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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    Hey guys, got something great for all the Hero Factory fans out there. While BZPower was getting its forums upgraded, we had a chance to contact Elmer Damaso to have him draw a particular "expanded universe" character. As you know, Mr. Damaso is the artist of the Hero Factory comics found in the LEGO Magazines and online. Having him draw a character who doesn't have a comic form was pretty exciting, especially for those at HS01. While he was drawing this character, we got contact details from Mr. Damaso about the group that colors for the Hero Factory comics, Digital Art Chefs. After obtaining the final version from Mr. Damaso, we commissioned DAC to color the artwork.
    Now, on behalf of the HS01 Staff, I would like to present Merrick Fortis 3.0:


    Source: Exclusive Artwork: Merrick Fortis 3.0
  2. Swert
    So, I went to that new password form, figuring to fix my password. I go to fill it out.
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Huh, okay. Take two...
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Take three...
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Take Forty-Two...
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Take One hundred and nine...
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Finally, asked Black Six to help me out. He hooked me up with a password for temporary usage. By this point, I was convinced it was the new password unit anyway. Take nine thousand and one...
    "Welcome to BZP."
    Seriously. It was that easy. I wish to thank Six for hooking me up with a temp password, and for putting up with my foolish ways, and whatnot. But yeah, first hand experience folks, this system -WORKS.-
  3. Swert
    Man, where did all this free time for gaming come from? : O
    Also, 61.something in LSW3. Man, this game is massive. Think LEGO Harry Potter massive, only not as confusing to navigate as Hogwarts was.
  4. Swert
    Oh man, this was an awesome game. Well, for a 4-year old game XD

    I bought it yesterday, and it took roughly 11 hours. Makaru and I have agreed many things, for example: There is a reason we don't go to Ravenholm anymore. *shivers*


    For that matter...




    Oh, and while I'm complaining...


    That hatred follows on to every single sequel. Except for the hatred of Gunships, since I only take one down.

    It transfers to Hunters

    So yeah, now you know why I was so busy all day, to those BS01 readers. I might post a review on my BS01 Blog, since I won't have one written in time for here.
  5. Swert
    So um...
    I kinda wanna change my blog name. But I suck at naming things (My computers are SWERT01 and SWERT02, my Zune is SWERT03, my phone is SWERT05 (the hard drive in 01 is SWERT04, kinda wish I had named the desktop SWERT02 to match Thunderbirds better but whatever)) and I really want a cool name.
    So submit ideas. I'll take any ideas FROM ANYONE. Just remember, keep it BZP appropriate.
    Also NO PONIES!
  6. Swert
    So, unfortunately I work two days in a row starting tomorrow, and I have stuff to do on sunday, so I guess I get to go see it on Monday.
    Even though I read the book like twice and saw an animated version of it once, please don't spoil it
    Hopefully worth the money.
  7. Swert
    So, there's an upcoming project on the way, and it requires numbers be put in it.
    My boss looked at me and said "I wanna put numbers in here in the geekiest way possible."
    So I came up with one:
    Translated, from base 2 binary, that's 12000. The highest value we had to insert on this model. 11 numbers are going on this model, and they go from (0)2000 to 12000 in thousand increments. Keep in mind it all has to be one color. So how do I build it? Very simply.

    That's how. That's one plate for a 1, one round plate/dot for a 0, and the tile spaces it. That's all.
    And yes, it's going to be an amazing thing we've made. Now I just need to design the remaining 10
  8. Swert
    So last night/this morning around 3AM PDT, I linked the BZPower talk page on BS01 to... the Auto Plushie Generator.
    Most (if not all) newer members will not understand. All those members that joined before 2004 know what dangers that poses.
    I just hope it doesn't spark the fad again... PLEASE don't let it spark the fad.
    For those who don't know, in an attempt to be more accurate in our BS01 database, I dediced to post a new section called "Fads," which would describe all fads BZPower had that were notable. Notability, of course, is different from Wikipedia notability, since we still have more content on our site that WPedia would have deleted by now. Of course, one such fad, sparked by the appearance of "Plushies" in MNOLG2, led to probably the biggest sprite mania that BZP can probably record. It even sparked the first resistence group (You only thought you started it with Anti-Ponies ) that opposed them. Yes, the Plushie Fad.

    I just hope I didn't doom us all.

    EDIT: So I checked back, and Mahalis modified it to include a new watermark and he reset the counter. It says at 3:03 PM:

    We're doomed.

  9. Swert
    1. Gotta finally upload photos for a client who paid me in advance (money in which I used to go to BrickCon.) I've had so much on my plate, it's been put off until now.
    2. Need to do basic cleaning of the household. I already overhauled it, but man it could use more work.
    3. Boss called me up yesterday to generate a mosaic for him, due sunday night. Man, when'd I get the cool job/hard job?
    5. Sleep. _-_ Zz
  10. Swert
    Hey everyone, I'm happy to announce that HS01 is -finally- ready to upgrade the main page to mimic BS01's in terms of navigation and content.
    Aside from some cosmetic changes, the navigation is now fully functioning (or will be when it's posted anyway) and I plan to show off these features in the near future in a blog entry or topic (for both sites, cause apparently nobody uses it on BS01 that I am aware of, simply because nobody knows it's there).
    In non BS01 and HS01 news, I get to work five days this week, including an event on Thursday. We're setting up our five foot diameter Death Star and some other minor things for the client, and it's an interactive model. We already have 95% of the model ready to go, we just need to assemble it on site, then work on decorating it. I then help tear part of it down that night, leave it for the next day when we go back up and tear it all down (it's about 4 hours of tear down and proper packing.)
    ... Man, I did not realize how busy I'd be until just then x_x
  11. Swert
    Alright, so as mentioned on HEROsector01's main page news, we're planning to upgrade the main page to the same layout as BS01's, or close to it. One of these includes my pretty clever navigation system (yes I did actually create the concept, even if SK and Metax managed to make it all work... kudos to them, though).
    What comes with this navigation? An actual button grid:

    And if you weren't aware, BS01's main page navigation works by clicking a tile, and a menu slides from the right to the left with a list of both relevant and popular links under that subject. HS01 will have the same treatment, and I look forward to bringing it to you all.
    I am open to constructive criticism, and possible alternate images for the grid itself, as well as possible color changes, but the categories themselves will stay. I -might- change Saga Guides if I can get a better category there.
  12. Swert
    So back on Friday, during the huge flood of Steam sales, Bioshock Infinite was one of those games on sale. I didn't buy it.
    But I was gifted it by a friend as an early Christmas present
    So now I'm playing it off-and-on (CURSE YOU WORK! *shakes fist*) and enjoying it immensely.
    ... Granted, had I not read the spoilers like a month after it came out, I'd probably enjoy the twists more. But fortunately knowing the story is actually not enough to prepare me for some of the twists and turns it has.
    I also have to continue playing Assassin's Creed 4, but I finished that main storyline already (Man that was a thing, wasn't it?) and I had a chance to play Forza 5 during Thanksgiving at my brother's (got an achievement, w00t! ... It was for completing a race, not so w00t.) I managed to smoke him in the last race, when he commented "This isn't going to fair, this is just for my amusement." He proceeded to spin out off the track twice, and I took the opportunity to catch up and blocked him from ever passing me. The satisfaction of seeing him go "Oh come on!" (in less BZP-friendly terms, I might add) is always satisfying.
    So yeah, that was a thing. I'll probably go play more Bioshock after work tomorrow. I also helped a buddy in Minecraft with some things he was having trouble with, but turns out he just needed a kick in the rear end to get an idea going. Let this blatant foreshadowing sink in for a bit. Of course, by now nobody's reading this part except for maybe you (yes YOU John!) and has no idea what I'm talking about. Ho hum.
    Man I should sleep.
  13. Swert
    Should I review it once it gets here? Also, it was on sale. $60 vs $100. That's -not bad.-
    In other news, I worked myself to death yesterday... building Toa Nuva. I'm serious, I had to repair the Nuva (2002) in the shop.
    This is a chronological timeline of my thoughts while repairing, in order of Toa:
    Onua: Why is his head so funky...? Oh duh, they put it on the gear axle. Slap that back on the armor aaaand done.
    Kopaka: Yeeeahh I think he's okay.
    Lewa: Oh god, the shoulder armor's on wrong. Fix that aaand good.
    Tahu: Wow, the two Toa who do not get along are also the ones that were fine. Hilarious.
    Gali: Lewa armor syndrome. I've seen this before somewhere... oh right, on Lewa. Fixed.
    And that was it.
    Oh, and then I put away parts. Not much fun.
  14. Swert
    And I won.

    Though I am not photographed (for obvious reasons, I'm not the owner ) I did 90% of the work on this ferris wheel.
    And yes, it's fully motorized. It has 2 XL Motors on it. There is a video on my account on that one video site, just look under swertmastra. I might throw it up on Vimeo so I can embed it here later, haven't decided yet.
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