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Daniel Bryan

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Posts posted by Daniel Bryan

  1. IC: Tobias / With Carmen SandiegoTobias sighed. "There is another reason I was sent here." With gleams in his eyes, he drew his sword. "I was sent... to kill you." Tobias examined the sword, a basic, basket-hilted broadsword. "I wish it didn't have to come to this... I'd gladly take any chance I could to spare you."~Det

  2. OOC: The Zelda series has always had its little jokes and always had humor to lighten a potentially dark game. Pretty much the entire beginning of Skyward Sword is an example. xDIC: TobiasTobias thought. He never really did get a good view of his client. "I'm sorry, I don't know exactly who it was. I never got a name or a clear view of them," Tobias admitted. "But then again, with the kinds of people I get in my line of work, it's not at all that surprising." Tobias chuckled. His laughter subsided quickly. He normally didn't care who hired him, but this time...'I really should get a better light source in my office...' he thought to himself.~Det

  3. IC: Tobias / Still Inside the HouseTobias nodded. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I was specifically asked to seek you out for information," Tobias said. He didn't know why, but he was beginning to have second doubts about this mission, even though he had gone on plenty of assassination missions before this one. Still, he remembered the words of his client, if he succeeded, he will not have to worry about retribution. Either way, and he had a mission, and planned on completing it, one way or another. "You see, my current job is to gather as much information on his whereabouts as possible."~Det

  4. IC: Tobias / House of Link's Uncle"What I do for a living.... Well, you see, I like to do the occasional odd job for people," said Tobias, eying Link's uncle, apparently estimating a potential strategy. "Some gets robbed by a pack of Bokoblins? They can come to me, I get them their stuff back and they never have to worry about those Bokoblins again. Well... I do have to get paid, of course. Be it in Rupees or the occasional trinket." Tobias smirked. "It has its perks, and occasional interesting job."~Det

  5. IC: Tobias / House on the Hill"It's about your nephew," Tobias said, examining the uncle. While he seemed old, there was still an aura of power to him, he WAS a former knight of Hyrule, after all. "I'm trying to gather as much information as I can about his potential whereabouts. Is there anything you can tell me about him?"~Det

  6. IC: Tobias / House On The HillTobias was somewhat taken aback by how Link's Uncle had apparently completely thrown caution to the wind. Especially since Tobias wasn't exactly dressed the way someone trustworthy would dress. But still, he had a mission to go through with. "My name is Tobias. I take it you must be the Uncle of Link?" Tobias extended his hand to Link's Uncle, offering a handshake.~Det

  7. OOC: Well, he DOES have a tendency to not stay dead xDIC: Tobias / House on the HillTobias made his way up the hill, coming to the house. Even though this was an assassination mission, he knew he also had to extract information, though there was something about this entire thing that was fishy. Nevertheless, he figured he should at least look somewhat dignified. "Here we go," Tobias said with a deep breath. Straightening himself out, he knocked on the door and waited for his target.~Det

  8. IC: Tobias / Hyrule FieldTobias made his way out the gates, into the vast field. He stretched his arms, a big smile on his face. He always loved the clear air of the field. He spotted his destination, a hill in the distance, upon which sat a single house. "Pretty odd to have the house in the middle of nowhere, but whatever..." Tobias said, making his trek towards the house.~Det

  9. IC: Tobias / Castle TownTobias made his way through Castle Town, keeping to the shadows. He didn't like going out into public very often, preferring to keep the company of his trinkets in his little office. Still, he liked getting paid, and if going into public meant getting paid, Tobias would be out there everyday.... Well, he often is anyways, but he didn't like the big crowds. With a jolly whistle to himself, despite his grim task, Tobias left to the south, on his way to the house of Link's Uncle.~Det

  10. OOC: Well, when you do the things that Tobias does, you're bound to meet strange people XD IC: Tobias/Castle Town"Every single time..." Tobias said as he looked back. Tobias held onto the bag, as he entered the streets. He closed his eyes and searched his mind. 'If I recall correctly, Link's uncle's house should be somewhere outside of Castle town, but then again, things change.'~Det

  11. IC: Tobias/Castle Town,Tobias' OfficeTobias smirked as he caught the bag with his sword. "Very well, I'll see what I can do," Tobias said. He picked up his shield and strapped it to his back, placing his sword in its sheath. "I'll do what I can to find information on Link. As for his uncle... I'll do what I must." Tobias said firmly, his eyes focused on the door.~Det

  12. OOC: Nope, he never does xDIC: Tobias/Castle Town,Tobias' OfficeTobias examined the picture. He raised an eyebrow. "You are aware of just how much trouble I could get into by doing this job correct? Now, I'm not saying that I won't do it, all I'm saying is that for something like this, the pay had better be worth it." Tobias began looking into detail at the picture, putting it to memory, though with a 'stache like that, it will be hard to forget. "And what, may I ask, kind of information are you interested in?"~Det

  13. IC: Tobias/Castle Town, Tobias' OfficeTobias instantly gripped his sword. "I do indeed do... deeds..." Tobias said, searching for the right word. "It all depends on whether or not I get paid." Tobias began fiddling with the trinkets in his satchel. "Judging by the fact that you are in here, cloaked dramatically in the shadows, that you have some sort of business with me?"~Det

  14. IC: Tobias sat in his 'office', actually just a small room in the far corner of Castle Town, thinking about things as he fiddled with many of the different trinkets he had received for various missions. He judged their worth, realizing that some of them could be worth hundreds of rupees. "Oh, Tobias, you're doing the world quite a favor~" he giggled to himself. "Then again, I'm not doing that bad for myself!""Is the mission complete?" asked a weak voice. Tobias raised his head to find an old woman before him."Do Bokoblin come in different colors?" Tobais asked in response, as he pulled out a small bag from his pocket. "Your necklace is fine. Those Bokoblin... are buried in their work," Tobias chuckled with a wink."I can't thank you enough, Mr. Tobias..." the old woman said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a bag of money. Tobias reached for it, and examined it. His eyes widened as he saw that it contained a very shiny flute. "I always know how interested you are in various trinkets and treasures, so when I found this lying around, I figured you would enjoy it as payment." A small, almost invisible smile came over the face of Tobias as he picked it up and examined it. It was of high quality, higher than he had usually seen. He raised it to his lips and played a quick tune, the melody was soft, yet intense at the same time."This... this will do well as payment." Tobias said as he turned back to the old woman, only to find that she was nowhere to be seen. Tobias shook his head. "That woman is strange indeed. Rich too. Always a pleasure doing business for these things." Tobias stood up and stretched his arms. He picked up the flute once more. "This should bring in quite the shiny rupee!" With a final little song to himself, he placed it inside a satchel, attached it to his belt and left his room, locking it up tight.~Det

  15. OOC: This could be fun :3Username: DetranixCharacter Name: TobiasGender: MaleAge: 19Race: HylianDefault Equipment: L1 Sword, L1 ShieldBio: Tobias was abandoned by his parents, a cruel, (now deceased) rich couple who were disgusted by his longing for adventure and his bad attitude. He lived on the streets for years, stealing what he could, while at the same time developing his combat skills into the level they are now. Soon, Tobias had enough to begin his sword training. Years of training, nearly his entire life, has given him excellent skills, though being stressed 24/7 prevents him from accessing his true abilities. Tobias eventually decided to become a mercenary, both to help those who couldn’t help themselves, and bring in quite a pretty rupee at the same time. Yet, even with the riches he's amassed over the years, Tobias still longs for more in his life.Faction: NeutralCharacter Description: Tobias stands roughly 5’11”. He has long black hair with red streaks. Tobias has heterochromia, making his left eye yellow, and his right eye red. He has an athletic build from years of running and training. Beneath his gaunt and tired face is the face of a noble. He wears a black coat, underneath of which is light armor, allowing his agility to show.~Det

  16. IC: The Darkrai hovered over Mauville, surveying the destruction they had caused. Six silently hovered off to the side, being her silent self. She shot a look to Five, who tried to avoid her gaze, but had a solemn expression. Five knew that Six was up to something, he just hoped it didn't interfere with his own plans for Sombra. Buildings fell apart as Four and Two launched unnecessary attacks, something which got on the nerves of Three. One hung around Eight, both of them speaking silently to each other. Only Seven wasn't acting suspicious, merely humming to himself as he carelessly flew about.IC: Sombra's essence hovered in his dimensional prison. "It is only a matter of time before my plan goes into full motion.... And I will have no use for any of these pawns...." Sombra thought to himself. "My full escape is inevitable... And those three 'Chosen Ones' can't even stop me! They aren't meant to save the world... They're meant to help me destroy it! They think everything revolves around them... Just as they should, but messing with their memories is so much fun, they don't even know the full consequences of what they are about to do. My plans extend far beyond them... Each of these 'heroes' in the world, will soon find that there are bigger things to worry about each other, and even if I fail, my essence will go on, and I will continue my ultimate plan!" Sombra laughed as he imagined all of the possible outcomes of his grand plan."Why waste my energy and destroy them myself when I know that they will destroy each other for me?"IC: Seth wandered Unova, heading towards the Abyssal Ruins, guided by some ancient force. As he made his way forward, he suddenly fell to his knees, clutching his head in pain as memories flooded his head. "These.. Aren't mine! They can't be!" Seth gasped. He saw several people gathered around a table, but what was on the table he could not see. All he knew is that he was there. An electric shock snapped him back to reality as he saw Volt helping him to his feet. The Luxray looked into his trainer's eyes, a gaunt expression on its face. Lucario burst from its Poke Ball, looking over Seth."What is wrong, Master Longcoat?" Lucario asked telepathically."I'm fine," replied Seth. "And don't call me Master Longcoat.""My apologies, Master Longcoat," Lucario replied, a smug grin on his face. Lucario helped Seth walk a few steps, but Seth pushed himself away, trying to walk on his own. Lucario and Volt glanced at each other and nodded, trailing behind Seth as he walked onwards.~Det

  17. IC: Seth gazed around Dragonspiral Tower. He felt a faint connection to this place. 'Heh, like I haven't got enough things to deal with, now I have more connections?' Seth thought to himself with a chuckle."More than you think, Seth Vicens...." said a voice from behind him. Seth spun quickly, only to find nothing but his own shadow."Who are you?" asked Seth with a hiss. There was something dangerously familiar about whatever he was talking with."I am... a friend," the voice replied after a brief pause. "I know you seek to defeat Sombra and save your friends. I am here to help with that. You're going to need the plates, but Sombra does too.""How do you know who I am? How are you aware of all of this?" Seth questioned. Something was not right, yet he felt truth in the words of the being. A bright blue eye shone from his own shadow. Seth's eyes widened in shock as the outline of a Darkrai emerged from his shadow."I am one of the Ancient Darkrai," the creature said with a bow. "I am not supposed to be talking with you, but the others are not aware. The plate you seek is part of a key. If Sombra gets his hands on it, he will be near unstoppable. I fear the worst... But that is why you were chosen." The Darkrai began flying around, examining the tower."What?""The three of you aren't the only chosen. Many have been chosen in preparation, but it is upon your lifetime that Sombra should make his plan come into motion. The three of you can't do this alone, no matter what happens, you're going to need help. We are far stronger than any normal Legendary, and together, we are extremely dangerous.""So what am I supposed to do?""Make your way to the Abyssal Ruins, find the Draco Plate, then locate the others. By the time you have done so, the Darkrai will be on their way to Johto. That is where you must end it. You must stop them at Sinjoh ruins. If they can release Sombra, you must pray that you brought as many allies as you could. Once you have the last plate, you must leave Unova at once. If Sombra detects you back here... Terrible things will happen." The Darkrai began to fade away, looking worried. "I must leave, remember my words carefully, and share them with only the others...""Wait! What should I call you?" Seth called out."My name is.... Daseos." And with that, Seth was left alone."This isn't right... Is this really how things have to be?" Seth whispered, his head down. "I swear... I will find some way to end this all... And I can't let anyone get in the way..." His face solemn, he gripped his flute tightly in his hand and turned away, leaving Dragonspiral Tower behind him. He let his heart lead him east, as if guided by some past memory... "Things are getting confusing now... But I have a feeling I truly will need help this time..."IC: The Darkrai attacked Mauville like lightning striking a metal pole. They all struck at once, before beginning to spread out. They knew that the civilians were escaping, but they still found those that resisted. "How tiresome," yawned Eight as she blasted away several trainers. "Is Hoenn lacking any real challenge? I at least had some fun with that one human in Sinnoh... Surely, there should be someone of such strength in this region."~Det

  18. IC: Seth found himself standing before a massive tower. It had countless smaller towers spiraling upwards around a central tower covered in intricate and worn down carvings"Dragonspiral tower..." he muttered to himself. His eyes widened as he realized that he had no knowledge of this before. He searched his mind for an answer, but found that part of his mind seemed to be sealed away... "Whatever is going on... Maybe I can find an answer in here. If anywhere was to have the Draco plate, a place named 'Dragonspiral Tower' would be sure to have some sort of clue...." Seth slowly entered, never noticing the shadow behind him...~Det

  19. OOC: Skyward Sword does not help my usual activity :XIC: Seth arrived in Unova, but where he was, he had no idea. The Pokemon he saw we much different than the ones in the other regions, but the whole region itself was... strange. Seth felt a strange connection, as if he had been here before. "Why is this place so familiar to me? It's a calm region... Yet... It's as if I've been here all my life..."IC: The Darkrai continued to move east, spreading Darkness in their wake. Five had convinced the rest that they need not head south, figuring that most humans would have escaped from there already. Instead, they began their journey twards Mauville, where they intended to meet up with the female group and from there, head eastward until they had covered all of Hoenn in shadows. "So what are we gonna do next, Five?" asked Seven, floating around without a care."We cover this region in shadows, then report to Sombra," Five replied sternly."You're no fun," pouted Seven, crossing his arms. "And call him, Master, as we are supposed to, or I'm gonna tell on you.""You really think Sombra would dare try and strike me down?" hissed Five. "He knows well enough that I have a powerful ally.""HAD, a powerful ally, Five," said Four. "He's not with us anymore. Two and I have covered for you enough. Next time, you're on your own." Five looked down and continued on, saying nothing more.'I hope you still remember, old friend,' thought Five. 'You know what we have to do when the time comes...'~Det

  20. I played it a lot back in the day, but now I play SSF4 3D mostly, due to the lack of PS3/Xbox/Controller for PC. I'm more of a shoto-user, myself. But I can use a bit of Juri and Zangief. Ryu, Akuma and Dan are my main three. Especially Dan.I made a pro ragequit when I was playing as Dan once. Best. Day. Ever. Plus it was my first double K.O :3~Det

  21. IC: Seth and Kinali found themselves bound by darkness. Shade walked around them, looking down on them with disgust. "You two have been a thorn in my side for long enough! But Master has uses for you... And what Master wants, I must obey."'Yeah? Well this thorn is about to take you down!' Seth thought to himself. Seth suddenly felt something moving around in his coat, as the Zap Plate began floating upwards... Into the hands of Shade. "Wha-what?""Excellent," said Shade, placing the plate in his suit. "This leaves only two more plates... And you are going to find them for me, Seth.""And why should I do that?" Seth spat. Shade smiled his devious smile and snapped his fingers. Several Ghost Pokemon appeared, carrying the unconscious form of Bria. "BRIA! Shade, you-""You WILL find these plates for me, or else your precious Bria... will die. Your friend will be staying with us as well, unfortunately!" Shade laughed as Kinali was dragged into the darkness. Seth called out, as the darkness faded away, Kinali with it. "You will go to Unova, and you will retrieve the last plates." Shade opened a portal and released Seth. Seth immediately charged at Shade, only to be batted away. "Not a smart move. Now go." Seth reluctantly rose to his feet and headed through the portal, his eyes staring into those of Shade."I'll be back. And I won't be alone..." Seth promised."We'll be waiting...." said a voice much different from that of Shade. "Your home has fallen, and Hoenn will fall as well. You stand no chance..."~Det

  22. IC: As Four prepared to destroy Rustboro, he was suddenly blasted by Five. "Ugh! Insolent-""Enough," said Five. "Leave them, they are of no consequence to us.""Are you getting soft, Five?" hissed Four, as he flew over to his brother, trying to use his larger size to intimidate him. Five stood his ground, unfazed."Use your brain, you fool, if we destroy everyone here, we have no way to gain power!" Five replied simply. Four raised his hand to strike back, but knew that Five was right, no matter how much he wanted to end his brother. Four looked at the humans, a look of disgust on him."Worms..." the Darkrai said, as the four of them began to move on, the darkness around them still spreading.~Det

  23. IC: The Darkrai in Rustboro were now unamused by the resistance, and Four was going to take it into his own hands to end it himself. Four began gathering his energy into a massive Shadow Ball attack. Seven giggled. "This is gonna do some damage~!" Five silently motioned for the others to ignore the humans. "Good thing we aren't so fragile," snorted Two. "The moment that attack hits, there's gonna be a bit of a mess." ~Det

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