categories themselves will stay. I -might- change Saga Guides if I can get a better category there.
  8. Swert
    So, money got tight this year for practically everybody I know, except my brother who's been promoted to manager of his department, and my grandparents who own stock in the good stuff like PepsiCo, which isn't going anywhere any time soon. Having said that, my gifts this year were modest, small, and will probably expand in time if someone goes out and does something about it.
    My brother bought me XCOM: Enemy Unknown and gave me a MS Touch Mouse he bought at the company store when it was on sale for $30. The mouse retails for $80 on a good day, so I'm not complaining. He also plans to buy me a copy of W8 when he can, but I told him I'm in no rush since I'd rather upgrade the RAM first.
    My grandparents gave me $35 in cash, which I used $20 on groceries already. I'll be holding on to that $15 for now.
    My parents were impacted the hardest with a delayed paycheck causing plans to fall apart at the last minute, so they ended up snagging me three series 8 minifigs, and my understanding. I'm apparently also getting shirts as soon as they get said money. The figs were the Pirate, the bat and the Lederhosen kid. I'm fortunate enough I had none of these guys, plus I ended up not having to buy them at work, where it'd be $5 each (already opened, of course).
    Overall, a very tight gift-giving experience, where I ended up seeing myself giving away more gifts than I received. No complaints from me, but I do wish I had at least gotten that Surface RT I asked my brother for
    Oh, speaking of that, I did get to muck around with his briefly, and his Lumia 920, and I'm definitely looking forward to W8 and WP7.8 on my phone given the styling of both. I'm not looking forward to upgrading my RAM and wiping my harddrive, however. Sad panda is me.
  9. Swert
    So, I'm currently off from work right now, both today and tomorrow. The rest of the week, I go in to work and do a workshop, then drop-in play days for kids paying. I also get to manage our train display (I'll link a Photosynth of it later on, need to make a better one.)
    In addition to all of that, I also have a Christmas party at my brother's house I'm attending. I'm happily looking forward to that, if only because my brother just scored a Surface RT from work, plus I'd love to play around with his WP8 for a second or two. (I'm a MS geek, I know that, thank you for asking.) After all that, I then work 3 more days, rounding out my end of the year and taking work off from the 29th to the new year. Maybe I'll pick AC3 back up by then. Unlikely.
    So yeah, tl;dr I'm busy and happy at the same time. Huzzah.
  10. Swert
    So, unfortunately I work two days in a row starting tomorrow, and I have stuff to do on sunday, so I guess I get to go see it on Monday.
    Even though I read the book like twice and saw an animated version of it once, please don't spoil it
    Hopefully worth the money.
  11. Swert
    Sup Internet. It's Swert.
    So I went to work in my usual timeslot today... tons of LEGO building, gluing and making things look pretty for clients... again.
    And didn't finish until 7:30 Pacific.
    So yeah, I'm tired and it's my dad's birthday. But all is well, I'm just going to relax now and enjoy the rest of my wee- wait, I have to work two more days?!
    ... Challenge accepted.
  12. Swert
    Looks like I'll be going again.
    And we have bigger plans for models this year 8D
    Also December will be pretty packed for me as far as work goes. I'm hoping to do a few things for BS01 and HS01 (like finish updating HS01's main page to BS01's standards, and bringing BS01's main page up to completion) but the time's limited.
    I didn't even get to finish Halo 4's Spartan Ops episode this week yet. x_x
  13. Swert
    On the plus side, I finished the campaign already (2 days' worth of work) and I now have about 30 days of quests, free play and mithril bricks to find x_x
    Oh, and IE10 pre-release. It has spellcheck built in : O which is new FOR IE. I know you FF/Chrome/Safari/others had it first. Fortunately I never needed it but it's nice to have.
  14. Swert
    So, in the month of January 2012, I approached (with Xccj) my boss with an idea: Build the island of Mata Nui. 10 feet by 5 feet.
    Terms of the agreement were clear: Don't take too long, make a kickin' model, and disassemble it off the clock.
    ... I disassembled it this previous week.
    BUT! I had help : D

    Lehvak taking care of the green brick

    Gahlok holding a 4x4 plate

    Tahnok and Gahlok at work. I think the Tahnok wants to melt the red brick o_o;;

    BOHROK VA! : D

    Everybody pitching in to help! Kohrak and Nuhvok in their elements.

    MORE BOHROK VA! : D Also Pahrak taking care of some material too.

    Full scene. I was bored. D:

    So there ya go I'm disappointed that they took 3 days to do it, but I did only have six of the buggers and six little helpers to sort. I guess that's why they have a whole swarm :\
    (By the way, this is entirely satirical, I did all the work by myself. No, Bohrok cannot sort LEGO. I wish they could though D:)
  15. Swert
    I spent most of it working on dismantling the island of Mata Nui, then I get home and all of a sudden... Halo 4.
    Today was long, but the payoff is epic.
    Oh also something political. Whatever
  16. Swert
    For all readers of the Expanded Multiverse and more specifically the Cipher Chronicles, you may or may not recall the character named Revolution.
    If so, you will recall Bonesiii and I had taken plenty of steps in keeping the identity of Revolution secret. In fact, I even resorted to using a nanite android in order to use him without using him, just to keep the identity secret.
    You see, Revolution is not, as one might expect, what he seems to be. Revoution was always an envisioned figurehead, someone we wrote into the story who has had plenty of secrets. It is indeed a main character from the Cipher Chronicles, though the truth behind this character goes very deep if you think about it harder.
    Now, just by saying all of this, you might know exactly who I am referring to. If so, the short story I plan to write will simply be confirmation, and I hope you enjoy how I present it. If this blog post doesn't give you enough hints, I hope that the story proves to be entertaining in how I present the character's true reveal (I am aware that the V android I pulled was kinda an unreveal, sorry about that).
    tl;dr: I get to write a SS, Revolution's in it, read it please kthx.
  17. Swert
    I -really- want to get a game going eventually, and I've never felt comfortable playing random games online with people I don't know.
    So, I'm inviting the users with Gold XBL membership on the 360 to play. I know there's at least 5 of us around here.
    Any takers?
  18. Swert
    I seem to have awoken my British bloodline (one of the many bloodlines I have) and I now have a posh accent. x_x
    But on the plus side? I'm about halfway through the storyline (I hope). I'm trying to stretch it out over a few days for once.
    Still epic.
  19. Swert
    So my area is now on a flood watch. Swell.
    Fortunately, they say it'll be minor flooding in the Puyallup River.
    In the meantime, to the BZP members in the Northeast of the US, stay safe and warm.
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