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Daniel Bryan

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Status Updates posted by Daniel Bryan

  1. No respect for anyone? Well, if you are going to leave comments like that, I guess you have become one of the few people to not have my respect, congrats, you did good.

  2. O.o

    "Awaiting Authorization?"

    What's going on here?


    Post more in the RPG! I'm always watching you....

    *Fades into shadows*

  3. Have you any ideas for the Pikmin thingy we're working on? Have you seen my ideas/titles?

    We need Vakzorz...

    I just found some sprites, which are in the Pikmin topic as I type.... Not much is going on...

  4. It's up and I have prepared for your attack!

    Hakat! Get to the missiles!

    Phantrax! You take the foot soldiers!

    Toa Kirizan! Half of you take the tanks, the others, use all available military vehicles!

    Vezon! Um... Guard this coffee cup!

    *Coffee cup explodes*

    What?! There wasn't even anything that could possibly make it e

  5. (Continued from last)


    Anyways, we are prepared for your attack, Exo-Fat, we are armed and ready to defend my imagination to the death!

    Prepare for battle!


  6. RPG thing: We need your guidance! Help us out!

  7. Oops, forgot to say: Please.

  8. Eep!

    *Runs around, then jumps in a mountain*

    Safe here!


    I am now the Entity of Shadow!

    NOM NOM!

    I still can't believe you're taller than me... and younger!

    I pictured you as being short. I was WAY off. XD

  10. Anyways, I'm trying to give Hakat a reboot, sorta like Christopher Nolan's Batman series going on now.

    It'll be a remake of sorts, but better!

    Come to think of it, the crudiness of the original was how we met!

  11. AIM won't let me get on.....

    "My rate is limited"

    I blame you >:(

  12. Gah...

    I blame you for all my problems, 'cuz your a staff...


    *Swings Exo around like a weapon*

    Fear my giant yellow Staff of blogs!

  13. *Shade's head rolls to Exo's feet*

  14. Did you get their messages?

  15. XD

    Yes, you did give me a review about how cruddy Hakat was. I feel like making it darker and fast-paced, somewhat similar to Ryder.

  16. *Eerie voice*: You cannot escape it...

  17. hehe I'm hiding on AIM! You can't get me!


  18. Yeah, for some reason, I picture people younger than me as being shorter than me. I thought you would be like the average-looking kid.

    To be honest, I'm pretty short at my school.

    We're pretty much opposite!

    Possible reason for my shortness: Being in Canada.

    In winter. XD

  19. Wait... why did I give away my location?

    *Head explodes for no apparent paradoxical reason*

  20. *Touches Root beer*

  21. Hey, Exo!

    You're a shoe!

  22. What do you think of my RPG request?

    Do I need more detail?

    Some changes?

    More kissing up to you, Oh, great and powerful Kex?

  23. *Shade's head grows to 5'8"*

    *Starts rolling after Exo*

    By the way, Chapter 2 of Warrior of Balance will be up soon hopefully. We will prepare for your next attack!

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