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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    So, I have finished the story modes of both Single Player and Multiplayer.
    I must commend the following players for assisting me in getting to the ending of multiplayer:
    Timboman (yes, he's still alive out there )
    Tesseract (ditto on that part)
    Erebus and I started it off, got to about part 2 and called it good, Timboman and I played til about part 4, then I replayed with ER, got him up to speed, then finished it all off with Timboman to the ending. I won't spoil any of it for Erebus or Tesseract, but I will assist them when they want to play XD
    Tesseract and I went in while he had not played the multiplayer, so I got the Professor Portal achievement, which is described as the hardest to get.
    My achievement status is 39 out of 50. The majority of them appear to be singleplayer achievements now, so it's just a matter of playing through to where those are and be done with it. I sadly cannot see a way to replay just a single level, unless I use the console commands (I might just have to )
    This will be fun getting to 100%. And I have a feeling there'll be more chambers down the line.
  2. Swert
    Oh man, this was an awesome game. Well, for a 4-year old game XD

    I bought it yesterday, and it took roughly 11 hours. Makaru and I have agreed many things, for example: There is a reason we don't go to Ravenholm anymore. *shivers*


    For that matter...




    Oh, and while I'm complaining...


    That hatred follows on to every single sequel. Except for the hatred of Gunships, since I only take one down.

    It transfers to Hunters

    So yeah, now you know why I was so busy all day, to those BS01 readers. I might post a review on my BS01 Blog, since I won't have one written in time for here.
  3. Swert
    Sorry, I just had to do it.
    If you get the joke, more power to you.
    Otherwise, you'll be wondering why I asked I can have Hero Recon rather stupidly.
    But yeah, looks interesting. I'll probably download LDD later to try it out *dedicated LDRAW user*
  4. Swert
    So Microsoft released a new email service, based on their Outlook branding. It's similar in function (if not identical) to Hotmail, minus the UI.
    Oh also? Because it's new, you can register new email accounts. Through your default.
    I already registered a few. I might get more later, but let's not get too greedy here
    I should still review Office 13 : D
  5. Swert
    First, I should add a Gaming category. I talk about games so much
    Second, I think if they make a third game, the Turret King should be the boss. You know who I mean.
    Imagine him crashing into a wall in a test chamber randomly. "I SEE YOU!" in a loud booming voice.
    ... "NAP TIME."
    That would be epic to be chased by all game. I'd love to see his electronic eye point at you randomly in levels as he searches for you.
    And then, just for fun, his ammunition would be... *spoiler alert*

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Lemons. Combustible lemons. 
    It would be GLORIOUS 8O
  6. Swert
    Back in early November 2011, Xccj and I discussed in detail the idea of building the island of Mata Nui in system brick. We debated many times over how we could do it, eventually deciding on how to do it and where to get the material.
    That's when I told my boss Dan Parker.
    On March 12th through the 16th, we finally build it. And you're all invited to help : D
    Basically, if you live in the Pacific Northwest, able to travel to Tacoma, and want to help out building a system-based island, please feel free to join us and help out. You're not expected to show up every day, I assure you. At first I expected 18+ but at this point we're really desperate for builders, so I'll take what I can get XD
    I'm also planning, if you come to assist building, to allow you to sign index cards so I can scan them into a computer and give credit to all builders involved. If you identify as a BZPower member directly, you can get an extra space for a bonus message for anything (WITHIN BZPOWER GUIDELINES) you wish to say. Think of it like a famous-social-media-site's wall function, only related to BZPower.
    Now, this may sound unfair to those members who cannot attend. That's why we also plan to collect messages at Bricks Cascade and BrickCon as well, however they will not be posted with the builders' credit.
    So yeah, feel free to attend! Send me a PM or email me at swertmastra (at) gmail.com and then I can direct you to the studio with an address and directions from I-5. Our times will be roughly 10 AM to 4 PM, with extensions of hours to be determined day-by-day.
    I hope everybody who can come are able to.
  7. Swert
    Have you ever gone to work, set up a laptop, sat for a few minutes to wake up, then get to work on building a sculpture in LEGO?
    There -is- a drawback... sifted through an old construction toy collection for cleaning... and there was 50% Mega Bloks. o_o bbl dyingofcancer.
  8. Swert
    So, Xccj posted a few photos, so now it's time I post the BTS pics 8D

    Poor Jaller.

    Legoitis; Symptoms include redness, dimples resembling a LEGO studded baseplate pattern, and loss of feeling. Treatments include not leaning on LEGO baseplates, and taking a quick break while leaning on another part of the table not covered by LEGO baseplates.

    A very well designed outline of our decided-upon design for Papa Nihu Reef. Thar be easter eggs here 8D

    Xccj spent part of the second day on expanding out his new mountain. The results were outstanding and quite well done.

    Photo-Op! Xccj and myself in a decent photo-op working on our peaks.

    And there we have it. Some pretty decent photos of our progress. Not a whole lot I admit, but all the detailed stuff is in Xccj's brickshelf, just not a whole lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff.
    Topic with ALL photos coming soon.
  9. Swert
    ... Nah, I'll forget it exists in a week. XD
    Anyway, I am all packed up for BrickCon as far as models go, except I need to finish my wacky racer.
    I'm also set for the hotel (still figuring out transportation, but it seems pretty safe to me) and all that.
    So yeah, I look forward to it next week 8D
  10. Swert
    Woo, 6 days til the big one comes!
    I have FINALLY secured a space for my Mata Nui island at BrickCon. However, it isn't EXACTLY how I want it displayed, nor where I intended. It's also not finalized yet where it goes.
    Fortunately it's got room, the coordinators noted I registered it early enough and they have the room.
    Meantime, the other stuff is also ready to go. Let's see what happens there.
    And also Xccj's angled mosaic stuff is safely in my care, ready to be assembled. Next Friday better get here soon, my sister keeps wanting to build it.
    That's all for now. Hope to meet some new BZP members next week : D
  11. Swert
    It has been an age since I last posted here.
    Have I anything to say? Nah.
    Besides, what makes me think I'm notable here?
  12. Swert
    So I have everything set up LEGO-wise for BCascade. I have a grand total of 10 boxes to take:
    5 for the main island
    1 for the baseplate that goes around it (I have to double-check them)
    1 for the volcano crater top (IT LOOKS MUCH BETTER, TRUST ME)
    1 for the Superhero Megafigs (Green Lantern and Captain America)
    1 for the Bionicle pens and random brick I'm bringing.
    1 for the Nuva Cube (Of course I'm bringing that :3)
    Basically that's 10 boxes. Plenty of boxes XD I'm thinking I'll set up the island on Thursday, and then bring the rest Friday.
    As for random other stuff, that's still way behind. I should be okay though.
    In other news, I bought a headset (YOU'RE WELCOME TO THOSE WHO KNOW WHO YOU ARE!) and my dad gave me his (2 day old) Bluetooth device after buying a better one today. I also bought cardstock to make new business cards today.
    Oh yeah, I'm set 8D
  13. Swert
    Basically, I underestimated how many BZP members going to BrickFair would be interested in joining in on MakutaFest.
    Therefore we might push the time back to 7 PM EDT/4 PM PDT. (We're -still- discussing this internally, BZP reporting jumped the gun on us.)
    And yes, I realize the closing ceremonies is at 6 PM EDT. But if we push it too far back, nobody else could attend.
    Sorry folks, I'm really trying my best.
  14. Swert
    Just one statement, really:
    That's really it.
    I love the graphics upgrade, the change over with both the lightsaber change, and the gameplay mechanic for vehicle fights. I -love- the fact we can now land them and exit our ship and fight droids. I dunno about what I think will be a real-time strategy mode, but hey, it can't be all too bad right?
    Force powers are MUCH better. I love the fact it works like the LEGO Harry Potter Wingadium Leviosa power, in that we can lift and move in multiple axes. The fact they also added The Force Unleashed-inspired force push is awesome, and lightsaber toss is a much welcome addition, especially after seeing it in LEGO Batman.
    Oh wow, C-3PO finally has a purpose : O He's the archeologist/Hermione of Star Wars now, and in a much simpler method than the 3x3 box and the 2x2 box we had last. Now it's like Simon Says, only instead of more challenges, you get opened doors. Awesome.
    I know this whole entry is really spoiler-laced as far as what to expect, especially if you planned to try the Demo. Trust me, this only touches base on SOME of what to expect in it.
    I'm sold on the game, personally.
  15. Swert
    I am in the process of planning a System Building Contest here on my blog.
    Feel free to suggest a theme, maybe we'll get enough interest to actually do something amazing.
    All I know so far is all entries will be voted upon, then judged by top folk (also known as me, and maybe a few friends XD I'd love to ask my boss Dan Parker to judge, but he may be too busy, who knows.)
    So let's get some ideas flowing.
  16. Swert
    So a few friends of mine online decided to debate, briefly, what would be the #1 song you would pick from The Beatles to introduce the band to someone who (for some weird reason) never heard of them.
    To clarify, I don't mean their best or greatest, rather the song that best defines them and their career. That's arguably even tougher than the best song to some.
    So what do you guys think?
    (While we're at it, if you can think of the same for any other band you can think of, feel free.)
  17. Swert
    You know, I'm always playing video games, I'm always talking about video games, and I'm usually always bored. So, what's stopping me from making, in my blog, a BZP-friendly review of the current video games? (360 and PC only, of course.)
    Naturally, I'd probably review my collection, not the new stuff. I'm not going to buy games just to review them
    Now question becomes, would anybody want to read about a bored man's ramblings about CLASSIC VIDEO GAMES FROM... *checks* 2004?! (Oh, and I suppose I do have Half-Life, so it's as early as 1998 )
  18. Swert
    I just learned that Scott Menville will be in LEGO Batman 2.
    As Robin.
    ....... Holy carp.
    Also it means Robin's still Dick Grayson. Was kinda hoping we'd have Tim Drake by now. But mainly because I'm a bigger Nightwing fan anyway.
    Also they better let Green Lantern have the ability to construct green objects like mechs and stuff.
    ... And we need a Teen Titans-themed level, by the way.
    ... And Justice League. Though how Flash will work I dunno yet.
  19. Swert
    Took me 10 minutes to come up with that title. Now -that's- sad.
    So a few small updates on my end, the Mirus are stored safely in my safekeeping. I also have not YET seen TDKR. I'm waiting for the end of the week. Work is steady but it'll be busy all next week.
    Basically, I have -nothing- to blog about, cause it's boring here. I should do something amazing and blog about that.
    ... Or sit down and do the Office 2013 review I threatened said I'd do.
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