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Daniel Bryan

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Status Updates posted by Daniel Bryan

  1. What the....?

    What's with the Cubone pic?

    It's scaring me! *Runs and hides in a corner*

  2. Pikmin RPG 2 is up! Yippee!

  3. AH! *Begins to fade out of the Space-Time continuum.*

    The Pokemon RPG sounds really interesting. As soon as I escape my prison, I'll join. I've already got the profile ready. 8D

  4. Hihkan! Pikmin RPG 2 is up!

  5. And, as I promised...

    *Beats Exo over the head repeatedly with a piece of wood*

  6. I can't even read your name now... >.>

    It's too bright.

  7. See? i have more than one friend now! Yippee!

  8. *Kciks Vak, and eats his arm.*

    MWAHAHAHA! I win again! I'm kicking everybody!

  9. Everyday, humans come one step closer to self-destruction. I'm not destroying the world, I'm SAVING it!

  10. You think that Las Plagas is finished, Leon?

    You may have succeeded in saving Graham, but, thanks to you, Umbrella's one step closer to its re-establishment. And once it is, there will be significant changes in our world.

  11. Well, well, well, if it isn't Leon.

    Krauser should have disposed of you.

  12. YAYZORZ!1!Q11!!!

    Posts you didz now posts morez! What bout me creatures?

  13. All you need to do is...

    Interact more!


    I'm always watching, waiting for you to post...

  14. Guess what Exo-Fat just posted? Yep! It has come!

  15. Las Plagas is but a tool in my grand scheme!

    *On phone*

    His right hand comes off? =P

  16. Orange?

    I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!

  17. "P.S: The Wii is miles ahead of the GCN in specs. Things like Galaxy and MP3 could not have been done on that little purple lunchbox."

    Your Best Quote Ever.

  18. What post war? I have no idea what you are talking about, Zhal.

  19. Has you got the two PMzorz I sent you earlier?(Zorz)

  20. Sorry, we were just REALLY excited about it...

  21. I'm not your puppet slave, but it seems that every time you type, I strangely move.

  22. See ya man... I'll miss you.

  23. Aim and fire at the approaching enemies, Admiral Exo-Fat!

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